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[The Netherlands] RealOTs 7.7 custom client. Launching soon! Playable from the USA!

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Please dont whine about the red skull/frags, its supposed to be an RPG server not some war server. Just leave this server alone if you want it to be a warserver. Ruuska keep in mind that the some parts of the community does not think in long terms, most of these noobs whining is thinking about whats best for them at the moment, what will give them an easier gameplay etc.. Don't make the same mistake as Iryont did. You should make the rules and stick to your own ideas etc, I do assume, that you have done alot more thinking about this server than most of the ones making all these proposals etc..

Well we cant change the fact that the fragsystem is rediculous..
"it's rpg server not war server" seems to be the only argument these people have, ye lets not change anything to the better cuz its rpg not war server hey lets just remove pvp and put in non pvp cuz it's an rpg server not war server anyway, right?
It's about planing your frags etc, if you want to pk or waring like freaks you should go to another server.

The fragsystem is not rediculous, why do you think CIPSOFT used this fragsystem? I mean.. This server died last time becouse of serveral things, but mainly becouse of the community.. But lets make the same mistake again? :)
dont higher the lootrate of items please let us feel oldschool looot. Just change the gold drop to 2x so we will be able to have back cash for mfs in about 60-70% from just gold and always 1 - 2 extra rare items will make us profit.
Will knights have exura gran?
dont higher the lootrate of items please let us feel oldschool looot. Just change the gold drop to 2x so we will be able to have back cash for mfs in about 60-70% from just gold and always 1 - 2 extra rare items will make us profit.
Will knights have exura gran?

Kidding me?? Not everyone want to exp 5h and make 10k profit, or am I wrong?
Yeah and someone might actually manage to create aimbot, so we might as well add that aswell.

Don’t be ridiculous. There is a huge difference between aimbot and lighthack. Lighthack will give people an advantage in tombs and caves, because you wont see them, but they see you. SD/mwall will be hopeless.

And how long time does it really take to create lighthack compared to aimbot? Lighthack takes like hmm… 10-20 minutes. A proper aimbot could take months.
From my tibianic and old realots experience (hosted by Iroynt) almost everyone had lighthack. Lighthack doesn’t really affect the game like aimbot does anyway. It´s just to update the client from time to time and no one will ever be able to use any kind of aimbot.
Kidding me?? Not everyone want to exp 5h and make 10k profit, or am I wrong?
This server is long term ,not some fucking orshabaal where you profit all the time. We dont need shit like you. CYA
Still, 1,5x lootrate wont make it an orshabaal OT at all. Just make it the same like it was at Dennis his first Realots Ruuska, I'm sure everyone would love that :)
So you are working on this project for months and 24h before launch there isn't even a website.
Im sure you will forget something and shit will get fucked up because you overrushed.
at 2x gold drop rate as far as i remember on about 10-12bp mfs u had 6k or more cash in gold from dragons so jsut 1+ rrare like dragon shield or so and u got already back for your hunt. Same at hydras you will have insane cash in just gold at 2x gold drop rate.
IF Ruuska wants long term serv ,he will put 2x gold and 1x lootrate,
So you are working on this project for months and 24h before launch there isn't even a website.
Im sure you will forget something and shit will get fucked up because you overrushed.
There is a website, I've already told you guys at several occasions that we've worked on a sub-domain last weeks. We're implementing it to our domain soon enough. About loot rate, It will be higher than 1x, but not higher than 1.5x, it'll be as "balanced" as possible. Not real tibia slow, but not like high rate ot's. In my personal opinion, Dennis had it quite good at the first period of RealOTs. You could make profit, but not millions.

Rare items will be rare!
haha not milions. 1x please and 2x loot gold. Will knight have exura gran ruski?
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