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[UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online

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Tibiantis hasn't "evolved" to anything, it is what it has always been. Venezuelans were present on the server since day 1, there are no more or less of them now. In fact their share in the community is constant, which is just about less than 20% on average (depending on the time of day, atm it's 18/127 = ~14%, and some of them are non-mage vocations).

Players are making runes? Sure, how else do you imagine a 7.4 server? There's no runes from NPCs, all the runes have to be made by players. Everyone makes runes sometimes, it has always been big part of the old Tibia. Most of those promoted characters below level 20 are 'normal' active players, who have main characters as well, and they just make runes semi-afk on their alt chars whenever they can. Implying that players who make runes are not actual (or worthy) players is like negating the whole existence of Tibia 7.4. Also, there's always less online and smaller activity overall during war times, and during holidays as well.

Tibiantis hasn't changed so much as you think, I can tell you that I've been reading such posts about Venezuelans, runemakers, everyone quitting etc. since its first weeks, and people were always bringing up the online list to "prove" their point. You can even go back 100, 80 or 60 pages here, in this topic, to see. Four years, three years... the same discussions and the same arguments, literally. The point is that it usually doesn't reflect the actual state of the server, but the author's personal attitude (e.g. their own boredom). Some players get bored and quit or take a break, others come back, that's also normal, and so are the fluctuations in population numbers. We have been witnessing this since the very beginning. 💁‍♂️

Anyway, merry Christmas everyone

But the point is, what you telling me about runes. Yes, there are no npcs. But venezuelans are not selling runes to make tibia money, they survive in real because they sell their runes for real money.
So people who are willing to spend more of their real cash, will have a bigger advantage than people who dont.

It wouldnt be a problem if the venezuelans sell their runes only to have advantages in tibia. But no, they sell them to have advantages in real life.
But the point is, what you telling me about runes. Yes, there are no npcs. But venezuelans are not selling runes to make tibia money, they survive in real because they sell their runes for real money.
So people who are willing to spend more of their real cash, will have a bigger advantage than people who dont.

It wouldnt be a problem if the venezuelans sell their runes only to have advantages in tibia. But no, they sell them to have advantages in real life.
The point is that said "problem" only exists in your head. First of all, money can always give you advantage, to some extent, in any game. Especially MMO, and even more especially in Tibia and any other OT. This isn't exclusive to Tibantis like you're constantly trying to picture it.

Secondly, you literally said that Tibiantis has "turned into" a server with ONLY Venezuelans and a group of high levels, and you brought up the number of characters with promotion below level 20 as a "proof". That's what you claimed originally, but it's NOT true AT ALL. For two reasons, which I've already mentioned and I'll mention them again, since you've appareantly missed it.

One, their (Venezuelans) part is NOT any bigger now than it used to be. They've been present on the server since the very beginning, and their share of the population has been more or less constant along the years. Two, it is not anywhere near as big as you claim. Again, they make just about less than 20% of the online, at most. The vast majorty of players online is, and has always been, Polish, at any hour. As I'm writing this post there are 117 characters online, of which 4 are from Venezuela (literally: four). Yes, it's 7 am for them now, but in their peak hour they won't make more than 20% of the online number. Even at 3 am in Europe (10 pm in Venezuela) there's still way more Polish players online. Nothing has changed in that matter over the years. If anything, there was a time around 2020/21 when there used to be more of them (mostly during nights), but as we have increased the effectiveness of catching cheaters (especially multi-clients), their number went down and has remained at a stable level for a long time already.

Also, the "chars with promotion under lvl 20 since they die often and dont exp anymore after they bought promotion" that you brought up - almost all of them are active players who just make runes for themselves whenever they can. They use alt chars for that not to risk any loss in case of dying to afk killers. It's Tibia 7.4, and the only source of runes is runemaking, so OBVIOUSLY there are always many players who make runes. Everyone does it sometimes, and it doesn't make them Venezuelan or less worthy players. Runemaking is literally PART OF THE OLD TIBIA.

I checked the online list specifically from the moment you wrote that claim (Tuesday 11:13 CET). There were 26 such characters online at the time, of which only 4 were Venezuelan. The majority (17) was as always Polish, and the rest from other countries. 22 out of those 26 players are not just runemakers, they DO have main chars that they play on. Four of them were around level 30-40, eight around level 50-70, six around level 100-110, and four above 120. As you can see, there are some mid levels, too.

You are just making up claims that have no basis in fact, at all. If you don't want to play, then don't play. You really don't have to look for reasons and blame it on Venezuelans, Jews, Indians or Martians. It's a matter of your own mindset and only your choice not to play. Also, using something that has always been present in basically every MMO (including Tibia) as a reason not to play Tibiantis, and repeating it over and over, is ridiculous. But it also shows that Tibiantis must be setting high standards, if it's so hard to think of a better reason.
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. This thread has just become the 2nd biggest thread in the otland history today (!), which demonstrates great interest in THIS server. Yet, 90% of all those pages is complaining about everything and coming up with reasons not to play. Because Ankrahmun, because update, because too many players, because queues for spawns, because too few players, because Venezuelans, because pk, because lured giant spider, because they stole my lootbag... OMG. One would think that today's players must be able to see things from different perspectives, but this really allows us to go back in time and feel how Cip must have felt 20 years ago.
*because no north-american central good/decent-ping worldwide host for the lads 😭😭😭 rip
Guys, dont turn the guys thread into a shit show. He is literally running a decent server and as he claims, tibia back then was harsh. Streamers get abused and followed in current tibia too, even hunted. Cipsofts reply to this is take arms and fight your abusers. The older protocol is actually a place where you can do this.
Guys, dont turn the guys thread into a shit show. He is literally running a decent server and as he claims, tibia back then was harsh. Streamers get abused and followed in current tibia too, even hunted. Cipsofts reply to this is take arms and fight your abusers. The older protocol is actually a place where you can do this.
yeah guys, just fight those 24/7 nolifers who have nothing else to do but be psychopath on the internet, 15 hours online on teamspeak 7 days a week, have fun beating it having life at the same time