• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Ver. 0.1.0 - Gesior ITEM/PACC Shop (PHP+LUA) for TFS

Gesior I have a problem.

When I try to Add Samples to DB, Apache Server shuts down :S

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 392
Last edited by a moderator:
[07/02/2009 18:54:01] Warning: [Event::loadScript] Can not load script. data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua
[07/02/2009 18:54:01] cannot open data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua: No such file or directory

Pls help me .. ;/
Gesior, Gesior Gesior.. Can you please help some of us with this:

When I'm buying an item from my Donation shop, it says "You will get it after you relog", But i don't get it after i relog. It just says "Not reliazed yet".

Can you help me/us?
Doesn't work for me.. you can use the same pin again, and again, and again, etc.. Can't you make it in database, like that you add a table

 CREATE TABLE `z_shop_checkpin`(
`account_id` INT NOT NULL,
`pin` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

and a PHP line so it will check from database if the PIN is used?
In my case re-installing Xampp solved the Programm. You propably have to install it in C:/Xampp/ and not C:/Program Files/Xampp or sth just let it install without changing sth. Then you have to use the old buypoints.php script. Then it should work.
Here is the buypoints.php I use:

####################       CONFIG      ###################################################
#aktywacja dotpay oraz dostepych systemow platnosci, wartosci: true / false
$config['dotpay'] = array();
$config['dotpay_active'] = false; #active dotpay system?
$config['dotpay_active_sms'] = true; #active dotpay system?
$config['dotpay_active_transfer'] = true; #active dotpay system?
# przykladowy konfig dla SMS
$config['dotpay'][0]['id'] = 21468;       # numer ID zarejestrowanego klienta
$config['dotpay'][0]['code'] = "DEB3"; # identyfikator uslug SMS
$config['dotpay'][0]['type'] = "sms";   # typ konta: C1 - 8 znakowy kod bezobslugowy, sms - dla sprawdzania SMSow
$config['dotpay'][0]['addpoints'] = 100; # ile premium punktow daje dany sms
$config['dotpay'][0]['sms_number'] = 73068; # numer na jaki nalezy wyslac kod
$config['dotpay'][0]['sms_text'] = "AP.DEB3"; # tresc jaka ma byc w SMSie
$config['dotpay'][0]['sms_cost'] = "3.66 zl brutto"; # cena za wyslanie sms
# przykladowy konfig dla przelewu bankowego/karty kredytowej
$config['dotpay'][1]['id'] = 21468;       # numer ID zarejestrowanego klienta
$config['dotpay'][1]['code'] = "DEBT"; # identyfikator uslug SMS
$config['dotpay'][1]['type'] = "C1";   # typ konta: C1 - 8 znakowy kod bezobslugowy, sms - dla sprawdzania SMSow
$config['dotpay'][1]['addpoints'] = 400; # ile premium punktow daje dany sms
$config['dotpay'][1]['sms_number'] = ""; # numer na jaki nalezy wyslac kod
$config['dotpay'][1]['sms_text'] = "DEBT"; # tresc jaka ma byc w SMSie
$config['dotpay'][1]['sms_cost'] = "5 zl brutto"; # cena za wyslanie sms
# activation of DaoPay system
$config['daopay'] = array();
$config['daopay_active'] = true; #active daopay system?
# example config for daopay
$config['daopay'][0]['appcode'] = XXXXX; #
$config['daopay'][0]['prodcode'] = 'XXXX'; #
$config['daopay'][0]['addpoints'] = '50'; #
$config['daopay'][0]['cost'] = "1 euro inc. VAT"; #
function save_trans($file, $acc, $code)
	$hak = fopen($file, "a");
	fwrite($hak, $code.'='.$acc.'

function check_code_daopay($appcode, $prodcode, $pin)
	$handle = fopen("http://DaoPay.com/svc/PINcheck?appcode=".$appcode."&subkey=".$prodcode."&pin=".$pin, 'r');
	if ($handle)
	    $status = fgets($handle, 128);
		if($status[0] == 'o' && $status[1] == 'k')
			$return = 1;
			$return = 2;
		$return = 3;
	return $return;

function check_code_dotpay($code, $posted_code, $user_id, $type)
	$handle = fopen("http://dotpay.pl/check_code.php?id=".$user_id."&code=".$code."&check=".$posted_code."&type=".$type."&del=0", 'r');
    $status = fgets($handle, 8);
    $czas_zycia = fgets($handle, 24);
    $czas_zycia = rtrim($czas_zycia);
	return array($status, $czas_zycia);

function delete_code_dotpay($code, $posted_code, $user_id, $type)
	$handle = fopen("http://dotpay.pl/check_code.php?id=".$user_id."&code=".$code."&check=".$posted_code."&type=".$type."&del=1", 'r');

function add_points(OTS_Account $account, $number_of_points)
		$account->setCustomField('premium_points', ($account->getCustomField('premium_points')+$number_of_points));
		return true;
		return false;

if ($_REQUEST['system'] == 'daopay' && $config['daopay_active'])
$offer_id = (int) $_POST['offer_id'];
$posted_pincode = trim($_POST['pincode']);
$to_user = trim($_POST['to_user']);
$verify_code = trim($_POST['verify_code']);
		$account = new OTS_Account();
		$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = $player->getAccount();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
		$errors[] = 'Please enter your PIN code.';
		$errors[] = 'Account/account of player with this name doesn\'t exist.';
	if(count($errors) == 0)
		if($config['site']['verify_code_shop'] == 'yes')
			//check verification code
			$string = strtoupper($_SESSION['string']);
			$userstring = strtoupper($verify_code);
			$_SESSION['string'] = mt_rand(1,99999);
				$errors[] = "Code from verification image in session is empty, try again.";
					$errors[] = "Please enter code from verification image.";
					if($string != $userstring)
						$errors[] = "Code from verification image is wrong.";
		if(count($errors) == 0)
			$code_info = check_code_daopay($config['daopay'][$offer_id]['appcode'], $config['daopay'][$offer_id]['prodcode'], $posted_pincode);
			if($code_info == 3)
				$errors[] = 'Server has problem with connection to daopay.com, can\'t verify PIN code.';
			elseif($code_info == 2)
				$errors[] = 'Wrong PIN code, try to enter code again.';
			elseif($code_info == 1)
				if(add_points($account, $config['daopay'][$offer_id]['addpoints']))
					save_trans('trans/daopay.log', $account->getId(), $posted_pincode);
					$main_content .= '<h2><font color="red">Good PIN code. Added '.$config['daopay'][$offer_id]['addpoints'].' Premium Points to account of: '.$to_user.' !</font></h2>';
					$errors[] = 'Error occured, try again.';
if(count($errors) > 0)
	$main_content .= '<font color="red"><b>Errors occured:</b></font>';
	foreach($errors as $error)
		$main_content .= '<br />* '.$error;
	$main_content .= '<hr /><hr />';
$main_content .= 'Buy Premium Points. For this points you can buy pacc/items in Shop. To buy points:<br />
1. Visit one of our pages and donate us (send SMS/call special number).<br />
2. After donate daopay.com will show you PIN code.<br />
3. Save somewhere this PIN code and open this page again.<br />
4. Enter your character name or account and your PIN code in form below.<br />
5. Select donation cost from list and press "Check Code".<br />
6. If account and PIN code is valid you get premium points.<br />
7. Open "Shop Offer" and buy items/pacc :)<br />
<font color="red"><b>Our pages:</b></font>';
foreach($config['daopay'] as $offer)
	$main_content .= '<br /><b>* Address <font color="red"><a href="https://daopay.com/svc/pay.svc?tidkey='.urlencode($offer['appcode']).'&subkey='.urlencode($offer['prodcode']).'">https://daopay.com/svc/pay.svc?tidkey='.$offer['appcode'].'&subkey='.$offer['prodcode'].'</a></font> - <font color="red"><b>'.$offer['cost'].'</b></font> - <font color="red"><b>'.$offer['addpoints'].'</b></font> premium points</b>';
$main_content .= '<hr /><form action="index.php?subtopic=buypoints&system=daopay" method="POST"><table>';
$main_content .= '<tr><td><b>Player name or account number: </b></td><td><input type="text" size="20" value="'.$to_user.'" name="to_user" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>PIN code: </b></td<td><input type="text" size="20" value="'.$posted_pincode.'" name="pincode" /></td></tr><tr><td><b>Offer type: </b></td><td><select name="offer_id">';
foreach($config['daopay'] as $id => $offer)
	$main_content .= '<option value="'.$id.'">'.$offer['prodcode'].' - cost '.$offer['cost'].' - points '.$offer['addpoints'].'</option>';
$main_content .= '</select></td></tr>';
if($config['site']['verify_code_shop'] == 'yes')
		$main_content .= '<tr><td><B>Verify code: </B></td><td><img src="imgverification/imagebuilder.php?image_refresher='.mt_rand(1,99999).'" border="0" alt=""></td></tr>
						  <tr><td><B>Enter verify code: </B></td><td><INPUT id="verify" NAME="verify_code" VALUE="" SIZE=30></td></tr>';
$main_content .= '<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Check Code" /></td></tr></table></form>';
elseif ($_REQUEST['system'] == 'dotpay' && $config['dotpay_active'])
$sms_type = (int) $_POST['sms_type'];
$posted_code = trim($_POST['code']);
$to_user = trim($_POST['to_user']);
$verify_code = trim($_POST['verify_code']);
		$account = new OTS_Account();
		$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = $player->getAccount();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
		$errors[] = 'Prosze wpisac kod z SMSa/przelewu.';
		$errors[] = 'Konto/konto postaci o podanym nicku nie istnieje.';
	if(count($errors) == 0)
		if($config['site']['verify_code_shop'] == 'yes')
			//check verification code
			$string = strtoupper($_SESSION['string']);
			$userstring = strtoupper($verify_code);
			$_SESSION['string'] = mt_rand(1,99999);
				$errors[] = "Kod z obrazka weryfikacyjnego w sesji jest pusty, sproboj ponownie.";
					$errors[] = "Prosze wpisac kod z obrazka weryfikacyjnego.";
					if($string != $userstring)
						$errors[] = "Kod z obrazka weryfikacyjnego jest niepoprawny.";
		if(count($errors) == 0)
			$code_info = check_code_dotpay($config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['code'], $posted_code, $config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['id'], $config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['type']);
			if($code_info[0] == 0)
				$errors[] = 'Podany kod z SMSa/przelewu jest niepoprawny lub wybrano zla opcje SMSa/przelewu.';
				if(add_points($account, $config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['addpoints']))
					save_trans('trans/dotpay.log', $account->getId(), $posted_code);
					$code_info = delete_code_dotpay($config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['code'], $posted_code, $config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['id'], $config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['type']);
					$main_content .= '<h1><font color="red">Dodano '.$config['dotpay'][$sms_type]['addpoints'].' punktow premium do konta: '.$to_user.' !</font></h1>';
					$errors[] = 'Wystapil blad podczas dodawania punktow do konta, sproboj ponownie.';
if(count($errors) > 0)
	$main_content .= 'Wystapily bledy:';
	foreach($errors as $error)
		$main_content .= '<br />* '.$error;
	$main_content .= '<hr /><hr />';
	$main_content .= '<h2>SMS</h2>Kup punkty premium, mozesz je wymienic w sklepie OTSa na PACC/przedmioty w grze, aby zakupic punkty premium wyslij SMSa:';
	foreach($config['dotpay'] as $sms)
		if($sms['type'] == 'sms')
			$main_content .= '<br /><b>* Na numer <font color="red">'.$sms['sms_number'].'</font> o tresci <font color="red"><b>'.$sms['sms_text'].'</b></font> za <font color="red"><b>'.$sms['sms_cost'].'</b></font>, a za kod dostaniesz <font color="red"><b>'.$sms['addpoints'].'</b></font> punktow premium.</b>';
	$main_content .= '<br />W SMSie zwrotnym otrzymasz specjalny kod. Wpisz ten kod w formularzu wraz z nickiem postaci lub numerem konta osoby ktora ma otrzymac punkty.<br />
	Serwis SMS obslugiwany przez <a href="http://www.dotpay.pl" target="_blank">Dotpay.pl</a><br />
	Regulamin: <a href="http://www.dotpay.pl/regulaminsms" target="_blank">http://www.dotpay.pl/regulaminsms</a><br />
	Usluga dostepna w sieciach: Orange, Plus GSM, Era.<br />
	<b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b> nie odpowieda za zle wpisane tresci SMS.<hr />';
	$main_content .= '<h2>Przelew/karta kredytowa</h2>Kup punkty premium, mozesz je wymienic w sklepie OTSa na PACC/przedmioty w grze, aby zakupic punkty premium wejdz na jeden z adresow i wypelnij formularz:';
	foreach($config['dotpay'] as $przelew)
		if($przelew['type'] == 'C1')
			$main_content .= '<br /><b>* Adres - <a href="https://ssl.allpay.pl/?id='.$przelew['id'].'&code='.$przelew['code'].'"><font color="red">https://ssl.allpay.pl/?id='.$przelew['id'].'&code='.$przelew['code'].'</font></a> - koszt <font color="red"><b>'.$przelew['sms_cost'].'</b></font>, a za kod dostaniesz <font color="red"><b>'.$przelew['addpoints'].'</b></font> punktow premium.</b>';
	$main_content .= 'Kiedy Twoj przelew dojdzie (z kart kredytowych i bankow internetowych z listy jest to kwestia paru sekund) na e-mail ktory podales w formularzu otrzymasz kod. Kod ten mozesz wymienic na tej stronie na punkty premium w formularzu ponizej.<hr />';
$main_content .= '<form action="index.php?subtopic=buypoints&system=dotpay" method="POST"><table>';
$main_content .= '<tr><td><b>Nick postaci lub numer konta: </b></td><td><input type="text" size="20" value="'.$to_user.'" name="to_user" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Kod z SMSa: </b></td<td><input type="text" size="20" value="'.$posted_code.'" name="code" /></td></tr><tr><td><b>Typ wyslanego SMSa: </b></td><td><select name="sms_type">';
foreach($config['dotpay'] as $id => $sms)
	if($sms['type'] == 'sms')
		$main_content .= '<option value="'.$id.'">numer '.$sms['sms_number'].' - kod '.$sms['sms_text'].' - SMS za '.$sms['sms_cost'].'</option>';
	elseif($przelew['type'] == 'C1')
		$main_content .= '<option value="'.$id.'">przelew - kod '.$sms['sms_text'].' - za '.$sms['sms_cost'].'</option>';
$main_content .= '</select></td></tr>';
if($config['site']['verify_code_shop'] == 'yes')
		$main_content .= '<tr><td><B>Kod weryfikacji: </B></td><td><img src="imgverification/imagebuilder.php?image_refresher='.mt_rand(1,99999).'" border="0" alt=""></td></tr>
						  <tr><td><B>Wpisz kod weryfikacji: </B></td><td><INPUT id="verify" NAME="verify_code" VALUE="" SIZE=30></td></tr>';
$main_content .= '<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Sprawdz" /></td></tr></table></form>';

		$main_content .= '<br /><br /><a href="index.php?subtopic=buypoints&system=dotpay"><h2>For users from Poland - LINK</h2></a><h3>Zaplac SMS, karta kredytowa lub przelewem bankowym.</h3>';
		$main_content .= '<br /><br /><a href="index.php?subtopic=buypoints&system=daopay"><h2>For all users - LINK</h2></a><h3>Send SMS (not for all countries) or call special number to donate and get points.</h3>';


Your's ballack13
I can't seem to get the server to connect to the database(atleast not the trans. history), I get my items ingame but still it says: You did not buy/receive any item or PACC.

A little help, please?

(using tfs 0.3b3)