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VIP Nightmare room?

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Q of Death

I've had enough...
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
USA, Westland, Michigan... yep, it sucks here...
Nightmares are getting crowded with a bunch of nobodys and noobs, and it's getting really annoying. I mean I used to get way more levels, but now unless I'm up at 2am I have to run around stealing nightmares from people to level up becasue ALL THE GOOD SPOTS ARE TAKEN.

Since you pretty much have to pay 20 bucks to use the room, why not whip up a vip nightmare spawn? it seems like a natural addition to the patch that comming out to me, and it would make it easier for everyone to have a spot to level. Just a suggestion...
Everytime i see someone in nigthmares thats not my friend, i kill him.
PKing is a part of my hunt, also gives XP :)
Nightmares are getting crowded with a bunch of nobodys and noobs, and it's getting really annoying. I mean I used to get way more levels, but now unless I'm up at 2am I have to run around stealing nightmares from people to level up becasue ALL THE GOOD SPOTS ARE TAKEN.

Since you pretty much have to pay 20 bucks to use the room, why not whip up a vip nightmare spawn? it seems like a natural addition to the patch that comming out to me, and it would make it easier for everyone to have a spot to level. Just a suggestion...

You should stop complaining. I got 550 Before he made it easy as shit to get. =| And before nightmares even existed.

Go Try wisps or something~
You should stop complaining. I got 550 Before he made it easy as shit to get. =| And before nightmares even existed.

Go Try wisps or something~

You're point is? A VIP Nightmare spawn seems reasonable, sense there seems to be alot of people there (and hide in the pz parts alot of the time)Right now theres no point in buying VIP since the most of xp is in FREE Nightmares.

Good Job....

if they have the armor to and you.. you both hunt there.. so wy do you have the right to call them noob? so you are a noob too.
the place is not ONLY for you yes?

thank you :p
hmmm, lot of people seem not to get my point... Ignore my whining, My idea is valid and unrrelated. It just seems like an obvious thing to do, you already have to pay to fight in nightmares, it's a popular spawn, why not make another one? Who could that possibly upset? It could only be beneficial to the server....
I'd prefer new monsters instead
You don't even play Cyntara...

On topic: They've been added. They will be put in after the new patch.

Suggestion Implemented. Closed.
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