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Weed? Grass? Get off your ass...

nice comeback, i was actually waiting for sumthing a lil more insulting.
but i wudnt blame my stupidity on weed, tbh with u.

Correct, weed can't be the only reason why you're so stupid. There must be another main reason. Might have to do with your wannabe thug attitude ;)
Correct, weed can't be the only reason why you're so stupid. There must be another main reason. Might have to do with your wannabe thug attitude ;)

honestly, i dont talk shit abt women i got enough self respect to not hafta.
so i mean keep talkin shit, idc jus msg me when ur off ur pms.
Didn't see this post, what FACT says it destroys your brain? Are you hinting on the "research" they made on monkeys? Where they actualy put on gas masks on the monkey and gave them 100% smoke which choked the monkeys since they did not get any oxygen. And what happens when you are getting choked towards death? Your brain start taking serious damage.

This is the problem really, about you "ANTI" guys, you don't know any facts, and the facts you do know, are often based on the fact that it's already Illegal or propaganda research from many years ago. I suggest you start researching on the more "stable" sources such as WHO(World Health Organisation)
You can find their ful research agenda here:

Also source on the monkey thing:
Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Rhesus Monkey I. Plasma Cannabinoid and Blood Carboxyhemoglobin Concentrations and Clinical Chemistry Parameters — Toxicol Sci
Opposing Views: A test done on monkeys?

So please. Mr. Maverick,
Don't come to this thread with your morale propaganda and start looking up what you are commenting.

lol you are pathetic. I was in no way talking about any of the things you have stated, the monkey research and all that bullshit. See this is the problem with all you people that support it. You will find something that is "the underdog" and try to defend it by saying they we dont know what we are talking about. I pity you mate. My friend are in the study of neurology (study of the brain) and they have the research of its effects there. Not this monkey bullshit you are talking about. You idiots that have no information are still on the ancient fact of "weed killing brain cells" lol. If you have actually done real research you would know a hell of a lot more than this mate. Gratz 5 seconds to get links on google, want me to do it to?

Marijuana - InfoFacts - NIDA

Marijuana Abuse - Research Report Series - NIDA

EDIT: http://www.suite101.com/content/brain-damage-and-marijuana-a115010

Get your head out of your ass and do the research buddy. My "propaganda" is merely a fact of my life, and I want to share it with people to help them understand it, because it ruined the lives of people I love...
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Well, Weed cure cancer.

THC (marijuana) helps cure cancer says Harvard study | NowPublic News Coverage
Weed Cures Cancer!
Marijuana Use in Supportive Care for Cancer - National Cancer Institute

Weed improve creativity too.

Unfortunatly weed reduce reaction (witch make it bad for driving), but so does nikotin and alcohol too. Weed does kill brain cells, but again, so does most chemicals (even the things they spray on the food), diffrence is how MUCH it affect your brain, and here I'd have to say that a beer kill way more then 1G THC does.
cake, I don't think it's a direct effect that you get, rather later. I think for a fact, not sure. But I think you become slower when you smoke weed, I have a friend that smoke every day, he's not normal, I can tell you that.

But smoking a spliff once won't affect you your body nor brain directly, it'll give you an effect and dissapear, but what I've heard. You can suffer from paranoia in the future and get hallucinations.

Thats true, paranoia, hallucinations and sweating like hell in some areas. For example, (your hands) they'll be so wet you can put them on your hair and it'll be drenched, thats how much sweat I'm talking about.
honestly, i dont talk shit abt women i got enough self respect to not hafta.
so i mean keep talkin shit, idc jus msg me when ur off ur pms.

maybe you don't talk shit about women, but you talk shit about everything else, so that doesn't really save your ass :)
Hahaha funny guy indeed,
The fact that it destroys your brain and affects the people around you physically and indirectly through neglect. These aren't my opinions buddy, these are the facts. So who the hell are you to put killing yourself and drug abuse in different categories? Only real difference is that it will kill you slowly and most likely hurt other people in the process.
lol you are pathetic. I was in no way talking about any of the things you have stated, the monkey research and all that bullshit. See this is the problem with all you people that support it. You will find something that is "the underdog" and try to defend it by saying they we dont know what we are talking about. I pity you mate. My friend are in the study of neurology (study of the brain) and they have the research of its effects there. Not this monkey bullshit you are talking about. You idiots that have no information are still on the ancient fact of "weed killing brain cells" lol. If you have actually done real research you would know a hell of a lot more than this mate. Gratz 5 seconds to get links on google, want me to do it to?

Marijuana - InfoFacts - NIDA

Marijuana Abuse - Research Report Series - NIDA

EDIT: Brain Damage and Marijuana: Medical Evidence That Drug Use and Abuse is Harmful

Get your head out of your ass and do the research buddy. My "propaganda" is merely a fact of my life, and I want to share it with people to help them understand it, because it ruined the lives of people I love...

Hahaha funny guy indeed, first of all, the "monkey research and all that bullshit" is actually very dangerous, that some countries(Atleast Sweden) is using this stuff as their research. I'm not finding anything that is underdog, im simply telling you the truth. And about your friend that studied this, can you please post some of your friends research instead of posting a link from an addiction page where this is like the first thing you see
Marijuana users who have taken large doses of the drug may experience an acute psychosis, which includes hallucinations, delusions, and a loss of the sense of personal identity.
Hahahah that just makes me laugh, can you please support youre writings with something more neutral in the question.

This is the list of consequenses of marijuana abuse
Consequences of Marijuana Abuse

Acute (present during intoxication)
Impairs short-term memory
Impairs attention, judgment, and other cognitive functions
Impairs coordination and balance
Increases heart rate
Psychotic episodes
So basically, this is stuff that MAY happen while under the impact of cannabis, as well as it might happen when sober. The cannabis is not the creator of the "Increased heart rate" or "Psychotic episodes", the only thing that makes this comparable is that the feelings gets stronger under the influence which causes fear, love, happiness etc stronger.
Persistent (lasting longer than intoxication, but may not be permanent)
Impairs memory and learning skills
Sleep impairment
I like how they pushes in "But may not be permanent" in there, becouse nothing of the statements above any of the bigger marijuana research projects has brought up. The only thing I can think if is the Memory and learning skills, the problem here is that it is not long-term in any way, so you can loose some of your short-time memory for a week top.
Long-term (cumulative effects of chronic abuse)
Can lead to addiction
Increases risk of chronic cough, bronchitis
Increases risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals
May increase risk of anxiety, depression, and amotivational syndrome*
Okay first to addiction.
Fact: Marijuana is not physically addicting. Medical studies rank marijuana as less habit forming than caffeine. The legal drugs of tobacco (nicotine) and alcohol can be as addicting as heroin or cocaine, but marijuana is one of the least habit forming substances known.
Increases risk of chronic cough, brochitis. Obviously anything you smoke does this, no matter if its just wood you're smoking or if it is tabacco or marijuana. Even if you just smoke some tea or something, its the same thing.

Increases risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals, this is actually a problem, altho people who are psychologically weak should not use any types of drugs whatsoever, except medecine that helps for their condition.

Over and Out
PS. I base all my thoughts and facts on both real research and my own experience, not some addiction site.
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Well, how is "it's dangerous" a good argument for keeping it illigal? It's a horrible argument because it can be used against almost everything. Suger is bad, nikotin is bad, coffeine is bad, acidic food is bad for your kidneys, same goes for all food with traces of bug spray, air in the cities are mildly poisones. Etc.

If we forbid cities, cars, tobacco, alcohol, suger, transfat, coffee, juice and all non-organic fruit. Then I will be supporting the argument of keeping Cannabis illigal. Otherwise, I don't see that "It's dangerous" is a good argument.

Cannabis (Hemp) was originally banned because nothing could compeat against products made by it. Shirts, ropes etc, and the wool and Cotton industry lost money. In order to counter act making them lose money, Hemp was forbidden. And forbidding a product just because it's better and/or cheaper then it's counter parts are absolutly not a good market argument.
it's funny how 80% of the people post here without having tried weed, basing their information on the internet lol

even more funny that everyone who is basing their "facts" on the internet adds to their post that they are talking out of experiences made by others or whatever

example of maverick: "That is what I have witness and believe." <- lol.

ps: first funny topic since i created the account on otland
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cake, I don't think it's a direct effect that you get, rather later. I think for a fact, not sure. But I think you become slower when you smoke weed, I have a friend that smoke every day, he's not normal, I can tell you that.

But smoking a spliff once won't affect you your body nor brain directly, it'll give you an effect and dissapear, but what I've heard. You can suffer from paranoia in the future and get hallucinations.
You are clearly a victum of the early war on drugs propaganda. Hallucinations on pot? :huh:
And yes, some people can get lazy on weed, I would not recommend smoking if you're working as an driver or something, but most people will not smoke during work time. But if you're a musician or artist of any sort for example, it can actually help but to destroy for them.

But I don't think that's enough... as I said, my friend smoke 2-3 times/day most of the time, unless he's broke. But on a regular basis you can calculate that he takes 1 spliff atleast/day. My other friends' that smokes have not really become slow or so, but this guy and another have just exaggerated the thing to a higher level. Which you can notice if you meet him.
Well this stuff is always differently for all people, I know many people that has/are smoking EVERY DAY, most of them got good grades/jobs and are not different from before they started smoking, the only diffrence I can see on them is their short-memory can be a bit worse sometimes when they are high. This problem stops from after a week or two, nothing chronic.

Marijuana Side Effects
Just wow, a classy example of some of the war on drugs propaganda sites.
I clicked youre link and immidietly found this
Despite a popular belief, marijuana side effects speed up the heart, blood and breathing rate. The body is taxed more and this speeds up the aging process just like methamphetamines do. The marijuana side effects from this extra exertion on the body include a higher risk for lung cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
Don't know if this resource is trustful, but it seems so.
Absolutely outrageous.. "MARIJUANA SIDE EFFECT" this is not a marijuana side effect, its a smoking side effect <FACEPALM> It has NOTHING to do with the marijuana itself, but the fact that you're inhaling smoke. The argument don't hold becouse often you don't smoke more then 1 joint a day, and its comparable with taking 1 cigarette per day. And that damage is minimal, thus the people that don't want that danger, can always eat it in diffrent ways. The point is that they will not hurt any one but themself when smoking pot.

no it shudnt b legalized.. thatll just lead to everybody smoking weed, and an increase of ppl using weed as a gateway drug, which will lead to more heavy drug users
1. No, it will NOT lead to everybody smoking weed which we've clearly seen in the examples of legalizations such as Netherlands, I'm quite sure that there has not been a increase of smoking among their own population, when not counting the tourists(Who come there to smoke becouse of the prohobition in their country)
2. Common argument that also does not hold up. The US Goverment's statistics shows that 3 out of 4 that uses marijuana never use any harder drugs. And the fact that makes it a gate-way drug, is the PROHOBITION, becouse it's then its prohobited you have to find a drug-dealer to get the marijuana, who in many cases could deal other drugs and in that way introduce you to them harder drugs. If it was legalized, this would not happen becouse the people would buy it from the state. And buying from the state means taxes which means more money for the society.

Its a know fact that "free samples" leads to harder drugs, and you get free samples of heroine everywhere in Norway. In portugal (where all drugs ARE legal), I couldn't even find any heroine. All just offered cannabis and other low grade common drugs.

80% of the heroine addicts might have tried Cannabis
99% might have tried Alcohol
99.99999999% might have tried bread.
This is actualy very intresting. Becouse there is one country, which has found a very good way to counter the heroin, and its Switzerland. There they actualy give heroin to the addicts, which makes them get their own doses for free, and stepping down step by step smaller doses each month or so. This may sound very bad, but actually it works according to the statistics.
I remember that the averege heroin user in swiss, was about 40-50 years old, while in Sweden where we got zero tolerance against any drugs(Except alcohol, tobacco, coffein etc) our averege heroin user is around 25 years old.
While cannabis also is exploding in users in this moment, we must realize after 96 years of the war on drugs that it does not work! It puts HUGE sums of money in to the hands of criminals, it costs the society BILLIONS of dollars by keeping it prohobited each YEAR. Not only are the prohbition profiting the criminals, but also the war on drugs only in mexico has Total killed: 28,039 (December 2006–October 2010. The people needs to fucking realize that we are only failing with the narcotic politics most of the world uses today.

Tho we are taking a huge step forward with prop 19, which not only affects california but it opens debate in so many countries, since the prop came I have seen so many debates etc on TV and other places bringing up this subject countries such as Sweden has closed their eyes to for so long. The future is actualy looking really bright.

Here I will give you all an example of swedish politicians about drugs. >.<
YouTube - Swedish Drug Policy In A Nutshell
english starts at 0.10

Another funny movie that in animation and colour describes the prohobition pretty clear.
YouTube - The Flower
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Well, yea. It's like with criminals. If you get bigger guns, they buy bullet proof vests, if you get better armor, they buy armor piercing rounds etc.

With drugs is like this: You get helicopters, they buy submarines, you get a better scanner, and they find a way to put it in the blood stream, you get better dogs, they find better way to disquise it. All the way since the smuggeling started back in the 60s, police and the smuggelers have evolved at the same level. In my opinion, you can put the billions on campaines, help, or you can legalize it and get taxes from it (billions in profit to use on more campains and help for the absusers), in the end drugs will be a zero profit system instead of a multi billion loose. Find a good level of taxation tho, because if not then the black market will still sell because they can crush your prices.

In Portugal it's being said that criminals no longer can afford weapons because the copetition in the drugmarket are so big and the prices so low that they barely make any profit to speak off, tho, I don't know the general price level on drugs in the country so I can't comment on this.
it's funny how 80% of the people post here without having tried weed, basing their information on the internet lol

even more funny that everyone who is basing their "facts" on the internet adds to their post that they are talking out of experiences made by others or whatever

example of maverick: "That is what I have witness and believe." <- lol.

ps: first funny topic since i created the account on otland

Well.. to be honest.. there is some heavy pot smokers in this community.. i dont and i wont burn anyone jaja
But it helps to map, code, design, and get weird original ideas.. so yea

I prefer normal tobacco and waterpipe. :D
LMAO you don't even believe that.

what's so funny?
Smoking cigarettes is pretty common here. & if you haven't tried alcohol then I don't know what to say.
Weed is just for the effect. Thus the party only, I don't get why people do it all the time to feel high all the time.

get back to worshipping a cottonpicker you fucking pig.

If s|he can't even keep her lies in order on a forum, I can't believe what a mess her real life must be. :huh:

If you have to be a wannabe thug on a forum, I can't believe what a pussy you are in real life. :huh: