• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!


  1. download123

    [Poland][7.72] Elysii www.elysii.pl

    IP: elysii.pl Port: 7171 Client: customized otc Uptime: 24/7 Hosted in: Poland Website: https://www.elysii.pl Exp rate: 1x Map: real-retro-map , self converted and revamped Runes: normal charges and prices Loot rate: 1x Server type: pvp xp for killing others. 5 kills gives you Red skull and 7...
  2. slaymymind

    [Germany] [7.4] Tibiantic BETA Starts 10.01.2024 18:00 (GMT+1)

    TIBIANTIC 7.4 BETA Official Website www.tibiantic.com Tibiantic is a realistic 7.4 server project. All items, map and game dynamics have been reverse engineered to version 7.4. We are planning a long-term gaming experience, not seasonal. There will be original experience and loot rate. There...
  3. Sizaro

    [Germany] [Custom] Ironcore - The True Ironman Experience

    I'm thrilled to introduce something that has been years in the making: Ironcore - The True Ironman Experience. This journey began as a passion project, aimed at creating a game I'd love to play myself. Over the years, it has evolved through various protocols, complete world overhauls, system...
  4. Addams

    [Canada] [Custom] OTMadness

    OTMadness First Season: After a long testing period, we're excited to announce the official launch date for OTMadness: [Friday, September 22nd, 19:00 CEST] [9/22/2023, 07:00 PM CEST] Introduction: OTMadness is an ancient high-EXP server, lovingly revived for nostalgia's sake. While we've...
  5. Paco

    [USA] Rookgaard Tales | Custom | Hard Gameplay | Long Term | No Resets | Free to Play | Regular Updates |

    My name is Francisco Fonseca and today I want to invite you to play and share with you the evolution of my project Rookgaard Tales! It is a server I've worked for over 15 years by now with much love and passion. The server has 3 years online! Let me explain a few of the many features I offer in...
  6. Derlexy

    Nostalgia Project

    Nostalgia Project I'd like to showoff my personal server project, and collect some thoughts about it. First things first: this is a personal project that i`ve working for some time now. At the moment, i have no intention to release it online, at least not as an open server. I'd like to make...
  7. download123

    [Poland][7.72] Cyra Beta 2

    IP: newots740.ddns.net Port: 7171 Client: Tibia 7.72/own client/custom based on OTClient Uptime: 24/7 Hosted in: Poland, on a private server with 3 mbits Internet connection. Website: DDoS protection | CleanTalk (https://newots740.ddns.net) Exp rate: 10x Map: Retro RL, self converted and...
  8. maykelotmaker

    [France] [7.72] Zajawka

    Are you looking for promising OT which will not die in 2 weeks and will provide you Tibian nostalgia again? We are glad to present you new oldschool OT Website: Latest News- 7.72 Retro tibia server (http://zajawka.org/?news) About the server: -Client 7.72(Own client) -Port 7171 -PVP (PVP-e in...
  9. pink_panther

    [US][7.4] Nostalther Violet | True Reverse Engineered 7.4 | STARTS SEPT 10 2022

    Nostalther Violet will be starting Stepember 10th 2022 @ 5am UTC Nostalther violet is a true reverse engineered, hardcore low rate, long-term project that aims to bring that that nostalgic feel. Everyone is invited to come and experience the true nostalgic feel of this low rate, hardcore...
  10. pink_panther

    Nostalther Violet - True 7.4 Reverse Engineered Project

    About 22 years ago, a friend I'd met online had introduced me to Tibia. Even thinking the graphics were terrible and with my very first experience in the game was a stranger taking me to the Tutorial Room below Seymore and telling me that stepping on the Fire and Energy fields would make me...
  11. T

    Czas leci...

    Ale ten czas zasuwa .... 10 Year Veteran Trophy awarded for being a registered user for more than 10 years. Gdyby nie to "trofeum" to nawet bym nie wiedział, że tyle czasu minęło od mojej pierwszej wizyty tutaj. Z tibią zacząłem przygodę około 2007 roku, około 2010 pierwsze otsy :D, otland jak...
  12. F


    Welcome to Flameria! What is flameria? Flameria is produced on the 8.0 engine combined with a few features from higher versions and lower! But the best thing is that the nostalgia is real here! We have a few custom spawns added to the server so we have more high level content places otherwise...
  13. zDeluxe

    [7.6] - Nostalgic old Tibia 7.6 OTS Backups

    Hi everyone, I had a deep dive on some of my old hard drives this week, and discovered many old data packs for 7.6 maps that as far as I am aware have been lost to time. I'm not sure if this is interesting to anyone else but please enjoy them if you remember them! If anyone else has any other...
  14. Chriistian.L.B

    [7.6] Pits Of Inferno for Nostalrius

    I made this map for someone who hiring to do that, when I finished doing all the work this person said he had already done it, as it is of no use to me, so here it is: POS: {x = 393, y = 1396, z = 6} Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/zw1rrd https://prnt.sc/zw1z4j If i helped you, make some...
  15. tibiaoldtimes

    [France] [7.1] Tibiaoldtimes [Start: 29.08, Saturday 12:00 CET]

    [Launch date]: 29.08, Saturday 12:00 CET Countdown can be found at the top of the website to make it easier to keep track of! [Website]: www.tibiaoldtimes.com [World Configuration]: Datacenter in France, Gravelines (Europe), RPG long-term server with sustainable and generous rates, World type...
  16. Pedrook

    [Brazil] [Custom / 8.60] Warmen-ATS | Start in 22 NOVEMBER 18:00

    Warmen began to take shape in early 2010, although the story begins much earlier. Each member of our team has its own story with the old school MMORPG, or Tibia. It has a profound impact on our lives, one way or another. This server is a tribute to the community that played and heard of Warmen...
  17. 3alola1

    Make otland great again

    Hello everyone iam 3alola1,I have been here since 2010. First of all I want to thank @Mark for everything he done for us and ofcours all of otland staff team but i'am not writing this post for that.. I know that every one is kind busy with collage,work,family,friends,relations...etc But I want...
  18. Anevis

    [USA] ZezeniaOnline [RPG] [Custom 100%] | Content Updates

  19. kor

    Tibia Server 6.4

    Hello. Some time ago I stared with a @bpawel10 developing 6.4 Tibia server. We have created our own map editor, a simple panel for creating and editing characters, monsters, support the MySQL connection, we have a lot already prepared and we will have even more. Due to the fact that we also...