05/03 10:00 (GMT -3)
Hello Tibia adventurers! It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of our Tibia server called Orion.
Our server is a Retro Open PVP on version 8.6 with its own client, a global map planned to be a low EXP rates server, and offers several features for players to enjoy. Below are some of the features you can expect to find on our server:
Offline Training: Train your characters even when you are offline.
Exercise Dummy: Improve your combat skills on a customized training dummy.
Market System (SITE): Buy and sell items from other players through our website.
Boss Reward System: Get valuable rewards for defeating powerful bosses directly in your depot.
Auto Loot: Automatically collect items selected by the player, making it easier to collect valuable items and saving time during gameplay.
War System: When a war is declared, both parties can attack members of the other guild without suffering the usual penalties of PvP.
We are excited about the launch and can't wait to see you explore our Tibia server. Join us now and together we will create a fun and friendly community!