• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Solved Create Account in gesior aac error


Any game ideas?
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
When i create account it works, then i can login to website and that works too, but the only thing that wont work is that when you created account everything works fine but it dont works to login with that "registered account" ingame, it says "Invaild account name or password" but its right, and it works to login in website but not ingame, tell me what do to or to send and i will do it please!

Last edited:
its corrected..

	accountManager = false
	namelockManager = true
	newPlayerChooseVoc = true
	newPlayerSpawnPosX = 32369
	newPlayerSpawnPosY = 32241
	newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7
	newPlayerTownId = 5
	newPlayerLevel = 10
	newPlayerMagicLevel = 5
	generateAccountNumber = false
	generateAccountSalt = false

	useRookSystem = false
	rookTownId = 1
	rookLevelToGetRooked = 5
	rookLevelToLeaveRook = 8

	useFragHandler = true
	redSkullLength = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60
	blackSkullLength = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60
	fragsLimit = 24 * 60 * 60
	fragsSecondLimit = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
	fragsThirdLimit = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
	fragsToRedSkull = 10
	fragsSecondToRedSkull = 20
	fragsThirdToRedSkull = 40
	fragsToBlackSkull = fragsToRedSkull
	fragsSecondToBlackSkull = fragsSecondToRedSkull
	fragsThirdToBlackSkull = fragsThirdToRedSkull
	fragsToBanishment = fragsToRedSkull
	fragsSecondToBanishment = fragsSecondToRedSkull
	fragsThirdToBanishment = fragsThirdToRedSkull
	blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40
	blackSkulledDeathMana = 0
	useBlackSkull = true
	advancedFragList = false

	notationsToBan = 3
	warningsToFinalBan = 4
	warningsToDeletion = 5
	banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
	killsBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
	finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
	ipBanLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
	allowedMaxSizePackets = 20

	worldType = "open"
	protectionLevel = 75
	pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = true
	pzLocked = 60 * 1000
	huntingDuration = 60 * 1000
	criticalHitChance = 7
	criticalHitMultiplier = 1
	displayCriticalHitNotify = false
	removeWeaponAmmunition = false
	removeWeaponCharges = true
	removeRuneCharges = true
	whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
	noDamageToSameLookfeet = false
	showHealthChange = true
	showManaChange = true
	showHealthChangeForMonsters = false
	showManaChangeForMonsters = false
	fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000
	stopAttackingAtExit = false
	loginProtectionPeriod = 10 * 1000
	deathLostPercent = 10
	stairhopDelay = 2 * 1000
	pushCreatureDelay = 2 * 1000
	deathContainerId = 1987
	gainExperienceColor = 215
	addManaSpentInPvPZone = true
	recoverManaAfterDeathInPvPZone = false
	squareColor = 0
	allowFightback = true
	fistBaseAttack = 7
	useFairfightReduction = true
	optionalWarAttackableAlly = false

	worldId = 0
	ip = "Tibia.hopto.org"
	bindOnlyGlobalAddress = false
	loginPort = 7171
	gamePort = "7172"
	loginTries = 3
	retryTimeout = 5 * 1000
	loginTimeout = 60 * 1000
	maxPlayers = 1000
	motd = "Welcome to Tibia - Free Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game - MMORPG!"
	displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = false
	onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = true
	allowClones = false
	serverName = "Tibia"
	loginMessage = "Welcome to Tibia - Free Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game - MMORPG!"
	statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000
	replaceKickOnLogin = true
	forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = false
	loginOnlyWithLoginServer = false
	premiumPlayerSkipWaitList = false

	rsaPrime1 = "14299623962416399520070177382898895550795403345466153217470516082934737582776038882967213386204600674145392845853859217990626450972452084065728686565928113"
	rsaPrime2 = "7630979195970404721891201847792002125535401292779123937207447574596692788513647179235335529307251350570728407373705564708871762033017096809910315212884101"
	rsaPublic = "65537"
	rsaModulus = "109120132967399429278860960508995541528237502902798129123468757937266291492576446330739696001110603907230888610072655818825358503429057592827629436413108566029093628212635953836686562675849720620786279431090218017681061521755056710823876476444260558147179707119674283982419152118103759076030616683978566631413"
	rsaPrivate = "46730330223584118622160180015036832148732986808519344675210555262940258739805766860224610646919605860206328024326703361630109888417839241959507572247284807035235569619173792292786907845791904955103601652822519121908367187885509270025388641700821735345222087940578381210879116823013776808975766851829020659073"

	sqlType = "mysql"
	sqlHost = "localhost"
	sqlPort = 3306
	sqlUser = "."
	sqlPass = "..."
	sqlDatabase = "..."
	sqlFile = ""
	sqlKeepAlive = 0
	mysqlReadTimeout = 10
	mysqlWriteTimeout = 10
	mysqlReconnectionAttempts = 3
	encryptionType = "sha1"

	deathListEnabled = true
	deathListRequiredTime = 1 * 60 * 1000
	deathAssistCount = 19
	maxDeathRecords = 5

	ingameGuildManagement = false
	levelToFormGuild = 50
	premiumDaysToFormGuild = 0
	guildNameMinLength = 4
	guildNameMaxLength = 20

	highscoreDisplayPlayers = 15
	updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 60

	buyableAndSellableHouses = true
	houseNeedPremium = true
	bedsRequirePremium = false
	levelToBuyHouse = 100
	housesPerAccount = 0
	houseRentAsPrice = false
	housePriceAsRent = false
	housePriceEachSquare = 1000
	houseSkipInitialRent = true
	houseRentPeriod = "never"
	houseCleanOld = 0
	guildHalls = true
	houseProtection = true

	timeBetweenActions = 200
	timeBetweenExActions = 1000
	timeBetweenCustomActions = 500
	hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true
	tibiaClassicSlots = false
	canOnlyRopePlayers = true

	mapName = "realmap.otbm"
	mapAuthor = "Siramix"
	randomizeTiles = true
	storeTrash = true
	cleanProtectedZones = true

	mailboxDisabledTowns = ""
	mailMaxAttempts = 20
	mailBlockPeriod = 60 * 60 * 1000
	mailAttemptsFadeTime = 10 * 60 * 1000

	marketEnabled = true
	marketOfferDuration = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
	premiumToCreateMarketOffer = false
	checkExpiredMarketOffersEachMinutes = 60
	maxMarketOffersAtATimePerPlayer = 100

	daemonize = false
	defaultPriority = "high"
	niceLevel = 5
	serviceThreads = 1
	coresUsed = "-1"

	startupDatabaseOptimization = true
	updatePremiumStateAtStartup = true
	confirmOutdatedVersion = false
	skipItemsVersionCheck = false

	formulaLevel = 5.0
	formulaMagic = 2.0
	bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = false
	spellNameInsteadOfWords = false
	emoteSpells = false
	unifiedSpells = true
	enableCooldowns = true

	allowChangeOutfit = true
	allowChangeColors = true
	allowChangeAddons = true
	disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = false
	addonsOnlyPremium = false

	dataDirectory = "data/"
	logsDirectory = "data/logs/"
	bankSystem = true
	promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = true
	maximumDoorLevel = 500
	maxMessageBuffer = 4
	tradeLimit = 100
	useCapacity = true
	playerFollowExhaust = 0

	defaultDepotSizePremium = 2000
	defaultDepotSize = 1000

	useMounts = true
	unmountPlayerInPz = true

	separateVipListPerCharacter = false
	vipListDefaultLimit = 20
	vipListDefaultPremiumLimit = 100

	houseDataStorage = "binary"
	saveGlobalStorage = true
	storePlayerDirection = false
	savePlayerData = true

	checkCorpseOwner = true
	monsterLootMessage = 3
	monsterLootMessageType = 29

	ghostModeInvisibleEffect = false
	ghostModeSpellEffects = true

	idleWarningTime = 14 * 60 * 1000
	idleKickTime = 60 * 60 * 1000
	reportsExpirationAfterReads = 1
	playerQueryDeepness = -1
	tileLimit = 0
	protectionTileLimit = 0
	houseTileLimit = 0

	freePremium = true
	premiumForPromotion = true

	blessings = true
	blessingOnlyPremium = false
	blessingReductionBase = 30
	blessingReductionDecrement = 5
	eachBlessReduction = 8
	pvpBlessingThreshold = 40
	fairFightTimeRange = 60

	experienceStages = true
	rateExperience = 27
	rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0
	rateSkill = 30
	rateMagic = 15
	rateLoot = 3
	rateSpawnMin = 1
	rateSpawnMax = 1

	rateMonsterHealth = 1.0
	rateMonsterMana = 1.0
	rateMonsterAttack = 1.0
	rateMonsterDefense = 1.0

	minLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 0.9
	maxLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 1.1

	rateStaminaLoss = 1
	rateStaminaGain = 3
	rateStaminaThresholdGain = 12
	staminaRatingLimitTop = 40 * 60
	staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60
	staminaLootLimit = 14 * 60
	rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.5
	rateStaminaUnderNormal = 0.5
	staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = true

	experienceShareRadiusX = 30
	experienceShareRadiusY = 30
	experienceShareRadiusZ = 1
	experienceShareLevelDifference = 2 / 3
	extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20
	extraPartyExperiencePercent = 5
	experienceShareActivity = 2 * 60 * 1000

	globalSaveEnabled = false
	globalSaveHour = 8
	globalSaveMinute = 0
	shutdownAtGlobalSave = true
	cleanMapAtGlobalSave = false
	closeInstanceOnShutdown = true

	deSpawnRange = 2
	deSpawnRadius = 50
	monsterSpawnWalkback = true
	allowBlockSpawn = true

	maxPlayerSummons = 2
	teleportAllSummons = false
	teleportPlayerSummons = false

	statusPort = 7171
	ownerName = ""
	ownerEmail = ""
	url = ""
	location = "Europe"
	displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = false

	disableLuaErrors = false
	displayPlayersLogging = true
	prefixChannelLogs = ""
	runFile = ""
	outputLog = ""
	truncateLogOnStartup = false

	managerPort = 7171
	managerLogs = true
	managerPassword = ""
	managerLocalhostOnly = true
	managerConnectionsLimit = 1

	adminPort = 7171
	adminLogs = true
	adminPassword = ""
	adminLocalhostOnly = true
	adminConnectionsLimit = 1
	adminRequireLogin = true
	adminEncryption = ""
	adminEncryptionData = ""

- - - Updated - - -

You can try login at "tibia.hopto.org" and see, First create account then char and try to login it will say "invaild account or password"
Last edited by a moderator:
That's server encryption type.

Do you have this in config-and-functions.php?
if(strtolower($config['server']['encryptionType']) == 'sha1')   
$passwordency = 'sha1';
Under this,

if(strtolower($config['server']['useMD5Passwords']) == 'yes' || strtolower($config['server']['passwordType']) == 'md5')    
$passwordency = 'md5';
its added but still not works , may it be problem from htdocs, createaccount.php or anything like that?

this is my createaccount.php

if($action == "")
	$main_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">

var accountHttp;

//sprawdza czy dane konto istnieje czy nie
function checkAccount()
		document.getElementById("acc_name_check").innerHTML = \'<b><font color="red">Please enter account name.</font></b>\';
	if (accountHttp==null)
	var account = document.getElementById("account_name").value;
	var url="ajax/check_account.php?account=" + account + "&uid="+Math.random();

function AccountStateChanged() 
	if (accountHttp.readyState==4)

var emailHttp;

//sprawdza czy dane konto istnieje czy nie
function checkEmail()
		document.getElementById("email_check").innerHTML = \'<b><font color="red">Please enter e-mail.</font></b>\';
	if (emailHttp==null)
	var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
	var url="ajax/check_email.php?email=" + email + "&uid="+Math.random();

function EmailStateChanged() 
	if (emailHttp.readyState==4)

	function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
	with (field)
	if (value==null||value==""||value==" ")
	  {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
	else {return true}

	function validate_email(field,alerttxt)
	with (field)
	if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2) 
	  {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
	else {return true;}

	function validate_form(thisform)
	with (thisform)
	if (validate_required(account_name,"Please enter name of new account!")==false)
	  {account_name.focus();return false;}
	if (validate_required(email,"Please enter your e-mail!")==false)
	  {email.focus();return false;}
	if (validate_email(email,"Invalid e-mail format!")==false)
	  {email.focus();return false;}
	if (verifpass==1) {
	if (validate_required(passor,"Please enter password!")==false)
	  {passor.focus();return false;}
	if (validate_required(passor2,"Please repeat password!")==false)
	  {passor2.focus();return false;}
	if (passor2.value!=passor.value)
	  {alert(\'Repeated password is not equal to password!\');return false;}
	if (verifya==1) {
	if (validate_required(verify,"Please enter verification code!")==false)
	  {verify.focus();return false;}
	  {alert(\'To create account you must accept server rules!\');return false;}
	$main_content .= 'To play on '.$config['server']['serverName'].' you need an account. 
						All you have to do to create your new account is to enter your email address, password to new account, verification code from picture and to agree to the terms presented below. 
						If you have done so, your account name, password and e-mail address will be shown on the following page and your account and password will be sent 
						to your email address along with further instructions.<BR><BR>
						<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=createaccount&action=saveaccount" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" METHOD=post>
						<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Create a '.$config['server']['serverName'].' Account</B></TD></TR>
						<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=8 CELLPADDING=0>
	$main_content .= '<TR><TD width="150" valign="top"><B>Account name: </B></TD><TD colspan="2"><INPUT id="account_name" NAME="reg_name" onkeyup="checkAccount();" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50><BR><font size="1" face="verdana,arial,helvetica">(Please enter your new account name)</font></TD></TR>
					  <TR><TD width="150"><b>Name status:</b></TD><TD colspan="2"><b><div id="acc_name_check">Please enter your account name.</div></b></TD></TR>
					<TR><TD width="150" valign="top"><B>Email address: </B></TD><TD colspan="2"><INPUT id="email" NAME="reg_email" onkeyup="checkEmail();" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50><BR><font size="1" face="verdana,arial,helvetica">(Your email address is required to recovery a '.$config['server']['serverName'].' account)</font></TD></TR>
					  <TR><TD width="150"><b>Email status:</b></TD><TD colspan="2"><b><div id="email_check">Please enter your e-mail.</div></b></TD></TR>';
                               $main_content .= '<TR><TD width="150"><b>Select Country:</b></TD><TD colspan="2"><b><select name="country">
                    <option value="">Please choose</option><option value="af"> Afghanistan </option><option value="al"> Albania </option><option value="dz"> Algeria </option><option value="as"> American Samoa </option><option value="ad"> Andorra </option><option value="ao"> Angola </option><option value="ai"> Anguilla </option><option value="aq"> Antarctica </option><option value="ag"> Antigua and Barbuda </option><option value="ar"> Argentina </option>

                    <option value="am"> Armenia </option><option value="aw"> Aruba </option><option value="au"> Australia </option><option value="at"> Austria </option><option value="az"> Azerbaijan </option><option value="bs"> Bahamas </option><option value="bh"> Bahrain </option><option value="bd"> Bangladesh </option><option value="bb"> Barbados </option><option value="by"> Belarus </option><option value="be"> Belgium </option><option value="bz"> Belize </option><option value="bj"> Benin </option><option value="bm"> Bermuda </option><option value="bt"> Bhutan </option><option value="bo"> Bolivia </option><option value="ba"> Bosnia and Herzegowina </option><option value="bw"> Botswana </option><option value="bv"> Bouvet Island </option><option value="br"> Brazil </option><option value="io"> British Indian Ocean Territory </option><option value="bn"> Brunei Darussalam </option><option value="bg"> Bulgaria </option><option value="bf"> Burkina Faso </option><option value="bi"> Burundi </option>                                     <option value="kh"> Cambodia </option><option value="cm"> Cameroon </option><option value="ca"> Canada </option><option value="cv"> Cape Verde </option><option value="ky"> Cayman Islands </option><option value="cf"> Central African Republic </option><option value="td"> Chad </option><option value="cl"> Chile </option><option value="cn"> China </option><option value="cx"> Christmas Island </option><option value="cc"> Cocos Islands </option><option value="co"> Colombia </option><option value="km"> Comoros </option><option value="cd"> Congo </option><option value="cg"> Congo </option><option value="ck"> Cook Islands </option><option value="cr"> Costa Rica </option><option value="ci"> Cote DIvoire </option><option value="hr"> Croatia </option><option value="cu"> Cuba </option><option value="cy"> Cyprus </option><option value="cz"> Czech Republic </option><option value="dk"> Denmark </option><option value="dj"> Djibouti </option><option value="dm"> Dominica </option>

                    <option value="do"> Dominican Republic </option><option value="tp"> East Timor </option><option value="ec"> Ecuador </option><option value="eg"> Egypt </option><option value="sv"> El Salvador </option><option value="gq"> Equatorial Guinea </option><option value="er"> Eritrea </option><option value="ee"> Estonia </option><option value="et"> Ethiopia </option><option value="fk"> Falkland Islands </option><option value="fo"> Faroe Islands </option><option value="fj"> Fiji </option><option value="fi"> Finland </option><option value="fr"> France </option><option value="gf"> French Guiana </option><option value="pf"> French Polynesia </option><option value="tf"> French Southern Territories </option><option value="ga"> Gabon </option><option value="gm"> Gambia </option><option value="ge"> Georgia </option><option value="de"> Germany </option><option value="gh"> Ghana </option><option value="gi"> Gibraltar </option><option value="gr"> Greece </option>

                    <option value="gl"> Greenland </option><option value="gd"> Grenada </option><option value="gp"> Guadeloupe </option><option value="gu"> Guam </option><option value="gt"> Guatemala </option><option value="gn"> Guinea </option><option value="gw"> Guinea-Bissau </option><option value="gy"> Guyana </option><option value="ht"> Haiti </option><option value="hm"> Heard and Mc Donald Islands </option><option value="hn"> Honduras </option><option value="hk"> Hong Kong </option><option value="hu"> Hungary </option><option value="is"> Iceland </option><option value="in"> India </option><option value="id"> Indonesia </option><option value="ir"> Iran </option><option value="iq"> Iraq </option><option value="ie"> Ireland </option><option value="il"> Israel </option><option value="it"> Italy </option><option value="jm"> Jamaica </option><option value="jp"> Japan </option><option value="jo"> Jordan </option><option value="kz"> Kazakhstan </option><option value="ke"> Kenya </option>

                    <option value="ki"> Kiribati </option><option value="kr"> Korea </option><option value="kp"> Korea </option><option value="kw"> Kuwait </option><option value="kg"> Kyrgyzstan </option><option value="la"> Lao Peoples Democratic Republic </option><option value="lv"> Latvia </option><option value="lb"> Lebanon </option><option value="ls"> Lesotho </option><option value="lr"> Liberia </option><option value="ly"> Libyan Arab Jamahiriya </option><option value="li"> Liechtenstein </option><option value="lt"> Lithuania </option><option value="lu"> Luxembourg </option><option value="mo"> Macau </option><option value="mk"> Macedonia </option><option value="mg"> Madagascar </option><option value="mw"> Malawi </option><option value="my"> Malaysia </option><option value="mv"> Maldives </option><option value="ml"> Mali </option><option value="mt"> Malta </option><option value="mh"> Marshall Islands </option><option value="mq"> Martinique </option>

                    <option value="mr"> Mauritania </option><option value="mu"> Mauritius </option><option value="yt"> Mayotte </option><option value="mx"> Mexico </option><option value="fm"> Micronesia </option><option value="md"> Moldova </option><option value="mc"> Monaco </option><option value="mn"> Mongolia </option><option value="ms"> Montserrat </option><option value="ma"> Morocco </option><option value="mz"> Mozambique </option><option value="mm"> Myanmar </option><option value="na"> Namibia </option><option value="nr"> Nauru </option><option value="np"> Nepal </option><option value="nl"> Netherlands </option><option value="an"> Netherlands Antilles </option><option value="nc"> New Caledonia </option><option value="nz"> New Zealand </option><option value="ni"> Nicaragua </option><option value="ne"> Niger </option><option value="ng"> Nigeria </option><option value="nu"> Niue </option><option value="nf"> Norfolk Island </option><option value="mp"> Northern Mariana Islands </option>

                    <option value="no"> Norway </option><option value="om"> Oman </option><option value="pk"> Pakistan </option><option value="pw"> Palau </option><option value="pa"> Panama </option><option value="pg"> Papua New Guinea </option><option value="py"> Paraguay </option><option value="pe"> Peru </option><option value="ph"> Philippines </option><option value="pn"> Pitcairn </option><option value="pl"> Poland </option><option value="pt"> Portugal </option><option value="pr"> Puerto Rico </option><option value="qa"> Qatar </option><option value="re"> Reunion </option><option value="ro"> Romania </option><option value="ru"> Russian Federation </option><option value="rw"> Rwanda </option><option value="kn"> Saint Kitts and Nevis </option><option value="lc"> Saint Lucia </option><option value="ws"> Samoa </option><option value="sm"> San Marino </option><option value="st"> Sao Tome and Principe </option><option value="sa"> Saudi Arabia </option><option value="sn"> Senegal </option>

                    <option value="sc"> Seychelles </option><option value="sl"> Sierra Leone </option><option value="sg"> Singapore </option><option value="sk"> Slovakia </option><option value="si"> Slovenia </option><option value="sb"> Solomon Islands </option><option value="so"> Somalia </option><option value="za"> South Africa </option><option value="es"> Spain </option><option value="lk"> Sri Lanka </option><option value="sh"> St. Helena </option><option value="pm"> St. Pierre and Miquelon </option><option value="sd"> Sudan </option><option value="sr"> Suriname </option><option value="sj"> Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands </option><option value="sz"> Swaziland </option><option value="se"> Sweden </option><option value="ch"> Switzerland </option><option value="sy"> Syrian Arab Republic </option><option value="tw"> Taiwan </option><option value="tj"> Tajikistan </option><option value="tz"> Tanzania </option>

                    <option value="th"> Thailand </option><option value="tg"> Togo </option><option value="tk"> Tokelau </option><option value="to"> Tonga </option>
                    <option value="tt"> Trinidad and Tobago </option><option value="tn"> Tunisia </option><option value="tr"> Turkey </option><option value="tm"> Turkmenistan </option><option value="tc"> Turks and Caicos Islands </option><option value="tv"> Tuvalu </option><option value="ug"> Uganda </option><option value="ua"> Ukraine </option><option value="ae"> United Arab Emirates </option><option value="gb"> United Kingdom </option><option value="us"> United States </option><option value="uy"> Uruguay </option><option value="uz"> Uzbekistan </option><option value="vu"> Vanuatu </option><option value="va"> Vatican </option><option value="ve"> Venezuela </option><option value="vn"> Viet Nam </option><option value="vg"> Virgin Islands (British) </option><option value="vi"> Virgin Islands (US) </option>

                    <option value="wf"> Wallis and Futuna Islands </option><option value="eh"> Western Sahara </option><option value="ye"> Yemen </option><option value="yu"> Yugoslavia </option><option value="zm"> Zambia </option><option value="zw"> Zimbabwe </option>

	$main_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">var verifpass=1;</script>
						<TR><TD width="150" valign="top"><B>Password: </B></TD><TD colspan="2"><INPUT TYPE="password" id="passor" NAME="reg_password" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50><BR><font size="1" face="verdana,arial,helvetica">(Here write your password to new account on '.$config['server']['serverName'].')</font></TD></TR>
					  <TR><TD width="150" valign="top"><B>Repeat password: </B></TD><TD colspan="2"><INPUT TYPE="password" id="passor2" NAME="reg_password2" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50><BR><font size="1" face="verdana,arial,helvetica">(Repeat your password)</font></TD></TR>';
	$main_content .= '</TABLE>
					       Please review the following terms and state your agreement below.
					      <B>'.$config['server']['serverName'].' Rules</B><BR>
					      <TEXTAREA ROWS="16" WRAP="physical" COLS="75" READONLY="true">';
	//load server rules from file
	$main_content .= '</TEXTAREA>
					      <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="rules" id="rules" value="true" /><label for="rules"><u> I agree to the '.$config['server']['serverName'].' Rules.</u></lable><BR>
					      If you fully agree to these terms, click on the "I Agree" button in order to create a '.$config['server']['serverName'].' account.<BR>
					      If you do not agree to these terms or do not want to create a '.$config['server']['serverName'].' account, please click on the "Cancel" button.
					<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%>
					  <TR><TD ALIGN=center>
					    <IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/general/blank.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0><BR>
					  </TD><TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top>
					    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="I Agree" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_iagree.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18>
					  </TD><TD ALIGN=center>
					    <FORM  ACTION="?subtopic=latestnews" METHOD=post>
					    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Cancel" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_cancel.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18>
					  </TD><TD ALIGN=center>
					    <IMG SRC="/images/general/blank.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0><BR>
					<TD><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/general/blank.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0></TD>
//CREATE ACCOUNT PAGE (save account in database)
if($action == "saveaccount") {
      $reg_country = trim($_POST['country']);
	$reg_name = strtoupper(trim($_POST['reg_name']));
	$reg_email = trim($_POST['reg_email']);
	$reg_password = trim($_POST['reg_password']);
	$reg_code = trim($_POST['reg_code']);
	//FIRST check
	//check e-mail
		$reg_form_errors[] = "Please enter account name.";
		$reg_form_errors[] = "Invalid account name format. Use only A-Z and numbers 0-9.";
		$reg_form_errors[] = "Please enter your email address.";
			$reg_form_errors[] = "E-mail address is not correct.";

	//check password
	if(empty($reg_password) && !$config['site']['create_account_verify_mail'])
		$reg_form_errors[] = "Please enter password to your new account.";
			$reg_form_errors[] = "Password contains illegal chars (a-z, A-Z and 0-9 only!) or lenght.";
	//SECOND check
	//check e-mail address in database
			$test_email_account = $ots->createObject('Account');
			//load account with this e-mail
				$reg_form_errors[] = "Account with this e-mail address already exist in database.";
		$account_db = new OTS_Account();
			$reg_form_errors[] = 'Account with this name already exist.';
	// ----------creates account-------------(save in database)
		//create object 'account' and generate new acc. number
			$reg_password = '';
			for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++)
				$reg_password .= mt_rand(0,9);
		$reg_account = $ots->createObject('Account');
		$number = $reg_account->create(0, 9999999, $reg_name);
		// saves account information in database
		$reg_account->setCustomField("flag", $reg_country);
			$reg_account->setCustomField("premdays", $config['site']['newaccount_premdays']);
			$reg_account->setCustomField("lastday", time());
		//show information about registration
		if($config['site']['send_emails'] && $config['site']['create_account_verify_mail'])
			$mailBody = '<html>
			<h3>Your account name and password!</h3>
			<p>You or someone else registred on server <a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'"><b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></a> with this e-mail.</p>
			<p>Account name: <b>'.$reg_name.'</b></p>
			<p>Password: <b>'.trim($reg_password).'</b></p>
			<br />
			<p>After login you can:</p>
			<li>Create new characters
			<li>Change your current password
			<li>Change your current e-mail
			$mail = new PHPMailer();
			if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
				$mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
				$mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
				$mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
				$mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
				$mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];
			$mail->From = $config['site']['mail_address'];
			$mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - Registration";
			$mail->Body = $mailBody;
				$main_content .= 'Your account has been created. Check your e-mail. See you in Tibia!<BR><BR>';
				$main_content .= '<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4>
				<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Account Created</B></TD></TR>
				<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
				    <BR>Your account name is <b>'.$reg_name.'</b>.
					<BR><b><i>You will receive e-mail (<b>'.$reg_email.'</b>) with your password.</b></i><br>';
				$main_content .= 'You will need the account name and your password to play on '.$config['server']['serverName'].'.
				    Please keep your account name and password in a safe place and
				    never give your account name or password to anybody.<BR><BR>';
				$main_content .= '<br /><small>These informations were send on email address <b>'.$reg_email.'</b>. Please check your inbox/spam folder.';
				$main_content .= '<br /><small>An error occorred while sending email! Account not created. Try again.</small>';
			$main_content .= 'Your account has been created. Now you can login and create your first character. See you in Tibia!<BR><BR>';
			$main_content .= '<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4>
			<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Account Created</B></TD></TR>
			<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
			    <BR>Your account name is <b>'.$reg_name.'</b><br>You will need the account name and your password to play on '.$config['server']['serverName'].'.
			    Please keep your account name and password in a safe place and
			    never give your account name or password to anybody.<BR><BR>';
			if($config['site']['send_emails'] && $config['site']['send_register_email'])
				$mailBody = '<html>
				<h3>Your account name and password!</h3>
				<p>You or someone else registred on server <a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'"><b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></a> with this e-mail.</p>
				<p>Account name: <b>'.$reg_name.'</b></p>
				<p>Password: <b>'.trim($reg_password).'</b></p>
				<br />
				<p>After login you can:</p>
				<li>Create new characters
				<li>Change your current password
				<li>Change your current e-mail
				$mail = new PHPMailer();
				if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
					$mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
					$mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
					$mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
					$mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
					$mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];
				$mail->From = $config['site']['mail_address'];
				$mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - Registration";
				$mail->Body = $mailBody;
					$main_content .= '<br /><small>These informations were send on email address <b>'.$reg_email.'</b>.';
					$main_content .= '<br /><small>An error occorred while sending email (<b>'.$reg_email.'</b>)!</small>';
		$main_content .= '</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><BR>';
		//SHOW ERRORs if data from form is wrong
		$main_content .= '<div class="SmallBox" >  <div class="MessageContainer" >    <div class="BoxFrameHorizontal" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-horizontal.gif);" /></div>    <div class="BoxFrameEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div>    <div class="BoxFrameEdgeRightTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div>    <div class="ErrorMessage" >      <div class="BoxFrameVerticalLeft" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);" /></div>      <div class="BoxFrameVerticalRight" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);" /></div>      <div class="AttentionSign" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/attentionsign.gif);" /></div><b>The Following Errors Have Occurred:</b><br/>';
		foreach($reg_form_errors as $show_msg)
					$main_content .= '<li>'.$show_msg;
		$main_content .= '</div>    <div class="BoxFrameHorizontal" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-horizontal.gif);" /></div>    <div class="BoxFrameEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div>    <div class="BoxFrameEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div>  </div></div><br/>
		<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=email VALUE="">

		<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Back" ALT="Back" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18>

if its another file tell me and i post it!, will rep ++ for the 1 who helping me to fix it work :D
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