then stop yelling around that people from top got it for free, if you don't know anything, it's not nice to lie
and these bugs are fixed asap, so what's your problem?
i'll say it once again: all of these people got perm banned/deleted and you're spreading fake rumors and new players will read it and think it's true.
your writing is false accusations and actions that harm the server. you have nothing left to come up with to harm us, so you are nitpicking about anything, such as frequent bug fixes.
have a nice day and i'm waiting for something new that we can discuss,
get a life
"then stop yelling around that people from top got it for free, if you don't know anything, it's not nice to lie"
Once again you prove me right back to back that you don't read or do anything at all, i've never expressed vocal or via text discomfort about loyalty points bonuses i only brought it now because i've noticed that it was a thing, wow you really are stupid, i don't know who you think i am, but i never personally expressed discomfort about it ever befor.e.
"and these bugs are fixed asap, so what's your problem?"
Whatever you say lil bro but i know personally there are bugs and these bugs aren't fixed
"'ll say it once again: all of these people got perm banned/deleted and you're spreading fake rumors and new players will read it and think it's true."
Are you implying that it's a lie that people died to people abusing bugs on your server that you fixed after like 3 days, sure they got deleted but they abused what they could and that was it.
"have a nice day and i'm waiting for something new that we can discuss,"
There won't be anything to discuss i have literally nothing to discuss with you i've refused to do so, i merely answered to your points.
"your writing is false accusations and actions that harm the server. you have nothing left to come up with to harm us, so you are nitpicking about anything, such as frequent bug fixes."
Ah yeah yeah the old point, it's all propaganda it's all false information, fake news and it's made up by this one big group because they wanna bring down some random ass RPG server because they nothing else to do in life and they're probably supported by both illuminati and ALIENS in fact the recent UFO's appearing in USA are our drones that we send there to scan the earth and find where you guys are operating at.
There's nothing to discuss with you or talk with you about because all you will respond with is, it's propaganda, it's fake news
You're entitled to your own opinion i'm entitled to mine, i think the owners of the server are actually lizard people and they're planning to take over the world by brainwashing people slowly one by one, are you happy with my conspiracy theory, there you go buddy.
If i am to get a life, you should take the red pill and wake up from the matrix you're living in.