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[Germany][Custom] Gothania - Gothic II with Jarkendar released[16th December, Saturday 16:00 CEST]

Server Website/AAC
Server Address
Server Port
Client Protocol
For your next launch you should consider a usa host on east coast so all people can play with around 90-110 ping.. for me the ping is 180 cause im on usa west coast so its not playable :( just something to consider.

alot of servers have success with this like 2k+ players nostalrius etc, it lets br's + usa + eu play all around 90-110~ ping instead of 150+ for br and na west coast

could be a nice way to attract wider audience and new people playing ots (ill play for sure with my team if ever there is usa launch)
Create your account on Gothania.pl ~ open-Tibia server based on Gothic 2. (https://gothania.pl/register.php?reflink=5f6wvlhvFt)

Join our discord: Join the Gothania Discord Server! (https://discord.gg/YeA4XAuCuC)

We would like to also invite you to see our server on TikTok where we upload a new tik tok everyday: TikTok - Make Your Day

If you're looking for streamer that plays on Gothania on daily basis, take a look on Remiszek:

Some screens from the game:

