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[Germany] OriginalTibia 7.72 - Porthope, SVARGROND(OKOLNIR) - ONLINE!!

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The only difference between us and Sai, is that we were killing ppl 50 lvls higher than ourselves. And we didn't have any proper team to start with either. Look at the end of the movie and you will see some clips from the bigger teams.
The video sucks really, the first 7 or 10 minutes is just your team killing max 2 ppl.......... ??? some of the battles are ok but most of them is just you and a bunch of ppl spamming sds on one dude, which is a ugly way to pvp
fribben serious this island fucks up the battles:/.. It is nice you made a new hunt spot. But don't let it be a seperated island.. all the battles happen on that island now and stay on the island.. Atleast at oasis tomb you had battles around it (dara/ank). Now it is all in okolnir. maby make it possible to travel with pz? Or make a few more new spawns around the tibia map?
The video sucks really, the first 7 or 10 minutes is just your team killing max 2 ppl.......... ??? some of the battles are ok but most of them is just you and a bunch of ppl spamming sds on one dude, which is a ugly way to pvp

they haven't been long in our team so they don't got many clips with us. me and my bro will make a vid later of our team.
fribben serious this island fucks up the battles:/.. It is nice you made a new hunt spot. But don't let it be a seperated island.. all the battles happen on that island now and stay on the island.. Atleast at oasis tomb you had battles around it (dara/ank). Now it is all in okolnir. maby make it possible to travel with pz? Or make a few more new spawns around the tibia map?

I think it's hard to balance out where the battles are going to take place, without the boosted tombs and okolnir it's usually in demona or poi, with the boosted tombs it's mostly ankrahmun, with okolnir it's mostly okolnir. There must be some way to balance it out but how? One way could be to allow traveling with skull but i'm not for this idea myself, since it's 7.72 it should stay as it is in my opinion. But how else do you balance it out? Maybe you could make okolnir accessable through walking there from some other city, not a seperate island like assassinho says. It could be like walking to fibula for instance.
The video sucks really, the first 7 or 10 minutes is just your team killing max 2 ppl.......... ??? some of the battles are ok but most of them is just you and a bunch of ppl spamming sds on one dude, which is a ugly way to pvp
Max 2 ppl? You obviously quitted school too early man :/
The funny part of the movie is how we trap them. At lvl 50 pallys we dont do heavy Sd damage. Therefor one clean combo aint enought to get 100+ eks. We had to keep sding. We were counting each time. There is no "just spam Sds" in this movie.
Max 2 ppl? You obviously quitted school too early man :/
The funny part of the movie is how we trap them. At lvl 50 pallys we dont do heavy Sd damage. Therefor one clean combo aint enought to get 100+ eks. We had to keep sding. We were counting each time. There is no "just spam Sds" in this movie.
wtf? hahahaha stfu and go pk with noobchars
wtf? hahahaha stfu and go pk with noobchars
If you cant count to more than 2, you seriously need some more mathclasses. We tried to get a team in the beginning, but all said they were too many. Thats when we started pking on noobchars. Now we got a team, no need for noobchars anymore.
Why are you trying to flame us at all? Are you one of those guys on the movie dying on noobtrap? :D
To me it looks like you had enough to be a miniteam instead of playing noobchars, i've just been playing this server alone so with 4-5 people you should be good to go as long as you don't go for one of the super big teams
Max 2 ppl? You obviously quitted school too early man :/
The funny part of the movie is how we trap them. At lvl 50 pallys we dont do heavy Sd damage. Therefor one clean combo aint enought to get 100+ eks. We had to keep sding. We were counting each time. There is no "just spam Sds" in this movie.
I never died by you guys, just saying another random pk team that makes a movie and think they did something
To me it looks like you had enough to be a miniteam instead of playing noobchars, i've just been playing this server alone so with 4-5 people you should be good to go as long as you don't go for one of the super big teams
We are usually only 3 guys online at the same time. And we prefer playing in bigger teams. Cant do OB with 3-4 players :/
I never died by you guys, just saying another random pk team that makes a movie and think they did something
Our goal was to kill random ppl untill some team would take us in.
You should know I prefer wars with 10-20 players as we have been fighting eachothers for 3-4 years :)
Taze, the big teams random pks a lot too, so it isn't exactly something new, and usually it's even worse when the bigger teams goes random pking because theres either 10 people coming for you or 2 coming to ue combo you. I don't know what is worse, if the ue combo fails and you try to fight back you'll get 10 people swarming around you within a few minutes, at least these guys were a smaller team of 3-5 people, not impossible to fight back if you decided to.
Taze, the big teams random pks a lot too, so it isn't exactly something new, and usually it's even worse when the bigger teams goes random pking because theres either 10 people coming for you or 2 coming to ue combo you. I don't know what is worse, if the ue combo fails and you try to fight back you'll get 10 people swarming around you within a few minutes, at least these guys were a smaller team of 3-5 people, not impossible to fight back if you decided to.
True that. We usually got gangbanged by teams of 10-12 after some kills :D The only time we could do safe kills, was at night. However, any advertisement for the OT are good advertisement.
I think it's hard to balance out where the battles are going to take place, without the boosted tombs and okolnir it's usually in demona or poi, with the boosted tombs it's mostly ankrahmun, with okolnir it's mostly okolnir. There must be some way to balance it out but how? One way could be to allow traveling with skull but i'm not for this idea myself, since it's 7.72 it should stay as it is in my opinion. But how else do you balance it out? Maybe you could make okolnir accessable through walking there from some other city, not a seperate island like assassinho says. It could be like walking to fibula for instance.

thb i would vote for traveling with pz.
That's the thing though, without "bring me to" people will complain about boat traps, with "bring me to" people will complain about people traveling around to every city on the map. Maybe it would work if there was a system where you can use "bring me to" if you're not pz locked but if you are pz locked then you cant use it. I know it's hard for fribben though because he's gotta keep everyone satisfied
That's the thing though, without "bring me to" people will complain about boat traps, with "bring me to" people will complain about people traveling around to every city on the map. Maybe it would work if there was a system where you can use "bring me to" if you're not pz locked but if you are pz locked then you cant use it. I know it's hard for fribben though because he's gotta keep everyone satisfied
When Svargrond came for first time, the boat was without pz. But you could not travel when you had "blood on your hands". That system works now, but he changed the boat to pz zone again.
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