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[Germany] OriginalTibia 7.72 - Porthope, SVARGROND(OKOLNIR) - ONLINE!!

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200 mana for exori

And paladins and knight hit alot harder than they used to, to make it more balanced.

Who normal will play on Saturday night? Advert it and open tommorow 10:00 or 12:00
Would be realy nice if it starts today :) and the adjust's looks fine too me.
redskull should last for as long as u got frags. Frag should last 7h and banishment 24h
open it next weekend, dont fail again
teams are ready to play oldera. Lets better wait for Ryan and see what is going on. Fribben if u dont get confirmation from teams including mine better dont run it for 30 players.

Don't listen to this guy bro, he somehow seems to think every OT that comes out must have his consent and every last detail must be verified by him, no he's just another player who has his dick up his own arse for whatever reason I do not know, because he and his team are shite.
If you open it before Oldera you will get more pepole on your server Fribben.. So my tip for you is that open it asap and we player will help out whit the marketing
If the server opens today, this will be the server I'm gonna make a war video on! Else I'll go to Oldera and make it there (I got a quite big subscriber base of Tibia players)
Open it today bro, Ryan has gave you an oppertunity by fucking up Oldera (Yes, again) theres a gap in the market right now everyone has been waiting 3 hours for Oldera and still not a word from Ryan, get your server up and me and my team will be there.
Don't listen to this guy bro, he somehow seems to think every OT that comes out must have his consent and every last detail must be verified by him, no he's just another player who has his dick up his own arse for whatever reason I do not know, because he and his team are shite.
Im atleast trying to give him advices to make it look as much as possible similar to oldera that everyone liked. And what are u doing except the thing u will be the first one to quit.
And what is your team?
Im atleast trying to give him advices to make it look as much as possible similar to oldera that everyone liked. And what are u doing except the thing u will be the first one to quit.

Again please? (only in English this time)
I agree with Rolex, he makes a good & clear point. Me and others were ready to play Oldera but I'm just as much ready to play yours now that Ryan fucked it up.
I signed up also.
Let's play then on Originaltibia. But there is still some things to fix to make it look like it was on oldera.
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