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Help me with suggestions to my Quest OTS.

Hum hum :3 What could it be?

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Since the 3 main towns are done, I can start to work on some main parts of the conquering system!!!! :D Yaaay~!

I need to figure a nice way of making it, how it shall work. An advanced concept of it or something, to make the draft version up running.

War Zones
War zones are the zones you need to conquer, by conquering a war zone, all people who reside in the same town as you do, will gain an advantage.

The main advantage will be access to restricted areas. Only towns that have conquered a specific war zone can enter the island. And the island may contain special ingredients required for the game, good hunting places and quests.

For an example:

By conquering Laguna War Zone, everybody who reside in the same town as you do, will gain access to Laguna Island.

There shall be several war zones across the entire map. Each town will have special advantage to their nearest war zones. Nothing overpowered, but something like a private path (only possible to walk through for that town) that leads to the war zone.
While the other two towns will have to walk a shared path. And conflicts may occur before even reaching the war zone.

To conquer a war zone, your town need to dominate the top floor of the war zone. Its almost like "King of the hill". A battle for a war zone is estimated to about 20 - 30 minutes. This way, people who are far off the war zone, get their time to jump into battle before its over.

However, each war zone will have slightly different ways to conquering the zone. The Laguna War zone is not done yet, and I have yet to figure out which kind of "conquering" system I shall have on it, so I will use another sample from another war zone I have created:

Mountainpass Island:

As with last time, your goal here is to reach the top. However, you can only use a "ladder" (to climb up to next floor) once each 6 minutes. And to successfully conquer the war zone, you need to stay alive on top floor for 10 minutes.
If you are a defender of the war zone, which means you have already conquered the war zone, and want to defend it to avoid other towns conquering it, you can use the ladders without any cooldown.
The goal to any defender is ofcourse, to eliminate all the enemies. Note that enemies might also fight among themselves, since there will always be an interest of 2 towns to conquer a war zone. And only 1 town can rule over a war zone at the same time.
If you, as a conqueror reaches for an example 3rd floor, and you die. You will have to start from the beginning, and cooldown applies then as well.

This is a good war zone, and it may take many hours to conquer. I can see big long epic battles in the future here.

If your town have recently conquered a war zone, you will own the war zone for at least 12 hours. After 12 hours, other people can conquer it again. This way, players from different time zones (EU, USA) may both enjoy the conquering zone by having at least 1 potencial battle between each war zone.

Still in very draft mode: (Need to find a way to do this, without making it possible to abuse the system)
So, after 12 hours, its possible to conquer war zone, but if you manages to defend the war zone (from the same amount of time as your town conquered it in), you will have an additional 6 hours protection to the war zone before its possible to re-conquer it.
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Make town guards
and make them attack skulled players.
Also make a room where there is a king
when you enter guards attacks you
Alot of mapping done, here is a small portion of it:


Continuation of the conquer system concept:

There are smaller zones to conquer which dies not give your town any special advantages, but you as the landlord who conquers the area will gain an advantage.

So far I have created:
A small village with bandits ruled by a mighty wizard. As long as you have conquered this locaton you will be the landlord and will be able to curse other players.
To curse other players you will have to be in a specific location around the conquered area. But the curse has a global range. You can curse anyone.
This curse will last for 30 minutes or until cursed character has logged out.
The curse effect: Will keep disabling enemy haste effect until curse has runned out.
The curse has 3 hour cooldown.

The strongest haste spell will only be obtained by conquering a specific area.

These spells are unique in the way that only 1 character may use them at the same time. But as soon as someone else conquer the place, the old landlord will loose it and the new one will get the spell.

But in most cases you will get your chance to defend your zone. For the zone with the strongest haste spell the conquer time is aprox 15 minutes. Giving you plenty of time to reach your own land and defend it.
In some zones you will also be able to buy protection. And different "level" of protection. Higher level of protection will cost more money.
The cost of money for protection will in many cases also be calculated on your own level. A level 70 character will have significantly more expensive protection than a level 20 character.

There are also hunting zones you can conquer, by conquering these zones you can get access to local quests on the hunting zone and for an example a mailbox which may be very useful.

I might also create zones which will increase your offensive damage. Where it gives for an example 10+ true damage to strike spells.
the vocations sounds boring :( u should make nice vocations and nice spells and nice monsters. I would RLY suggest u adding the new demons from tibia, they are so nice.... and make a quest there u can become possessed, like if u are magician u will become something else and know demonlike spells
the vocations sounds boring :( u should make nice vocations and nice spells and nice monsters. I would RLY suggest u adding the new demons from tibia, they are so nice.... and make a quest there u can become possessed, like if u are magician u will become something else and know demonlike spells

Will not be my first priority. My todo list is huge. :p

Anyway progress:

Made some "small depth holes". And the regular tibia ramps are to huge to fit the depth. So I made mini ramps work on these situations:

The red mini ramp to get you upstairs:
-- North facing stairs custom script by Znote rev 1
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
	if isPlayer(cid) then
		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,50010) == 1 then
			return true
	-- 50010
		local pos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
		-- Manipulating current creature position to fit the next position
		local yznote = pos.y - 1
		local zznote = pos.z - 1
		-- Teleports player to the next position. Perfect example of scripted stairs. 
		local newpos = {x=pos.x,y=yznote,z=zznote}
		doTeleportThing(cid, newpos)
	return true
This is a nice example of modifying your current pos. So script can be used as template for similar purposes. The position to teleport to is not hard-coded so it will calculate from everywhere on the map and work correctly.

The yellow invisible squares that makes you walk down the ramp:
-- downramp for north invisible title rev 1.5
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
	if isPlayer(cid) then
	return false

This is a neat example of where "return false" becomes useful. We want to keep the regular property of yellow invisible squares, however we want to add an additional function to it in these special situations where player gets a storage value.

The reason I had to add this additional function to the yellow "downramp" squares is because you will land on the mini ramp, and if it doesn't detect that you came from the yellow ramp pos then you will be trowed back up. :p Its a movement.

So the mini ramp will check if you have storage value 1 (you just got it from yellow square) and then set storage value 0 and return true. (cancel the rest of mini ramp function).
Else proceed with mini ramp function and move your pos upstairs.

Edit: Haha, his name is fixed. XD
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Suggestion: extra shared exp for group hunts or better than usual hunting spots but require 1 or more people to hunt in them. Such as a lever and tiles to pull/use to enter. Encourages team work and group hunts. Something most servers severely lack
Yeah that could be a good idea but it has it's ups and downs, because if you don't have any friends to play with then you will level slow and it shouldn't be like that.
Yeah that could be a good idea but it has it's ups and downs, because if you don't have any friends to play with then you will level slow and it shouldn't be like that.

Yeah, well the purpose is to encourage people to make friends ofc. Could have a balance between solo and team hunting spawns too
Yeah, well the purpose is to encourage people to make friends ofc. Could have a balance between solo and team hunting spawns too

invite to party --> enable exp share

And increase exp share ratio so they share etc 130% exp from monster? (65% each[2 players in party]).

That way monster will drop more total experience when being killed by a party.
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