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House issue!!!!!


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
There is not a single free house on the server.

Alot of ppl makes alterantive chars to buy up a whole block.

Some have houses that are empty...

Some buys guildhalls without anything in there aswell...ofc that's okay.

But some have houses and they aren't beeing used...

Put a weekly deletion of house in the server.
if you haven't been online for 1 week from example: 8:00pm wednesday -> 8:00pm wednesday (following week) Then they will be kicked out of the house automaticly.

I really want a house, and I think so will alot of other ppl too...

for exmaple again...
my friend has a friend on the server that has stopped playing on this OT and still he has a house active...

Give everybody a fair chance, and let everybody have a chance to get one.

If you fail the 1 week notice, you lose the house...

it's something to fight for and something to be online for.

Sure, everybody could just go offline for 6days 23hours 30 minutes and then go online for 5 min and still keep the house.

I know it can be alot to ask, and as I said in another thread...Gm does as they pleases without having pitty for any players feelings/emotions regarding the action taken by any GM in the game.

Would be great if this little "problem" or "annoying"-thing...whatever you want to call it. =)
That it will be fixed. =)

Best regards//
Silwana // Touched
well...how fair is that on an OT?
If people goes offline for weeks...well then they have choosed that.
It's their loss.

in my opinion all players should have the same chance of getting a house and if they have a house they should have the possibility to get an upgrade by buying a bigger house.

If that is not a good idea.
why not make 1 house/account.

And make a rule that all players may only have 1 account at any one time.

I understand those who thinks this is not a good idéa, but most of them is proberly allready a house owner of one or more houses.
What if someone gets banned for 1 week? Or go on vacation? You got to think twice dude. Yeah I know I have a nice house left of Thais depot, but I still play and if I quit I'll give it to a friend probably.
So far I haven't seen any weekly banns...

About vacation. it should be possible to put a service on the website that allows you to go on vacation status = Not able to activate account untill earliest after those 7 days. Then which will not count into the 7 days online idéa I have posted earlier.

and if you quit, ofc it's okay to give the house to a friend.

But what about those that dosen't?
Have a house while not playing for the rest of their lives on this server or maybe 6 months ect, is that fair against all other players that plays daily and desperatly looking for a house?

You have a house, ofc you want me to think twice...
But we that dosen't have a house does not consider it to be enssesary to think twice.
Some agrees with me, some disagress with me.

Another possibility is that the GM's makes another part of map as a simple city with house and vendors. Maybe some own quest or just spawn place with diffrent creatures.

Not saying it will be good or bad. Just a possibility.

So Minimii, you don't think that it is unnessesary that 1 IRL person owns a whole block of house/houses, and maybe just using 1-2 houses in that block of maybe 4-7 houses? Making multiple chars just to own more houses?

In my eyes that is just pure insanity. some thinks that it is smart and looks good with alot of houses.

in real tibia it's 1 house/character.
But lets face it...this is OT. 1000x easier to get cash and pay for houses.

Easier to get cash = Less houses/account = OT
Harder to have a house = More houses/account = Real Tibia.

Someone should go thru the player list to check who has been offline for too long and remove houses or even delete the cahr, since it also uses capacity of server-comp.

Just saying: Make it more fair for all.


Just saying: My idéa, now for GM to listen or ignore. =)

GM rules = My commands!

Easier that way.