its been almost 3 months since soulfire and envenome rune "fix"
soulfire rune instead of being super op while throwing it by lvls 8-9 it is now useless for ms/ed as it last few minutes BUT if u throw it as 100 rp or ek it last for HOURS literally hours not like 3+ despite reports no fix cuz they got no clue how to fix that XD
somehow pacc days got bugged i used 30 days pacc scroll to troll around 9 days ago and i already have 15 days of pacc left XD maybe its on purpose to milk as much money from players as they could because that one bug was reported already few times

postman quest is still bugged xdd since test server
bursts arrows still doesnt scale with mlv nor with distance fighting its currently completly useless item for both paladins and mages (xD) like wtf how hard it would be to adjust formula or copy it from 7.4? it would take probably 15 minutes to implement but its still too hard for staff
mobs AI is funny they can bug while trying to walk diagonal standing still forever so u can kill giant spiders on 8 paladin it is still not fixed (report on test server almost year ago)
demons barely do any dmg i was able to pull parchment and grab key to dhq on 33 elite knight WITHOUT HOTKEYS and without utani hur i manage to ran to stairs demons i literally ran next to demons and they are so laggy that i didnt get melee hit despite walking next to them also i got one gfb from two demons targeting me over 4 seconds xdd btw 60 paladins hunting single demon spawn on parchment room
it takes ages to fix a bug and even if its just a literally few minute fix its too much for staff they pretend like they are busy fixing "important" stuff e.g client (still not fixed when u loot monsters dead bodies open outside of screen xdd)
e.g something as simple as adding beholder shield to be sellable takes week and it is still probably not fixed because last changelog was 2 weeks ago
ppl gave up with reporting bugs since theres legit 20+ if not more bugs reported on bug reports and most of them would take literally few minutes to fix e.g change square and waiting for literally months to be fixed xdd
"questlog comming soon" xD