• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

How to NOT count x-logged players?


same error, someone can helping with this? 0.4
This change has been applied to the TFS 0.3.7 as of revision 5682. If you are using any later versions, you do not need to follow this tutorial. Additionally, is is achieved in a safer way.
Hello My Gesior has an error can someone help me? I modified the status.cpp exactly the tutorial and compiled, run certim, are the server when I open it to get online lap he automatically gets a players online without anyone entering

I was in the config folder in the file and it is ServerStatus players_online = 1
of which do not have anyone online can someone help me?
as modern modified to account?
which should be added in the config.php?
not the reason that they ban people with modern account .. if there is no code to add to this ..
Only compiled not need modern acc for edit sources, you need whoisonline in modern acc for see afk and active?
Need who is online..
only see player online.. not afks..
do not know how to add the function to read afk players.

ECHO 'Currently there are '.$playerss[0].' active and '.$serverPlayersAFK.' AFK players';
ECHO ' on '.$world_name.' gameworlds.<br>