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Neon's latest mapping works!

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Demon Spawn


Soon able to download! Stay Tuned...
It's very dark, because I don't want to spoil to much...​
Demon Spawn


Soon able to download! Stay Tuned...
It's very dark, because I don't want to spoil to much...​

I actually started this before he posted his, so..

Hope neon wont mind but I'm eager to show my announcement mapping (since I'm proud of the idea at hand of this project with Neon) which will be released as MY first release(If I get done by friday - somewhat doubtfull. But hey we may always hope.) together with Neons piece of mapping decided by theme given.


Did you get the theme from Zelda or something?

Doesn't look right.. :/
Attention! :D

\../ <(Ö_ö)> \../

Me(Neon) and Demon Eldorath reunited yet again - we were last seen united within the tales and team of Illyrium, a team highly appriciated for its mapping and scenery.
This time we will share everything we map (some maps will ofcourse till remain private).
Based on the THEME given and/or decided we'll be releasing smaller AREAS containing that theme for your pleasure and usage. Without strings.

We'll also be keeping in mind that these areas will most likley sometime appear on lowrate server which demands or needs quests to fullfill their history or just to obtain the experience deserved.
So we'll attempt to (meanwhile making the theme) add some sort of off-side (maybe within) whereby you may add NPC'S or similar to complete or start/complete your simple quest or Chain quest.

Aswell as the mapping piece will be containing the highest standards of quality mapping which our skills allows - yet playerfriendly. (Details but aint blocking.)

As a start we will be demanding requests of themes which your eager to obtain for your own maps. So feel free to add themes.
Requests containing Towns/Villages and larger cities will take loads longer to process and will most likley NOT to be released the next Friday.
Hour of Release may be added later.

We will make a thread regarding this.
Will be able to view in the "Download" section.
First map will be released June Friday 17th!!

Stay tuned...

Sincerely yours.
Neon and Demon Eldorath

bump for Neonz.

Hope neon wont mind but I'm eager to show my announcement mapping (since I'm proud of the idea at hand of this project with Neon) which will be released as MY first release(If I get done by friday - somewhat doubtfull. But hey we may always hope.) together with Neons piece of mapping decided by theme given.


like it alot! =)
Don't even want him in the thread ^^ trollface.jpg
How can you guys say that its lovely when u can barely see anything? lmao

Anyhoot, bet its gonna look good once its finished, cant wait to see it than.
*Increasing the light on the monitor*
*Sees how it looks*

*Increasing the light on the monitor*
*Sees how it looks*


Tried that, got the brightness and contrast at 100 but i can still barely see anything ^^
Altho i just saw that ur wearing the BoB outfit after i was staring at the pic for 2 mins hahaha

Btw eldoraths city looks simply epic
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