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New PVP-E Evo-server! Would you play this server?

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Who's going to host it? Stian or GZH? Or your getting your own Dedi :p?
Who's going to host it? Stian or GZH? Or your getting your own Dedi :p?

The server will be hosted by Zonet. The dedicated we gonna use are very good dedicated with the operative system Linux.
The dedicated is located in Germany, and will be able to handle more than 1000 players!

Bomberman Event Added!

Bomberman Event
Credits goes to Cyckotitan, Thank you!

Me and Exit has just added the bomberman event!
The event is fully working and tested.
Here are some information about the new script/event:

* You will gain 1 cyrstal coin each time you win the event.
* You will not gain any crystal coin if you are over level 100.
* You will be able to plant the bomb using the key "p/P".
* The event is maximum for 4 players - You get random place when pull lever.




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kaB000000000M i could really consider playing this server even tho overpowered pay-2-play now with this event, Please more events like this and W I N
kaB000000000M i could really consider playing this server even tho overpowered pay-2-play now with this event, Please more events like this and W I N

Haha :d.. Zonet will code page for the winner for the bomberman event later for the website. There will be more events, castle wars, guild wars and more I think.

The items in shop won't cost so much as you think xD.. trust me.
kaB000000000M i could really consider playing this server even tho overpowered pay-2-play now with this event, Please more events like this and W I N
Will come Zonet will get some scripts too :)
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