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Pokémon Online!

it's r0x server?

  • Yeszsz! ;)

    Votes: 422 65.8%
  • Nooooo! ;(

    Votes: 219 34.2%

  • Total voters
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i tried to make an account but it always says: sorry you are not human xd even if i write the code or "yes"

done and lmao im on the 200 position of the list even you have to wait to be on the waiting list xD
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Im pissed off when I see EVERYONE with a Bellsprout and now I wasted totally 113 poke balls and 11 great balls on one and still havn't got it ( Made a new char for 2 days ago~ )
what the fuck is going on!
I still w8 for a place on waiting list... -.-
20 hours later~...
Sorry,the wait list is full. Try again later....bla bla
15 days later
Sorry,the wait list is full. Try again later

Ehm Br's pls stop it?
Go to school and learn more english :S

Br's never need to sleep? o_O
They can play 24/7...it sux
I hate br's so much xD they sux all -.-
gloryanders thats nothing e.e i was soon 150 pokebalsl on bellsprouts and hell load of great balls.. i couldav bought 2 bellsprouts for this money..
thats being racist. and if u cant see theres 900 ppl in each server so. its like old time tibia online stats always full that we have to use proxys to get in. by the way the sev its pretty nice congratz to the team
Im pissed off when I see EVERYONE with a Bellsprout and now I wasted totally 113 poke balls and 11 great balls on one and still havn't got it ( Made a new char for 2 days ago~ )
what the fuck is going on!

113 balls 11 great and bellsprout and u didn't get it?? omg that's relly bad luck ;/ but keep trying you'll get it sooner or later
OMG .. you're lucky too i used 25 balsl and 2 great balls and didnt catch it xD



Thank you everyone
SvkE Team

:D:D no waiting list anymore ;)
played this game for 30 minutes and it was kinda fun, but it's a NON-PVP, so it's not for me :p
just traded my 2 pidgeys and 22 dollars for a bellsprout in a ultra ball ;)
O JOGO VAI FICAR OFFLINE AS 6 DA MANHA PARA TROCAR A CONEX�O PARA 1000MBS. Ainda estamos procurando o bug de processamento que nos obriga a restartar o server de vez enquando. Quando o servidor ficar est�vel ser�o abertos mais 2 ou 3 servers.

the game is going to get offline at 6 am(br time) its arround 8 am in spain(idk other places) to get a new conexion of 1.000?( i think he mean 100 ) megabites(nett). Also we are trying to fix a bug in the processor that make us restart the server every while. When the server come back online there will be 2 or 3 new servers...

YEAH GREAT NEWS MENZ! i hope everything to work correctly!!!

every1 should stay in gold and we all be together coz alot of low lvl brs and new players will all go to the new servs.. it's way better to stay ^^
I dont think people who are like level 15-16 will start another server :S But Ill see.
i will stay in gold :D if not everyone starts the new server i dont wanna be the only english speaking in gold :eek:

im online on gold msg me someone :D name bazzese
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