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REPORT ALL 0.2 BUGS HERE (latest 0.2 svn)!

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I also report bug with blessings. I tested it and it didn't work.
Cntrl + Z (rule violations reporting) after sending the message the server crashes.

~Kiwi Dan~
I testing what make laggs I found cpu bug!
I use rev672


If player see (NOT GAMEMASTER!) monsters these which dont have way to escape and are in closed place - CPU going to use 100%.

Please fix it :)
I testing what make laggs I found cpu bug!
I use rev672


If player see (NOT GAMEMASTER!) monsters these which dont have way to escape and are in closed place - CPU going to use 100%.

Please fix it :)

Are You joking?! I'll test it! :) If YES - you have 999999 reps from me.
I'll wait for slawkens to confirm this, then I'll start checking monster/creature/pathfinding code differences, avesta - tags/0.2.
Yyy, are you sure it was last rev? I remember that it causes lags before this whole rewrite code for monster patching.

Haha Deamon this is it!

I have made map same like you, becouse i wanted be 100% sure that it isnt this. BUT!


But why there is 100% uptime whole time after start? I teleported player back, and its goes down to 0%.
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The thing is that x64 OS emulates a x86 environment to run it.
I think it isnt important x32 or x64. Jonern you should place with GM, 4 monsters like i made on picture. Then teleport there standard player.
i think who this is only on 32 bits processors my friend have one server using latest rev hosted on 64 bits server and not get high cpu usage
But i have 64 bits. It isnt important, or its caused by somethink else.

Your friend meybe dont have to much players online. Than he dont see it.


Tala, rev 674 - fixed?
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