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Server is back online!


Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
sry for the downtime i was at my cabin, so i couldnt watch over the serv. it is up now :)
Haha this server has not been very stable. It's been off and on and its really annoying :/
Hahh.... there is always any fucking problem and the server goes off AGAIN!
Dudess chill!!
Getting mad and stuff is not going to help anything ofc you got every right to be mad but you gota understand too lockjoint is trying to fix everything i.e look on the forum "8.5" it will help the server become more stable "I Hope" .

Dudess chill!!
Getting mad and stuff is not going to help anything ofc you got every right to be mad but you gota understand too lockjoint is trying to fix everything i.e look on the forum "8.5" it will help the server become more stable "I Hope" .


Stop kissing asses OMGGGGGGGGGG
ok .. lockjoint should give us an ip to anther server to play on whenever this server is offline ;)
seems good idea for all of you guys ?
then start showing out a good OT ip to play there
Yeah it's kind of annoying it's been offline for at least 5 hours now today, probably updating to 8.5? I don't know. He should at least give forewarning on the news section why it went down and when it will likely be back up
Kissing ass? for telling it how it is?


Makes me think how some people can be so stupid you obviously been looking at my posts on other threads right to judge me?
So that means you saw the thread saying where I am from I like to know where im saying I am "br" if so please show me? Also why state the obvious of course I want to be staff didn't you see my application oh right you must of as you forum post stalk me maybe?
You also call it "good stuff" I don't know about you but for posting on the forum about relevant issues and posting my OPINION is called "good stuff" then ok thanks ill take it as a compliment that you think what I write is good mwhaha :D

p.s LORD MONTERFORI DED BY MI PLXXXX?!?!/!!!oneone?!?!/

people that say they have a life on a game are liars :)

P.S Winning a fight on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if u do win u r still retarded SO stop fighting.
And your hypocrit because you say stop fighting meanwhile what your saying sounds like you want to start another fight
people that say they have a life on a game are liars :)

P.S Winning a fight on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if u do win u r still retarded SO stop fighting.

Ok so can I ask you something...Do you have a life?

Also bryson so now your counting every time I post now hmm interesting...

yeah, i know eh? what the fuck is up with that, you handicap hater

player hater
chair hater

btw actually James, (if that is your real name.!) no, i posted on 3 or 4 things, and i click forums and under all 4 titles, it says latest post by, and i usually want them all to say my name cause i posted in those threads, and when i see someone elses i know that someone posted