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[Sweden] 7.4 - Nevila - Low Experience Rate! CHECK IT!

Proposes to make big loot rate: x 60-70. People will have a lot of money on continuing the war and exp , will not be bored.
Proposed rate exap:
1-8 x7
8-13 x6
14-21 x4
22-29 x3
30 + x2 or x1,5

What it will map real or own?
Make pvp enforced with skulls for x1 exap players. I do not like to hunt animals.
only thing i agree tampon on is:
Proposed rate exap:
1-8 x7
8-13 x6
14-21 x4
22-29 x3
30 + x2 or x1,5

about the project: plssss check the map everyday for bugs, cause what ive seen is that barely anyone can host 7.4 servers long.
Proposes to make big loot rate: x 60-70. People will have a lot of money on continuing the war and exp , will not be bored.
Proposed rate exap:
1-8 x7
8-13 x6
14-21 x4
22-29 x3
30 + x2 or x1,5

What it will map real or own?
Make pvp enforced with skulls for x1 exap players. I do not like to hunt animals.

only thing i agree tampon on is:
Proposed rate exap:
1-8 x7
8-13 x6
14-21 x4
22-29 x3
30 + x2 or x1,5

about the project: plssss check the map everyday for bugs, cause what ive seen is that barely anyone can host 7.4 servers long.

Well the rate is going to be 2. We do understand that this might not suit everyone, and that's okay :)

The map is being checked several times on an external server before implanted to real server.
Should there still be some issues it's nothing that won't be fixed within minutes.

why play dis when tibianic is online aswell with 2x and that looks way_more_stable_mon. thats what Id question myself if i would start here.
Do exp for player x 1, for monsters such as I gave earlier?
Was that a proposal or a question? :)

Anyways everything is twice what it was on Tibia at 7.4.

So lets say a Rotworm which yielded 40 experience points now yield 80.
A rat which yielded 5 experience points now yield 10.

And so on, you get the picture :)
Kungenn, is it real tibia client 7.4 or not? I don't recall amulet of life existing on 7.4:ninja:
As of now you'll be able to play in the town Romar.
Should you think it isn't enough for you well then simply wait a week and you'll be able to play another town aswell.

what if you get a player online record of like 60? i bet that single city isn't big enough and then you may have a double exp rate but it will look like for us it is even harder then on real tibia.
Kungenn said:
The launch date will most likely be 2011-11-26 but due to the unawareness of how hard some issues we need to fix will be. Therefore I can't with 100% certainty say that it'll be online at 26th of November.
However if it isn't online 26th it'll be 27th or 28th.

Not an exact time but yeah
I doubt it'll be today due to the lack of time I've had :/ Been busy all day in real life. Having party tonight aswell. But tomorrow Im almost 100% certain it'll be up! ;)

My post was aimed towards the people who posted above me! :pP