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[Sweden | 7.72] Antica - START TODAY 18:00 CET

Will you play Antica if it's resetted?

  • YES

    Votes: 49 61.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 31 38.8%

  • Total voters
James. Please fix the Mute system ASAP. I just got muted for 4 whole minutes trying to buy an AOL. Just set the maximum mute to 10 seconds..

mute system was input to counter spammers. I think all old players here remember those annoying pricks running around the depot yelling "SPAMSPAMSPAM".. But cmon, it was years ago I saw somebody do that on an OT. It's not needed here. So putting maximum 10 seconds won't hurt anyone.

The best thing was at rookgard marketplace BUY MACE BUY MACE BUY MACE, whole screen full of ppl standing there and spamming. was fun
You should add a "player online xxx" counter to the website, it may attract more people if they see how many play here.
The best thing was at rookgard marketplace BUY MACE BUY MACE BUY MACE, whole screen full of ppl standing there and spamming. was fun

I always spammed my rl friend with spells on rookgaard, just held the hotkey down and spammed like exura vita, then i went over to his house and i remember the spamming was still going on lolol
Can you remake the boat system?.. Put in other files or something?

It's really buggy. Sometimes when you say "hi, edron, yes" and stuff it doesn't even work. No, nobody is interrupting or anything. Not writing too fast or too slow. It's just buggy. And sometimes you get to the -wrong boat- wtf.

And if you haven't already, fix the mute system. I'm always afraid of buying things now since i dont wanna get muted for 5 minutes instantly.
guess that comes because of the anti bot client

Is this you complaining since you can't bot or what? The antibot client is great. Botters are really rare here compared to Oldera.

Or wait, "they're only skilled" - like someone said, maybe that's why the same people hit 10x more sds on oldera than Antica ^_^
Maybe you havent lag, but custom client dont allow to open some programs (not bots) to avoid lag from people not from europe, thats why custom client is bad for this kind of issue, there is no solution?
antibot system is patetic, 5 minutes and i broke it. Its just a PECompac 2 encryption, lot of tutorial out there to know how to break it.
Is this you complaining since you can't bot or what? The antibot client is great. Botters are really rare here compared to Oldera.

Or wait, "they're only skilled" - like someone said, maybe that's why the same people hit 10x more sds on oldera than Antica ^_^

You make it sound like everyone on oldera used bot which is untrue. Of course there's gonna be a lot less botters because most botters are too retarded to figure out how to bypass the antibot client.

People are having problems with wtfast and other proxies so it's not perfect. Also another minus with custom clients is there won't be any cams. Except for the people who can be arsed getting 1 hour recording splitted into 10-20 4gb files.. Using fraps that is
You make it sound like everyone on oldera used bot which is untrue. Of course there's gonna be a lot less botters because most botters are too retarded to figure out how to bypass the antibot client.

People are having problems with wtfast and other proxies so it's not perfect. Also another minus with custom clients is there won't be any cams. Except for the people who can be arsed getting 1 hour recording splitted into 10-20 4gb files.. Using fraps that is

Yeah, because most people don't have 100gb to spare on their harddrive. Jeez, are you playing on a tree?
Good wars here?
I hope not botters even if custom client
Many Ppl, what about pvp? I maybe gather my team Here
Yeah, because most people don't have 100gb to spare on their harddrive. Jeez, are you playing on a tree?

I've got tons of space i don't use and yes i'm playing on a tree. No i just find it a lot simpler watching through a 2mbit file containing 2-3h of gameplay instead of having it seperated into 20-30 7-9 minute videos, it also is a lot less awkward using fraps to record specific time periods than cutting everything except the time period you want, at least in my opinion.

Whatever you do it's a lot easier and efficient to use tibiacam - Reasons

1. Some people lag while using fraps, yes i am one of them, as previously mentioned i play on a tree.
2. Annoying to edit imo, you could convert them to wmv but that takes quite a while too.
3. A lot smoother gameplay for me at least using tibiacam.
I've got tons of space i don't use and yes i'm playing on a tree. No i just find it a lot simpler watching through a 2mbit file containing 2-3h of gameplay instead of having it seperated into 20-30 7-9 minute videos, it also is a lot less awkward using fraps to record specific time periods than cutting everything except the time period you want, at least in my opinion.

Whatever you do it's a lot easier and efficient to use tibiacam - Reasons

1. Some people lag while using fraps, yes i am one of them, as previously mentioned i play on a tree.
2. Annoying to edit imo, you could convert them to wmv but that takes quite a while too.
3. A lot smoother gameplay for me at least using tibiacam.

So, basicly. While using tibiacam, the viewer has to spend alot of time watching crap until they get to the good parts.=the player recording saving alot of time, the viewer lose alot of time

With fraps, the recorder and editor lose alot of time fixing the vid while the viewers save alot of time only watching the enjoyable parts.

You'd rather use tibiacam, to save time for yourself, but I'd rather give the viewers a more pleasant time.

nuff said

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