• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[SWEDEN] Dylora RL Map Server 8.41/2


You are pathetic.

You just copied my OTs Thread, pasted here and changed info...
no shit
lol, poor looser.

look.. here is mine..

Too bad every team apart from ours suck. Wars ain't fun tbh.

Serious doesn't have an E, and you fucked up the URL html Code. :3

Exp Stages :

1-50 x50
51-80 x40
81-100 x35
101-130 x25
131-150 x15
151-170 x10
171-200 x7
201-250 x5
251-N/A x3

Acorrding to your website.

* 1 - 50 lvl - 100x
* 51 - 80 lvl - 60x
* 81 - 100 lvl - 40x
* 101 - 130 lvl - 30x
* 131 - 150 lvl - 15x
* 151 - 170 lvl - 10x
* 171 - 200 lvl - 6x
* 201 - 250 lvl - 5x
* 251 - 275 lvl - 3x
* 276 - XXX lvl - 2x