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Team Team Trackers|Real Map Project

Server Name (What's your team name?) - krille09
Real Name (What's your real name?) - kristopher
Age (How old are you?) - 14
Job (Tracker, scripter, coders etc) - monster scripter
Msn Adress (www.hotmail.com) - [email protected]

I can be this teams monster maker... I can make basics of the monster... like voices and that, I will not fill in attack spells or how much they attacks... first of all just the monster file with name, exp, hp it got etc will be, vocies etc... ;p

habiba, you already got my msn :p

Sentielo is doing the monsters with the voices immunities and Loot like real
My task will be to do the attacks like real.
So , sorry , but we dont need any monster maker.;(
- We updatet the map -

Map statistics for the map "Ramere Map Editor"
Tile data:
Total number of tiles: 9623052
Number of pathable tiles: 1703039
Number of unpathable tiles: 7920013
Percent walkable tiles: 17.70%
Detailed tiles: 907816
Percent detailed tiles: 9.43%
Item data:
Total number of items: 11277282
Number of moveable tiles: 77407
Number of depots: 338
Number of containers: 0
Number of items with Action ID: 0
Number of items with Unique ID: 0
Creature data:
Total creature count: 34937
Total spawn count: 25432
Mean creatures per spawn: 1.37
Town/House data:
Total number of towns: 12
Total number of houses: 994
Mean houses per town: 82.83
Total amount of housetiles: 50926
Mean tiles per house: 51.23
Mean tiles per town: 4243.83
Largest Town: "Thais" (10649 sqm)
Largest House: "Castle of the White Dragon" (1066 sqm)

Generated by Remere's Map Editor version 1.0.3a
Actions being made atm
Also we are working (Sentielo and Me) on Monsters
Status 50% done - everything like real - not 100% because we dont know exactly the numbers of very rare etc.
The mapsize itself didnt change , but the monsters - 34937 now
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Wow guys your doing great progress I think you will have the biggest real map :)
Good luck!
we got one house left / in real tibia its 995 houses and we only got 994 with real name and rent

Im not sure, but isn't there a house on the Isle of Solitude (GM Island)?

Would that be the missing house?
Well, I could use this map,
Is this map going to be better than Eclipse's?
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"going to be"
At the moment its better , by far
And i wont release it , because we worked a lot to have such a real map
Its 90mb ~ map with 35k monsters - 300 npcs~ - a lot of quests
Im not sure, but isn't there a house on the Isle of Solitude (GM Island)?

Would that be the missing house?

there is no house in Isle of Solitude.

the house is in a city "Venore , Carlin , Edron , Thais , Ankrahmun , Darashia , Svargrond , Port hope , Liberty bay, Ab'Dendriel and Kazordoon"

i will not make that last house someone will report that when the server is online
there is no house in Isle of Solitude.

the house is in a city "Venore , Carlin , Edron , Thais , Ankrahmun , Darashia , Svargrond , Port hope , Liberty bay, Ab'Dendriel and Kazordoon"

i will not make that last house someone will report that when the server is online

Get on MSN to send me the updatet map -.- :D
I want to be monster make and I've never made a monster but I'll Try
Name : Amr
Age : 12-13
Skills On rl tibia : have been playing since 2005
Skills on O.T : have been playing since 2006

I want to tell you i dont know anything about mosters but i'll try and i hope you accept my request
I want to be monster make and I've never made a monster but I'll Try
Name : Amr
Age : 12-13
Skills On rl tibia : have been playing since 2005
Skills on O.T : have been playing since 2006

I want to tell you i dont know anything about mosters but i'll try and i hope you accept my request

ur too late me and sentilo have done them already ;p