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Team Team Trackers|Real Map Project

habiba i already asked you about "recruting" me to the team but you was inactive. So please answer on MSN or post here...
When its finished can i buy this server off of you guys?
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Not even for real money:]
You must know , that , what we've done in quite a short time , was a lot of work.We are just 5 people.And it would be really annoying to someone other than us use "our" server ;[
Not even for real money:]
You must know , that , what we've done in quite a short time , was a lot of work.We are just 5 people.And it would be really annoying to someone other than us use "our" server ;[

Well...I can go with eclipse's map, its the best other than this.
make just a test server, give everyone like 100 levels so we can check how the map looks out and such...

Just for a 1 day a Test server? Host it byursefl for this day.
Lol we will never do that becuse some stupid player will only ztrack places from my map when they are level 100 so I Say No
Habiba " Lol we will never do that becuse some stupid player will only ztrack places from my map when they are level 100 so I Say No"

Thats Bullshit :))))
Then im gonan wait until u turn it on and i'll make there 150 level in 1 month and Track ur whole Map, Thanks...

By the way, After the new update ur map isnt anymore worth as before :))
You should upload this server after its finished.
The reason is because you will be contributing to the community of OTland and could possibly make it more popular when a new Real Map is introduced into the forums.

Im sure the Administrator would like more people, I know atleast 100 people that would come from your rival. (The Other Forum)

Thats just what I Think...
We will make a Testserver soon , but it wont be like that , that u can start with lvl 200 or something.
Our kind of testserver will probably be like , that u start on lvl 1 but the exprate will be higher than on the Celtera server itself
i doubt it'll ever be released (playable server or distro), dude is so paranoid that people will steal his "great work" and wants to keep it to himself
Here is a pic of some loots , i settet loot x1 and made some screens
