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Team Team Trackers|Real Map Project

Gangsta the Ferumbras hat is lootable from an dragon? CONGRATULATIONS IT WILL BE GREAT OT!
Gangsta the Ferumbras hat is lootable from an dragon? CONGRATULATIONS IT WILL BE GREAT OT!

Take a look once more time and you will see that is loot from various monsters (hydra, ferumbras, demodras, serpent spawn, necro(?), troll, frost dragon :p
Ops, havent see that there are fferumbras remains, anyways , bad screen from gangsta. Bad look.
Here is some npc's from venore we got now 42 npc's there.
I got some bugs on them, but noone can make so many npc's without any bugs :p

exemple Frans I cant found the looktype on it
when i use the npc look type generator i got this
<look type="0" head="3114" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" addons="0"/>

check the image and see what i got there. (that is not all)



Its because his looktype is an item , a skull.
I don't know if u have to write Look itemtype then.
The same problem is with the creature lavahole.
Really hard work you guys have done on this server..
I really looking forward to see you guys own the otservlist top x)