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[UnitedStates][Custom] Terra Silenti

ive got the same problem i upgraded an item +1 and my atack vanished

13:43 You see a large bone club+2 [hp.+2%] (Atk:268).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.
It weighs 25.00 oz.
[Attack: +37%]
Position: [X: 1461] [Y: 1230] [Z: 4].
ive got the same problem i upgraded an item +1 and my atack vanished

13:43 You see a large bone club+2 [hp.+2%] (Atk:268).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.
It weighs 25.00 oz.
[Attack: +37%]

Position: [X: 1461] [Y: 1230] [Z: 4].

but before upgrading to +2 it was (atk: 268+ 93)~[ 37%] so once we upgrade it we lose the atack bonus?
I have a problem. I cant open client, it says " Unable to run scrip init.lua!". Help me
That soul regen I think should be a little sped up to be honest I do agree with the obama guy though I do hate obama :(

- - - Updated - - -

Also, Not sure if this is anything that big of a deal or not but the offline training only way ive seen to level up the "survival skill" which is fishing it still says fishing level when it goes up when u check server log after the training is over. Is there anything special about the fishing system?
im sorry. once again u only prove that u have an IQ lower than my Dog.

the biggest mmo rpg EVER. for all of history. and for the next 2-3 years at leased. has "trade-able" items you can buy with real money (world of warcraft)
and the biggest hack and slash game of all time lets you spend hundreds of REAL Dollars on things to make you Buff up your character and be the strongest MoFo on the lands (diablo 3) and on top of that the game will be having ranked rated pvp, and u get to use them real money purchases and kick some welfare persons teeth in with them. and ya know what? when pvp comes out its going to explode with more Real Money purchases and will sell even more copies of the game just because theres a huge number of people waiting on just pvp for it.

Tribes Acend - FPS Free game with micro transactions- you can buy new classes, weapons, upgrades, perks, skills, gear to make urself a monster. and all of these things can also be done IN-Game just with work and some hours playing. this is NO different than this server or any other Death has made.

League of Legends - Strategy - Free with micro transactions, you can buy new characters with all new abilities not playable by free players, upgrade their skins, buy runes, and all other kinds of cool stuff for real money that can also be acquired with many hours in-game play.
these are some Very successful professorially built games.
and the list goes on.. your just once again bringing stupid where stupid doesn't belong.

this is no different a style than what Death has for his server. so why is it your crying?
I'm sorry but you're so stupid that it's laughable. Almost every game you mentioned is new and garbage. How old are you, 12? For fucks sake, you're mentioning Diablo 3? Practically every single D2 player realized D3 was absolute shit when the RMAH was mentioned. Hell, I bet you didn't even play D2. League of Legends? Are you serious? It's mind blowing how obvious it is that you're a child. The only MMORPG you mentioned is WoW, and in WoW you can't buy 1 million health and instantly be better than everyone else simply because you have more real money. So next time keep quiet instead of posting inane useless bullshit kid.

Well, I should spend the donation money to hire obama to argue for me lol
Why can't you argue yourself? Or is it that you know that I'm right? Maybe you'd post something more intelligent than this obama moron.
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Please, explain how I'm trolling.

Protip: Whenever someone disagrees with you, it's not called trolling, it's having a different opinion.
the only mistake obama made in his statement is that he wrote mmorpgs mentionting d3 and lol, but it wasnt the points of his post,
about u trollin or just being a complete douche:
"League of Legends? Are you serious? It's mind blowing how obvious it is that you're a child. " - this quote shows how dumb u are, or enlight me what did u mean by writing that
What was the point of his post then? No good MMORPG sells in-game gold for real money. Practically the only exceptions to this are Tibia, which as I said is heavily regulated, and EVE, but the flowing economy takes care of balancing that. Goes to show that implementing such a system is a terrible idea. And even then, in this server it's completely different, because gold is extremely important since you can buy health and mana with it. In other games, even if you're incredibly rich, there's only so much you can do with gold. Not here. That's the difference. And it's good that gold is valuable and important, but selling it for real money is just stupid, considering how powerful it can make you. And all simply because you have more real money.
I'm not a fan of donations aswell, but as far as i read the payment.rtf file i didnt find anything that would make the players willing to pay better the the ones that cant afford it.
im playing the server for 3 days now, and once u get a disassembling hammer getting cash is pretty easy, donations sets sure can be bought by real cash, but those are g20 max, which isnt the best u can get, and besides u will prolly be able to get them without paying like for example i did:
18:52 You see G20 a amazing voodoo doll: offensive trinket (Arm:20, club fighting +20, sword fighting +20, axe fighting +20, magic level +20, speed +50).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 1400 or higher. and there are G49 items, not even mentioned in the payment file.

u will say that premium account gives 2 much benefits [double exp and faster advances] true, but if u want to compare that server and tibia in general, there isnt a game [F2P obviously], thats still playable that doesnt offer a package which would benefit the owner, everygame has it, cuze there would be no point at all in doing sth, in that case hosting a server or developing it. if u would like to do sth completely free, it will eventually get u broke. everything has to be circulated if u know what i mean, if ur willing to invest some cash in hosting u have to be prepared that once ur cash ends u will come with other way to get it, and if u add donations and get a small donation from time to time it will close the circle making everyones happy.
Also refering the donations, as far as i played through some mmo i noticed that players who donates actively are so called casual players, mostly older [25+] that got a job and paying like 0,5% of their salary doesnt do anything with their financial, also they arent playing like 24/7 but launch a game every now and then, for example for raiding, if ur so fond of word of warcraft. Ur now probably asking what about those rich kids with rich parents that go around and donate for everything, true, those happens as well, but they doesnt stay on the game for long, cuze they simply get bored.

You both got ur points, Obamizer defending Kavalor also comparing that server which is in alpha to titles like wow, lol and d3 which is kinda hillarious, ur complaining about donations just after skimming the payments file uve or someone have found somewhere, just let it go both of u, and lets see how it goes with the server not complaining about anything yet since its ALHPA VERSION
and dont forget that this thread is meant to ADVERTISE to get more players playing, after it gets certain society the payments can be discussed, as a reminder I would also like to mention that many pay to play games went into free to play verions cuze people disliked it [AION, SWTOR, and many more] and thats also hillarious for me to compare server which is in ALPHA to titles like that
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this ramp is broken. not sure if its intentional
14:50 You see a ramp.
Position: [X: 1603] [Y: 1602] [Z: 5].

some signs missing text. do you care about these or should I not mention them?
15:07 You see a blackboard.
Nothing is written on it.
Position: [X: 1424] [Y: 1779] [Z: 10].

15:06 You see a blackboard.
Nothing is written on it.
Position: [X: 1392] [Y: 1748] [Z: 7].

15:08 You see a blackboard.
Nothing is written on it.
Position: [X: 1452] [Y: 1775] [Z: 11].

15:11 You see a sign.
Nothing is written on it.
Position: [X: 1400] [Y: 1736] [Z: 13].
Cure bleeding spell doesnt work, im still bleeding, also it came out of nowhere when I was in depot, and I died due to that
I understand what you're saying. And I'm okay with premium, I don't think it's too overpowered. I think that, if the server only had premium, it would be great.
My main problem is the donation items. I'm happy that they aren't overpowered, but even regular donation items still break the balance in a server like this. Why? Because, as I said: You buy 1000 donation sets - You sell them for 1000000 gold - You buy 1 trillion HP. And that's it, you're the best player in the server... just because you had more RL money.

Note: I am not saying that the "buying hp/mp" system is bad. I love that system. But combined with donation items, it makes it really unfair. A server doesn't need to be "fair" to be good, but it helps a lot.

I know that asking for a server without donations is perhaps asking too much, but if you look at the wiki, one of the biggest policies of the prototype server was "no donations". It just pains me so much to see that such a great feature was abandoned simply for money.
Cure bleeding spell doesn't work,im still bleeding, also it came out of nowhere when I was in depot, and I died due to that

That's how I died then... Yesterday I had my game minimized and was doing something else, then I got off. Next time I got on I was dead with nothing and lost all my stuff. It said I was killed by "unidentified". Anyway you should fix this because that the reason I stoped playing.
Cure bleeding spell doesnt work, im still bleeding, also it came out of nowhere when I was in depot, and I died due to that
That's how I died then... Yesterday I had my game minimized and was doing something else, then I got off. Next time I got on I was dead with nothing and lost all my stuff. It said I was killed by "unidentified". Anyway you should fix this because that the reason I stoped playing.

i had this happen as well in depo. i then stepped out to let my regen keep my alive. however i did almost die (seconds away) after taking a train ride..... think it crashed.. lol

Jpghard - you... break.. my.. brain.. and trust me. its much bigger than yours and there is no reason to even try and argue on that topic. every game i mentioned has millions of players, 2 of them being the biggest of their kind in the world. nuff said. good day sir, im now done replying to any kinda baby garbage your widdle mouth can spit out. as well as everyone else should be. Dont reply, dont feed into his pathetic existence. commenting is only empowering.
the problem solution for that might be increasing the lootrate of those sets that can be also bought from donations or simply lowering the prices so that ppl will focus more on buying the better one. or adding something that doesnt actually affects the gameplay to those donate sets like a new skin or something else.
Nothing is perfect, or forever, all we can do is work towards those goals, piece by piece :O. I will try to pause bleeding in PZ's