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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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Let me get this straight, a few weeks ago Ninja's were "OP!!", then Elementalist were "OP!", now we're into sorcerers.. hmm
Well when i look at it in further of the server's growth, im think about it lol 6x+ bh or 5x+ obliteration, if they didnt do alot of dmg already , When people at 15k -20k thats some massive dmg compared to other vocations, but hopfully it will all play out nicely.
Umm when will the fish npc be insert ingame again. i wanna go fish :D
This is the joys of hosting on windows. and can't do anything about it until this dedicated contract is up.
Dreamer shoulda won, not u. Highest progression shouldnt win, Most fun should.

but i just like how this patch was late... didnt even come with new vocation. Fishing was taken out fast. and now its 14 hours later since Fishing was dissabled and NO fix.. no Talk of fixing. Nothing out of the Staff mouth but Defending what most think is to much. but nothing about Re-adding it.

Also like the Events that never where. "new Events" and "Event shop" where suposed to be Live 2 weeks ago.. and everyday its, couple more, couple more days. SUPERCOOL.

heres the hint syn.. when u assfucked into the corner and are having a hard time getting Content out, Dont do what your doing now. (hiding in that corner and not saying a word)
Instead, keep the players informed and let them know that your having a little difficulty, and it may be delayed. Give detail.

You have tried this in the past but still failed, cause u said it once then never gave an update for 5 days when server release date was pushed back.

keeping people informed saves allot of drama on all ends. and should be stress off your back.
but i just like how this patch was late... didnt even come with new vocation.

Yet another retard that cant read.

Re-read the site's announcements, it clear as fucking day says "coming soon" its separated from the update by a header, clearly not apart of the friday update.
I didn't want to read all the posts I missed.. But I hope no one is saying ele is OP.. I can't take another nerf -.-

- - - Updated - - -

nvm still spawns
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so many idiots complaining about a sorcerer being op, even if we get the chance to shoot 6x BH, you can run away from it unless ur dumb enough to get trapped, and even if u do get trapped we dont stand a chance tanking a ninja or w.e
Fun serv, one of the best out there. Too bad I lag :( must be cuz its hosted in US :3

I just got a question, bard only got 2 attacks (encore & use their weapon so it sends power chord) ? :s

7k-11k World Boss is Down!!!
[WORLD MESSAGE] Target Dummy, The Master of Skills (level 7000-11000) has been summoned!
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level 10k just to make T5 huh. so no matter what kind of a grind you do and push for power. if your bottle necked at the 5k worldboss then u still have zero probability of progression. wouldnt 5k make more sense? 10k???? just throwing that number out there to make the 10ks feel good to have that level? wheres the logic in this choice...

That door has been there since before wipe, I'm pretty sure that was always it's intended purpose, and it probably has that level requirement so level 1's don't donate a grand and merge T5 and roflstomp everything. Considering T5 is waaaay more powerful then T4. In terms of the update next Friday, I'd like to see some moar content besides Blasted Lands "click to level". Maybe a boss that requires a team to kill that isn't a world boss or something along those lines. Blasted Lands just seems kind of boring especially with the new stage of experience at 10k being lowered.

The Super Fishing Rod also seems kind of pricey for what it does, doubling your catch rate is nice, but in the end you can only spawn the good stuff once an hour anyways and it's still going to be one worm per catch, so the added speed really isn't that necessary. Maybe a proc for it to not use a worm or only doubling the chances to catch the boss would be nice.
That door has been there since before wipe, I'm pretty sure that was always it's intended purpose, and it probably has that level requirement so level 1's don't donate a grand and merge T5 and roflstomp everything. Considering T5 is waaaay more powerful then T4. In terms of the update next Friday, I'd like to see some moar content besides Blasted Lands "click to level". Maybe a boss that requires a team to kill that isn't a world boss or something along those lines. Blasted Lands just seems kind of boring especially with the new stage of experience at 10k being lowered.

The Super Fishing Rod also seems kind of pricey for what it does, doubling your catch rate is nice, but in the end you can only spawn the good stuff once an hour anyways and it's still going to be one worm per catch, so the added speed really isn't that necessary. Maybe a proc for it to not use a worm or only doubling the chances to catch the boss would be nice.

theres a 1 boss per hour catch limit on it?
wow.. deff want my money back for the fucking Rod...........

HEY GUYS... Kewl new feature.. Fish up bosses. once per hour..
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