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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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cant wait to try out the update! but im so far behind the curve now x.x 6k is a noob level and 1mil is common pvc hits lol. hopefully be on sometime this weekend


Its loki.
I have a big to report. I can fish on a mountian

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Message me on Ryze Sny when you get on.
Yo jake you cna fish in the event and get people killed just fyi

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LOLOLOLOL!! and Yes i do know you can close the door on yourself! just thought it was funny as hell!
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I thought we could lvl by fishing,but i guess not. It goes very slow XD
ofc its working. U just have to wait -22572815 minutes
What happend to house beds? mine have gone and some people have lost half there bed?
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i hope the hotfixes to this patch get rolled out in the AM today instead of 5 days from now.

Also that ss of me and my MC, love no date, no point of reference, and no seeing both my characters or even 1 of my characters on the screen. Troll harder for proof fish.

Also the 450 attack smiter hits around 400k for me, but the 950 attack hammer hits only 600k. so the attack value to damage scale on uniques isnt really as set as u think it is.
Hey syn some this patch is alright but the health/mana/soul fish i thinks need to be removed asap, its a nice idea but u jsut made barbs/eles close to impossible to kill, now my bard and other mages can spam there spells /Bh all day with soul fish, Idk personally thats all i find wrong with this patch
the idea of diff fish with diff abilities is nice. it is, but i think you went the wrong way with it.

Idea - Fish that give Buffs.
Fish 1- 10 second buff of 200% magic power
Fish 2- 10 second buff of 30% attack speed (this would make a ninjas 200ms go to like 140 or some shit.)
Fish 3 - 2 minute buff of 2x exp

Each time u eat a fish u are full. so it takes a min before u can eat another.

that in my personal opinion sounds like a better system.
Hey syn some this patch is alright but the health/mana/soul fish i thinks need to be removed asap, its a nice idea but u jsut made barbs/eles close to impossible to kill, now my bard and other mages can spam there spells /Bh all day with soul fish, Idk personally thats all i find wrong with this patch

1) they are rare
2) you can only carry 50 of them at a time
3) people need to stop complaining about stuff before they actually test it
yeah well seams to be a massive amount of people against it online from all the talk ive seen. just seams like a gamebreaker. but we know nothing u know all.
Can you tell me the point in being a ninja anymore with these new fish? Don't even say death strike because we rarely get to use that. The hp fish are useless because we die so fast anyways. It seems that none of these fish can be used for ninjas. I have a t5 sword and it still takes me 10 seconds+ to bring down an eles regen and now they can just heal back to full mana.. it's not like i would even last last that since they can use so many blackholes now. This system is so messed up.
When ur gonna put fishing npc back on? and what about new voc?

10 seconds? u just killed me in 3-4 secs and if i use manarune that would be twice, no chance in killing u as an ele
1) they are rare
2) you can only carry 50 of them at a time
3) people need to stop complaining about stuff before they actually test it

Sync just wanted you to know fisco is bugged... when ppl kill it sometimes we get tped to town without getting any exp just an t2 and some cash.... happend to me twice now and shanks aswell.
When ur gonna put fishing npc back on? and what about new voc?

10 seconds? u just killed me in 3-4 secs and if i use manarune that would be twice, no chance in killing u as an ele

yeah but are u a 10k ele like he is a 10k ninja? and or full T4 like him as well? and did u use Fish as the test he is complaining about.
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yeah well seams to be a massive amount of people against it online from all the talk ive seen. just seams like a gamebreaker. but we know nothing u know all.

It's been out for about 12 hours so far, and the only people complaining about it so far is anyone who is not an elementalist because the server thinks elementalist's are so godly just because it's hard to break their mana.

Can you tell me the point in being a ninja anymore with these new fish? Don't even say death strike because we rarely get to use that. The hp fish are useless because we die so fast anyways. It seems that none of these fish can be used for ninjas. I have a t5 sword and it still takes me 10 seconds+ to bring down an eles regen and now they can just heal back to full mana.. it's not like i would even last last that since they can use so many blackholes now. This system is so messed up.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ninjas are a hard class to play.. not just right click and one hit people. High risk, high reward, and based on that.. Ninja probably isn't the right vocation for you.

Sync just wanted you to know fisco is bugged... when ppl kill it sometimes we get tped to town without getting any exp just an t2 and some cash.... happend to me twice now and shanks aswell.

Fisco no longer gives experience for players of level 7000 or higher
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No you don't undertand everything was balanced before you added these fish. Ninjas get absolutely NO perks from these fish. Do you not understand this?
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