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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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No you don't undertand everything was balanced before you added these fish. Ninjas get absolutely NO perks from these fish. Do you not understand this?

Yup, Ninja's definitely can't heal from zero to full on zero exhaust and out heal every spell on the server, or use the strongest nuking spell in the server multiple times.
so finally the problem with fisco was accounted for with leveling people Super high. only a week late and we see the effect.
Now we still have the problem of the Blasted Lands tp taking ages to loot. Most the high people dont even do the boss anymore and given up because they all just use 1 mans TP item.
so now people dont even do it cause its not worth the 20 min time to kill. shoulda just had the fucking level cap, so it could still give levels, then have the TP as say a 50% chance to drop so people didnt have to farm it for many many days
Yoyo when we will find out who won the screenshot event? ;/
And sync you mind logging in and killing those 4 water creatures in the event tp .. low lvls cant enter the event without dying.
Yup, Ninja's definitely can't heal from zero to full on zero exhaust and out heal every spell on the server, or use the strongest nuking spell in the server multiple times.

Are you kidding me even with hp fish ill die so fast by a 6x blackhole it wont do anything. Deathstrike can only be used if u trap someone 1sqm and ur facing them? how often am i going to use that?
Fucking people who choose ninjas piss me off when they cry about not having enough HP to live.

In old dzot you had 5hp and there were still people raping everything with a ninja. I swear to god you guys need everything to be easy for you now, don't you? You get 15 hp/level. Deal with it, that's plenty of Hp to live. Idk why you spend your time PvPing on a RPG server, you should spend more time leveling and getting eq. Syn has already said that they are not an easy vocation, and he's made them stronger than they were before (although he reduced attack speed). If you're REALLY having a problem with playing a ninja, go ahead and switch to a barbarian for more hp. I'm positive you won't like the dps of that shit. Instead of complaining about how your dps character can't survive a 6x blackhole that even a barb with 120k hp probably couldn't survive.

Maybe there could be a fish that gives some extra attackspeed for 5 seconds? Maybe that will let ninjas feel happy even ^_^
Fucking people who choose ninjas piss me off when they cry about not having enough HP to live.

In old dzot you had 5hp and there were still people raping everything with a ninja. I swear to god you guys need everything to be easy for you now, don't you? You get 15 hp/level. Deal with it, that's plenty of Hp to live. Idk why you spend your time PvPing on a RPG server, you should spend more time leveling and getting eq. Syn has already said that they are not an easy vocation, and he's made them stronger than they were before (although he reduced attack speed). If you're REALLY having a problem with playing a ninja, go ahead and switch to a barbarian for more hp. I'm positive you won't like the dps of that shit. Instead of complaining about how your dps character can't survive a 6x blackhole that even a barb with 120k hp probably couldn't survive.

Maybe there could be a fish that gives some extra attackspeed for 5 seconds? Maybe that will let ninjas feel happy even ^_^

u dont even play here. gtfo
Ninja here is its own class vs ninja on old zot. ninja on old zot is worth being glass for the dps it dishes out. here its dps is much less.

the idea of diff fish with diff abilities is nice. it is, but i think you went the wrong way with it.

Idea - Fish that give Buffs.
Fish 1- 10 second buff of 200% magic power
Fish 2- 10 second buff of 30% attack speed (this would make a ninjas 200ms go to like 140 or some shit.)
Fish 3 - 2 minute buff of 2x exp

Each time u eat a fish u are full. so it takes a min before u can eat another.

that in my personal opinion sounds like a better system.
Once again I have to point out that im not upset about my hp or anything. Im mad about the new fish and how they are going to be used.
Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.

I enjoyed fishing well it was available, good job Syn.
Looking forward to hearing news of the new vocation.
u dont even play here. gtfo
Ninja here is its own class vs ninja on old zot. ninja on old zot is worth being glass for the dps it dishes out. here its dps is much less.

I'm playing a Ranger because I can't really play old dzot with fun anymore. No new players, no donations, no guarantee Bill's server will be online for a while and its bugged.

Its dps is much less but it's got 3x hp it used to. Is that glass? No, it's not. If you think that's glass, you're retarded.

Demodra, that's why I suggested the attack speed fish.
obama its time for u to leave this ot, more then half the posts here are yours so please stop it and just play..................

Lol look at my pro Movie maker Skillz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lmfao it sucks so bad but yea got bored and whanted to point somethings out lol.
Alright let me clear some stuff up about the fish.

The soul fish weigh 1000 oz, you can only carry 10.

Mana/Health fish are spammable but you can only carry 50 and it's not like it takes 5 minutes to get 100 of them.

Renegade cannot solo Tormented Being if Tormented Being has health fish.

That was a level 10k Ninja standing inside 6x black holes, you're level 7k. He SHOULD die.
We but dude im not trying to fight with u here lol, just amagien a 11k sorc with 10 soul fish.. How many Bhs is that? just 6 alone no one in the server will ever be able to survive But w.e its ur server lol Do what u want lol, i like it, but i can only think of people power abusing with this
There has never been a war on the server yet, theoretically speaking a sorcerer of that level with soul fish should destroy everything, but it's hard to see how it will actually play out. How would a sorcerer be that untouched in a fight to be able to get that many black holes off, while having someone trapped?
you will NEVER have a war in your server because you have a super easy to control bottle neck. just about Every single person over 7k are all buddies. meanwhile the 4-6 people they are against are all stuck not able to get a TP because u made the TP boss PVP... DERP... and then u get 2-20k levels in separation before anyone from the opposition is able to loot 1. then u still dont have anything near capable of a War. just a foot stomp.

but you know whats best..... and even when u dont, your gonna say ya do.. then silently change it to something diff, but lie about anything ever being different.
nah. ive had a few people 5k+ msg me bout u guys being assholes to em. so think as u want sir
There has never been a war on the server yet, theoretically speaking a sorcerer of that level with soul fish should destroy everything, but it's hard to see how it will actually play out. How would a sorcerer be that untouched in a fight to be able to get that many black holes off, while having someone trapped?

Well syn with no exhaustion time on the fish, ofc a sorc will be the most op class, he can just spam mana rune and once he finaly get in heal "oh time to use a fish" is some one trap him he can just use BH like crazy and kill any one lol. I think once the server starts to war a little, i will see sorc's rape every one with fish, but ur right at sorc will rape any one 1v1 cuz of the low amount of fish u can hold but even at 2v1 3v1 he still can dominate with oblteration. xD Oh an nice to see warlord hammer is in the server!
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