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[USA] Pandera 7.6 PVP-E/RPG Highrate RESET

GO GO PANDERA U CAN DO IT ! I think u can host the ot without reseting it!! every week!! and giving away gm items!!!! You need more motivation?!!! Your server is awesome but those 100x ssa arent!
Pandera admitted that hes sicknasty and that he hates me cause my aim is better then his :/ Sad shit..

Enjoy his raging moments guys![video=youtube;wc50m5xnXXc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc50m5xnXXc&feature=channel_video_title[/video]
Pandera admitted that hes sicknasty and that he hates me cause my aim is better then his :/ Sad shit..

Enjoy his raging moments guys![video=youtube;wc50m5xnXXc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc50m5xnXXc&feature=channel_video_title[/video]

Haha knew it all along.. Atleast we wont have you running around PA'ing all day though now :)
I take that as a compliment since u just admitted that i could kill almost every1 hahaha
Smh I'm not Sicknasty. The kid donated so much money for access to it I honestly couldn't refuse.
yea ofc thats not what u were telling us have fun lvlin urself to lvl 200 u can be PROOOOOOOO LVL 200 With ur 500 m lvl?!! GZ maybe u could finally kill some1 but idk
LOL I have better things to do than fucking play my own server kid
nah this new admin is not the old one, this new kid some deep psychological issues lol, you can tell hes a straight up looser just by his raging temper and demener towards anyone whose better than him

7.6 tibia is not for kids with real life issues, go to WoW nuublets -,-
Nah guys this OT isnt corrupted and i trust admin pandera for the 9th time with what hes saying right now..

Server will be down and reset. Next time expect no corruption. Server will be down for a pretty long time but the website will stay online for a little while.
-Thanks for playing.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA every fuckign era u say the same thing and yet there is always corruption...Fun OT, but fucked up hoster :) thats all i can say
If an idiot paypals you 80 euros for full admin access thats his own problem now that the server is done. And the last 2 pandera were no corruption. So whatever you say lol.
@ admins close this thread! Pandera will return in a few months with changes.
An idiot? Weird, i thought he was your rl.. ahahahaha fucking idiot go back to WoW you dont belong on tibia, WoW is where u hit 2.6k and shit, not tibia kid, so stop editing stuff or makin someone OP to try to make it like that fucktard
An idiot? Weird, i thought he was your rl.. ahahahaha fucking idiot go back to WoW you dont belong on tibia, WoW is where u hit 2.6k and shit, not tibia kid, so stop editing stuff or makin someone OP to try to make it like that fucktard
Lmfao shut the fuck up and get your facts straight. Hoodnasty and Sicknasty are RL's and both of them paid for access to my admin and an admin of their own. Clearly they abused it, they play WoW, not me. I have better things to do.