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[USA] Pandera 7.6 PVP-E/RPG Highrate RESET

If sammynsc cant kill him, he must be a GM, Botter, or edited. Yes, he donated hes the reason the OT is back up. Alls he has is some money, a donor wand, donor boots (Which are boh+life ring). He also donated 40 USD. So no, no corruption.

Retard I'm at work and never fought him. Just hearing things on msn. And yes I'm sure he has much more than what you just stated :)
Iunno.... Shmanky told me he dosnt play World of Warcraft, and yet u told me you did. And on the vid where we see u using shmanky's gm to summon behes and kill players, u say "Ite back to wow peace" hahahaha!! you and sicknasty are born to be shitty liars :/ and "He donated for an infinite burst arrow wand lmfao dont play cya. " LOL! Explain how hes running faster then me and hexawob, when i got no lag, time ring on, higher lvl then him by 12-13 lvls? Congrats homie, its just like the first time pandera opened, u remember when a lvl 35 was faster then a lvl 80? Oh no wait, ofc u remember, that was Diesel, your cousin
Nah, the fact that he goes on Hp, and 1 sd hits his mana for 250... Umm.. Tell me, when a guy is getting pumped by sds in a 1 way and hes not using mfs, hwo can his mana go back to 250+-?
LOL your donation items give him 250+ mana per 2 seconds? LOOOOOOOOOOOOL gz homie thats how he was ueing every 10-15 seconds! Now i understand u :p Nah theres no Corruption... Just normal Items that should really be the way they are for pvp :)

And btw... 18:06 You have 1 unjustified kill. The amount of unjustified kills will decrease after: . Nice...
Panderaaaa, open tha serv so we can bitch at you more. You guys honestly wonder why he doesn't want to host it?
Just a simple question. If he donated the money to put the server online then what happened to all the other money people gave you? You barely log on the server or do any updates and the only time there seems to be a problem (besides botters) in the server is when someone (usually related to you) is bugged or magically gets their hands on full donors sets or unlimited (insert item here). Also when someone complains or confronts you about something serious on the forums you insult them or tell them to just leave the server. Obviously if you cared about the server at all you would be more considerate about the community and do something. Get off WoW and fix the problems your server is facing >.<
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Players: 13/1000

Tbh I wouldn't be too concerned with it either at that rate =S.
The reason theres not much ppl is cause there was 80 players online, after the restart, there was 12 :/ Training monks plx xD and i think its cause of thanksgiving that barely any1 logs in so chill for now
0:35 Administrator Pandera: This is a new owner.
20:35 Administrator Pandera: Hood moved to WoW
20:35 Administrator Pandera: Do not call me hood.

Yay, pandera has a new owner, Alright homie thanks alot... Oh wait, i bet its your roomate :D
It's not on the ot server list either, that might be why.
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this time around its no fun lol pandera ruined it so much i think its even more corrupt
Nah.. Just to be honest I don't care about it anymore. All you guys do is bitch and call me corrupted I just don't care lol. You wonder why theres no updates and im never on, no motivation.