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[8.6] TFS 1.5 Baiak, Mount and Modal widow.

The server has a problem at the source that prevents the player from pulling objects and objects, both players and monsters, from more than 2 tiles away, does anyone know how to solve this problem at the source?
I believe it's in LUA. Go to data/event/player.lua and look for something like 'onMoveItem' in that line. If you don't find it, I'll analyze the source later with that in mind.
I took a similar tfs 1.5 to compare the script and made some changes but it didn't have any effect, I think it's related to sourc. the problem is.

When you try to pull an item or creature from 1 tile away, it does the action. However, if you want to move the item or player from the penultimate tile on your screen, you cannot.
is their a otclientv8 for this server ?? or a link to download it??
can't run the server, when i try to open it close on 1sec, i try znotacc and gesioracc but no one works

CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: cache - edit file access for PHP
CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: cache/flags - edit file access for PHP
CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: cache/signatures - edit file access for PHP
CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: ./ - edit file access for PHP

and znote always says http error 5000

i download your https://otland.net/threads/8-6-tfs-1-5-baiak-mount-and-modal-widow.288104/post-2748830 but donts work
can't run the server, when i try to open it close on 1sec, i try znotacc and gesioracc but no one works

CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: cache - edit file access for PHP
CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: cache/flags - edit file access for PHP
CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: cache/signatures - edit file access for PHP
CANNOT EXECUTE FILE/DIR: ./ - edit file access for PHP

and znote always says http error 5000

i download your https://otland.net/threads/8-6-tfs-1-5-baiak-mount-and-modal-widow.288104/post-2748830 but donts work
Here you need to download the DB and config.lua correctly. I have left them here, just download and replace the DB and config. It will work and run smoothly with any Gesior, MyAAC or Znote.
Here you need to download the DB and config.lua correctly. I have left them here, just download and replace the DB and config. It will work and run smoothly with any Gesior, MyAAC or Znote.
yea as i said, i downloaded your conf and thunder.sql and replace the existent but still dosnt work. may i have a blocked port maybe?
open cmd
then cd yourServerPath
then write the exe file name ( theforgottenserver-x64 in my case )
then show us what it says why it doesn't open
Compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.3
Compiled on Mar 26 2024 14:13:54 for platform x64
Linked with LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 for Lua support

::       A server developed by Mark Samman, later modified by Mateus Roberto.::
::         Downgraded and further developed by Nekiro (TFS 1.5 8.6)          ::
::   Visit our forum for updates, support, and resources: http://otland.net/ ::
::                 Original map Thunder made by MovieBr.                     ::
>> Loading config
>> Establishing database connection...
MySQL Error Message: Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: No se puede encontrar el m¾dulo especificado. Library path is 'caching_sha2_password.dll'
> ERROR: Failed to connect to database.
>> No services running. The server is NOT online.

i check my sql console and this is what it say

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 93
Server version: 8.2.0 MySQL Community Server - GPL

Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

| caching_sha2_password | NULL           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN caching_sha2_password SONAME 'caching_sha2_password.dll';
ERROR 1125 (HY000): Function 'caching_sha2_password' already exists
mysql> ^C
its uniserverZ
i solve that, it seems Znoteacc and gesior is not working well idk why but that's it, instead i use Myacc and works fine.

now i had a error with the client is not reading the .dat, im using mehah OTC, can't find a working OTC v8 it gives a lot of errors when build many libs missing

@Mateus Robeerto i do everything set the 8.60 on modules and getmounts below that. maybe is for the mehah client? is mandatory to be a OTC v8?


solved- for some reason i could make work mehah's clien, download the official otcv8 from official discord, that works (y)
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Could I ask someone to send me downloadable materials and detailed instructions on how to compile the client for this server? I tried my best, despite reading all the posts, but unfortunately I failed. Please write how to do it, avoiding the topic of downloading Microsoft Studio...
Could I ask someone to send me downloadable materials and detailed instructions on how to compile the client for this server? I tried my best, despite reading all the posts, but unfortunately I failed. Please write how to do it, avoiding the topic of downloading Microsoft Studio...

Feel free to show us what is not working when you try to connect to the server?
And do you use this client?
Feel free to show us what is not working when you try to connect to the server?
And do you use this client?
I just don't know how to get the correct client for this open Tibia server. For the shop (for poits), market, etc. to function properly
I have never compiled the client, and when I tried to do it, many different errors were displayed, e.g. file reading errors.

I implemented code modifications to the source files to mitigate issues encountered during compilation of new resources. Subsequently, I successfully integrated additional outfits and mounts, alongside implementing a roulette system akin to Rubinot's (please note that the item configurations have not been finalized). Tomorrow, I plan to incorporate auras, shaders, and wings to assess their functionality. Additionally, I am contemplating the inclusion of features involving modal interfaces, with the intention of making all enhancements readily accessible for everyone.

View attachment 82488View attachment 82489View attachment 82486
When will it be shared with the community? :D
How do I enable the sale of mounts in the website store? When I buy, an error message appears in the executor saying that the server does not have this option
Unable to deliver mount from myaac shop

[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Your server doesn't support mounts. Remove all items in database from your z_shop_offers table where offer_type = mount and also in z_ots_comunication where param5 = mount.
> Shopsystem, added 0 items. Still waiting with 1 items. Done in: 0.00s.
[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Your server doesn't support mounts. Remove all items in database from your z_shop_offers table where offer_type = mount and also in z_ots_comunication where param5 = mount.
Unable to deliver mount from myaac shop

[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Your server doesn't support mounts. Remove all items in database from your z_shop_offers table where offer_type = mount and also in z_ots_comunication where param5 = mount.

[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Your server doesn't support mounts. Remove all items in database from your z_shop_offers table where offer_type = mount and also in z_ots_comunication where param5 = mount.
The issue with the mount delivery has been resolved. I contacted him and requested that he send the script. I noticed that it was a script for TFS 0.4, so I advised him to use only scripts compatible with TFS 1.x+, which has proven to work well.

For those who wish to use a shop that delivers mounts on the Gesior or MyACC site, here it is.


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