- > BAIAK GROW (Test Server) <-
Hi guys!
I'm editing in real time a Tibia server version 8.6.
It is a Baiak model (very famous in Brazil). A High Exp Custom, but not that high. Haha.
I'm updating, modifying and correcting, daily, in real time, a database that I got from Open Source.
A lot has already been done! I'm relying on a few players that help me test everything.
I would like to count on the presence of each of you as well. See you there!

NOTE: I apologize in advance for my English. I'm using Google Translate.
IP: humildadeot.ddns.net
Port: 7171
Client: Tibia 8.60
Uptime: 24/7
Hosted in: Brazil
Website: Baiak Grow OTServer - Latestnews (http://humildadeot.ddns.net/)
Exp rate: 600x
Map: Baiak Custom, Home made.
Loot rate: 7x
Server type: Pvp-Rpg.
Skills & Magic rates: 30x Skill and 15x Magic.
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