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Cyntara 2.1 [Latest 2.0 patch] Plans!


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Aug 9, 2008
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United States
The Rebirth System​

Is being adjusted! As previously mentioned by Sonless and Whynot, mages do not receive much of a boost from rebirthing. A fair trade, would be to make their damage output be multiplied when rebirthing (making them hit harder in term). This will happen for all vocations. So this update, we're going to have to adjust some current spells so you don't have top rank players one hitting level 500s. The rebirth system will NOT boost your damage for every reset you obtain, but you will receive a BONUS, ever couple ranks for working so hard. You will see a significant difference between a level 600 mage's damage, and a 600 mage rank 10's damage. But not extremely overpowered.

We are trying to keep a good balance, here, so do not expect to be sding for 1000 more per couple ranks, please. We're trying to be fair as possible.

There are some very advanced math formulas going into play when deciding how to implement the damage multipliers, therefore you may see Golem as a gamemaster soon. He will officially be in charge of keeping vocation balance in check.

More information is soon to be released.

Nightmares & Mages​

Hahaha, this is a good one. Mages are doomed to hunt nightmares in groups in order to successfully level on them, and with their nightmare armor, this shouldn't happen! Nightmares damage will soon be lowered. (Don't worry, you'll still need the coat to fight them, definitely). I already have plans that should make this very plausible for mages, and.. less easy for knights (which pretty much rape them at the moment).

Capture The Flag​

Should get fixed during this patch. Hopefully we can work something out.

Is there anything else that needs to be addressed? ;)


well i dont understand why ur making ir fare for everone with the rebirth system, everone can do it, its no just donters, its almost not ever worth it

see xanny isnt rebirthing because u dont get anything from it, its not that it will be unfair, because everone can do it which makes it fair to be able to be 5th rank 500and like 4 and 0 rank 500, or tank like 6 ppl at 5th, i just think it should be boosted
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The rebirth system is not a donator feature. This is the leveling system. That'd be like capping off non super vocations at level 300, I just won't do it.

And, you haven't posted anything intuitive. I realize that resetting at 600 almost isn't worth it now. I'm telling you the future plans for it.

I'd like some feedback :huh:

i understand u are updateing it or w.e i jsut think u should boost it more than u are... thats all
Ugh, you'll just have to see it to believe it. I'm not posting the formulas :p

ya well i hope its good i trust u =P, i also thing u should cap the rebirth at rank 10 or w.e if u make it forever PA will be worse than ever
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what are you guys talking about? so should I rebirth or not? its a pain lvling 500-600, and still I already did rebirth once, should I do it again and again? or just keep lvling?
from wat RED says yes rebirth but atm idk, thats the think sone persone might not RB {rebirth} and raped like 5 rank 10 lvl 500s u never know
Go ahead and rebirth all you want. This will be adjusted so no matter what you do now, nothing will change. (There's no advantage to wait)
Mages should be able to use they're DONATOR when they rebirth, paladins and knights can use theirs at 15 when they rebirth.
Mages should be able to use they're DONATOR when they rebirth, paladins and knights can use theirs at 15 when they rebirth.

Excuse me? Are you talking about their donor items? :huh:
red if ur still speaking with golem atm can u tell him to get on vent {srry if illrelivent}
Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Yes, their

All equipment has been adjusted for level requirements.

NOTE: Curaga and Triple Overtime will remain level 250 due to power purposes. Sorry.
o.0 damn... well curaga isnt necessary for under level.250 hunting anyway
Well only thing i still find bad. Is how much you changed the exp. People are getting 500 within a day. when it took ANYONE Who played before the update weeks.

Little unfair. =/

(From Other post on the other thread Since he closed it)
Also, it is unfair that knights can do 20k exori rai's that cost 2000 each. A class thats not suppose to do damage, but take it. On my pally, I occasionally hit a 20k. (You nerf our bow and keep the 60% miss on it, then nerf the healing). Golem EXORI'ED me today for a 2.6k. Knights are going to be just like those on old cyntara. Take 10 people to kill one that is a few levels higher than you. Also you need to fix rebirth for mages or at least make nightmares take more death damage so they can at least level faster...
Your going to lose some veterans of your OT if you read these posts and do nothing.

You think thats unfair? Look at mages Damage. =| I can BARLY Hit 15k with rai and it takes 24k mana.. AND Nightmares suck balls for mages.
I cant heal mana and Use attack runes at the same time.(Knights/Pallys can) So basicly i can sd OR Die. Woohoo.. Oh yeah my wand hits 500s on people with skullcracker.. He basically completely fucked mages. =\ Im not guna level again.

And he already lost a bunch of veterans.
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Since knights almost do more damage than pallys, i say nerf the -hit% on devil eye since you already cut the damage by 20, or meet in the middle :)

02:07 You see the devileye (Range:5, Atk +90).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher.
It weighs 55.00 oz.
Hit or miss, name of the game. -45% hit chance, +90 attack!
Well only thing i still find bad. Is how much you changed the exp. People are getting 500 within a day. when it took ANYONE Who played before the update weeks.

Little unfair. =/

(From Other post on the other thread Since he closed it)

You think thats unfair? Look at mages Damage. =| I can BARLY Hit 15k with rai and it takes 24k mana.. AND Nightmares suck balls for mages.
I cant heal mana and Use attack runes at the same time.(Knights/Pallys can) So basicly i can sd OR Die. Woohoo.. Oh yeah my wand hits 500s on people with skullcracker.. He basically completely fucked mages. =\ Im not guna level again.

And he already lost a bunch of veterans.

You can't use mana rune and attack runes at the same time (Pally/Knight).
Also, if your using sd's as a pally your stupid because it stops your arrows.
Btw, mages are glass cannons.
You can't use mana rune and attack runes at the same time (Pally/Knight).
Also, if your using sd's as a pally your stupid because it stops your arrows.
Btw, mages are glass cannons.

Well You guys dont need to use manarune that much. Lmfao. Pallys can easily outheal a mage with a Curga. And Use exori con with no manarune. >.> Knights are just fucking rigged atm.

And i know pallys DONT use sds. I was talking about mages.. If a mage use's ANY Attack spell besides like fucking exori frigo There guna drop so quickly its not even funny. Mages do no damage with ANYTHING Besides a sd Or Rai. And Rai takes All your mana. And sds stop you from healing. So you basicly like Cant do shit all. Think of it this way, You can either Attack or heal. >.>