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Dastan's Mapping

Yeah i know that the screens suck, i cant do anything bout it, i cant take darker screens cause i havent got open GL installed ~

To the story~

The brave Adventurer travelled trough icy glaciers until he reached something that looked like a gigantic gate, blue light shined trough the frozen walls, creatures that seemed to be made out of water were roaming the glacier, what kind of place is this? Suddenly he saw a flash of light and... (To be continued)



I couldnt make the screens better but imagine that its all dark and that places like the hole to the north and so on are filled with blue light [Frozen Starlights in the Walls~]
Also i didnt feel like mapping yesterday so thats just a 15 min work~


Ive always wanted to make a server, ive had the idea for years now in my head, i even started a long time ago but stopped working on it cause i was busy with real life, the story is this [Its a server with a story mode, once uve finished it can you stay in the story mode world or you change to another world where u can just hunt and make quests] ~>

You wake up in a hut in the desert, noone else there, mountains all around you, than u go to the southeast and you see something sparkling behind some stones, you click on it and you get a relic sword, than u have to go south and fight a giant spiders (Ofc will it be weak~) and than u proceed to go south, u meet a NPC there that tells u that u shouldnt go trough the mountains because a old djinn is living there, you proceed to go and you meet the djinn, answer him 2 questions and he rewards you with an upgrade for your weapon, than u keep going and u leave the mountain and u get to a small nomad camp (Thats how far i came with all the mapping and scripting)

Ive had this like awsome storyline, it was really damn epic but it got deleted when my computer got fed up, but ive still got it in my head, i guess il write the whole story again [And btw, u could read the story first and than play the server, everything that happened in the story also happened on the server, you could get clues on how to solve mysterys and where to go, u just had to read the story :p] :(
Maybe il resurrect it, dunno yet.
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Well, I know you can be a pain in the ass, I'm sure you think the same of me... But you have made progress. :thumbup:

Tho, there is missing borders and pretty empty.
@ first pic: all looks ok but try to make the shape ,on the left side where the moster is, a bit better, because it look right now a bit roundly :D rest is oki ;)
Yeah i know i said like yesterday that im going to edit the left side but i got bored and stopped hahaha

And i missed borders @ the gravel by purpose and dunno wich details to add haha, do u guys know any details that wud actually fit into a water elemental cave? But i dont want that typical with blue crystals spammed cave :p

And thanks neon, but i still dont like you :D
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You stole my outfit!1
<just joking ofc>
Map looks good, but there're missing borders (Neon wrote this already)
Noes, was mine outfit for years, haz found these super pwnage colors all by myself :(

Ahhh and btw, @ the waterfall, u can see on the RME pic that theres actually that icy archway but its somehow bugged ingame ~

Aaaand, listen to this song guys, its pretty awsome, i remember all the times ive been heartbroken when i listen to this song but damn its worth it, one of my favs! :thumbup:

dude wzup with ur grafics ingame? looks like shit X] nice mappe though :)
I haz sucky computer cuz old one got fed up, now i haz to use the pc my sister gave me, not even open GL installed, i haz a minecraft crack but cantz play cause of no open GL!!!! FML! :(
ive heard ur rich

Just bought a house made out of diamonds and 20 hookers to make a housewarming party, so i had not enough money left to buy a computer :thumbup:
Gonna start mapping again and il post it in about 2 hours haha
So ive mapped all night on the waterfall but stopped now, just started a new map where im gonna map at for fun, i think its gonna be a very clean rotworm cave with a few nice details ~

Heres the entrance to the spawn ~


Gonna post the finished spawn in some hours, cud someone bump the thread just once please?
Wanna post the spawn later but dont wanna make a triple-post ^^

Btw perfect song for mapping, chilling but still awesome

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Meh, wanted to post first when the map is finished but ive decided to make some kind of RPGish mine instead of a boring rotworm spawn, just made some broken pillars for the mine entrance (It collapsed cause of rotworms)
Took me about 1 minute to make them so dont flame me cause of the coloring ~

Bleh just saw that i have to make a new walltype cause the damn pillars kind of melt together with the wall when u place em there >_<
Screw this ima use the normal sprites <.<
Kay the part with the rotworms is finished (The mine to the left) [Maybe will i add some small details], i will fix everything else tommorow ~
Btw at the sign there is written: Warning Rotworms were sighted! Do not enter the mine it could collapse!


Just a RPGish touch i guess.
Il just remove the crack to the south, the others will stay, shud look like it cud collapse any minute and yeah, il change the mountainborders, dont like these neither.