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Dastan's Mapping

Was playing around with the new sprites (They r new to me since i mapped with 8.54 sprites until now~) and this came out lol
I think it wud actually look good ingame with some lightsources.



~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~

Offtopic but w/e, was listening to this song while i was mapping, the songs simply awesome :D


Btw i bet that either Petracyus Myth or seabis r gonna flame me in less than a hour haha
Muahaha, now mark the line under the song, theres a text written in white :D
Im a fking psych <3
Oh that was tilfen that made smthing like that...
I remembered someone making such a hallway but i didnt really took the inspiration off his piece, i was looking at one of darklords pieces while making it ~

Edit: I was just looking at tilfens maps and i havent seen any pic that looks like mine.
It was someone else that made such a hallway only with dragon statues, but rly cant remember who it was.
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So i wanted to make something new cause all the normal rotworm caves look kinda boring and the same all the time.
All suggestions for the higher floors r welcome ~
I thought about adding a huge waterfall that goes over 3 floors abit northeast of the cave.


Anyways il keep updating it tho until its finished
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And why dont you like the rotworm cave krashe?:rolleyes:

And it would look again like all the other normal rotworm spawns if i remove the upper ground ~
No it wouldn't. Normal Rotworm spawns has Underground walls. Imo.
I had Hueco Mundo from Bleach in mind when making this, you know the dead desert, no living creatures and neverending night
I simply love that place.


FYI im not finishing the rotworm spawn since i cant open the map and i dont feel like downloading simone to be able to open em ~
I had Hueco Mundo from Bleach in mind when making this, you know the dead desert, no living creatures and neverending night
I simply love that place.


FYI im not finishing the rotworm spawn since i cant open the map and i dont feel like downloading simone to be able to open em ~

I want this ground! I want these sprites! How? Can I use them for 8.6?
Theres a tutorial, now comment on the mapping u newbs o_ô
lulz xD ahahahahaha Las Noches? :p like just cus is from bleach xD
ya know that Las Noches in spanish is The nigth? xD
Didnt kno that haha, what do you guys think, should i make a big map in that style? (Cause i actually love the style and the look of the desert.)

Ive alrdy got 2 ideas for spawns, one is a huge forest underneath the normal island (Menos Grande Forest) and the other ones a place full of ancient ruins (Nightmare Place) ^^
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