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Dastan's Mapping

There's a German mapping "community"; they have their own gods and rules, and rule #1 is to asslick their gods - well, that's also the only rule I know of

OT: I don't like these new sprites, but how you used them

not true at all. > selooth is not an active member > otland is not better than that.

@dastan I liked the second but what's the sence? a quest "anni" in a normal area. would not look that good if there is someone walking around.
on the first picture, I dont like the spiders and the mountain. maybe you could try to use the dirt ones.
Yeah agree with the anni thing but as i said both these screens were just for testing puposes, maybe il finish up the spiders one and than well see how it turns out ^^

Thanks for the comment btw
What do u mean with this *I don't like these new sprites, but how you used them * i didnt understoodd that ^^
U dont like the sprites but u like how i use them or u dont like neither the new sprites nor how i use them? :p

the bold part is right :)
Well i mapped some more and i thought bout a nice little quest.

A man asked you to recover an old photo of his family, he is too scared to go there because all the memories would overwhelm him (His daughter and his wife got killed by the spiders, theyr graves are abit to the east) so he tells you that he locked the house and threw the keys onto a mountain that was right next to the house because he never wanted to come back, your mission is it to get the old photo and bring it to the old man.

You have now to levitate on the mountain and click on the key ring in order to get the key to the house and than uve got to click on the burned letter on the chest to get the photo, than you bring it back to the old man.
Simple as that ^^



And im extremly annoyed by the mountain there since i just dont know wich details to set there and the shape of the mountain doesnt look good either :|
I really like it.. I like the idea of the quest! I always like the see maps with a storyline
Okay this is started to get annoying selooth, next time u spam il report ur post right away.
Take me as an example, no matter how much i dislike someone i still tell him if i think that his map looks good or not (And it doesnt matter if its a *friend*, if i dont like the map than i tell him that), u should do the same.
Yes i got it, ur mad that i said that u asslick james but get over it god damned, i mean really, comming to my thread just to flame is simply pathetic.

So much said, lets go ontopic again ~
And thanks galsegal.
Yea but what plants, thats the question ^^

Aaand thanks for the comment ^^
Finally someone saying what he thinks :p
Two ffs.. You know I dont have ANY REASON to lick.. If I like it.. I LIKE IT.. that's it.. its my own opinion..

btw.. try to even make a small cave with one giant spider who's hiding..
Two ffs.. You know I dont have ANY REASON to lick.. If I like it.. I LIKE IT.. that's it.. its my own opinion..

btw.. try to even make a small cave with one giant spider who's hiding..

hehe yea i said this too at james thread but he said :gosh stop licking
becaus eof that i put there 2 " ;) i dindt meant it bad so chill out^^
Something im working on right now, and yes its not finished as u can see




Comments, ideas and critisizm is appreciated
like i wrote in the toher thread:

when it isnt finished we cant write anything about it. i would give ya tips now but i think you will answer then like: ik i would do it but i am not finished...

so gogo finish it ;)
So how do u guys like this (Havent found fitting windows for the house and i kinda dunno how to make the mountain to the north look right so concentrate on the lower part of the map lol) :p



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add snowy stones, a bit ice on the ground. then a bit ice here and there. ad put those white shiat on the bushes(diese weißen flöckchen da)
Ahhh i thought there r actually snowy bushes but i just havent found em, havent thought bout that thing with the snowy shiats as uve called em ^^

I dont like ice, its kinda ugly, first ive thought of making the waterfall and the water to the north frozen but it just didnt look good.
And snowy stones are ugly :p
Experimenting abit with different groundtypes and trying to get my own unique mapping style.
Sadly its not even close to finished but my RME is bitching around so il work on it tommorow and post the result ~
So what do u think of it?

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