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Dastan's Mapping

Autobordered fast 2 mountains to the north so it looks complete, also im gonna post some of my better works @ the first site ^^


Btw, if u wanna comment do it but dont comment like selooth up there just with one or two smileys, thats annoying.
you have to learn to map with less auto border, trust me you will be much better !
Lmao theres nothing made with autoborder not even the southern mountains, where the fk do u see autoborder?
well whats the point of making something full raw if you make it look full ab :S?
i bet i can do that piece with 90% ab :S
Lmao theres nothing made with autoborder not even the southern mountains, where the fk do u see autoborder?

what is so funny that you have to laugh ur ass of, I didn't understand the joke but wth? btw, why are you so mad? I just wanted to help you but you are talking like a nard, bye

PS: it LOOKS autoborder
Who said that im mad :D

Also its not that ive asked for your help so feel free to leave and never come back again haha

Btw, what exactly looks autobordered?
Yeah its fun seeing people saying *Omagad it ish autobordered* and when u ask them what exactly looks AB arent they answering u anymore lmao

Anyways, i was playing dragon age with a friend and than a huge ass dwarven kingdom popped into my mind so i thought *Fuck it, lets make that* and here it is, the start.


Its gonna be huge btw so it will take some time to finish everything
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@Up R u sad again, do u need to flame everyone again? Yes? Its okay buddy, i give you the permission to do it in my thread, if it makes u feel better.

And @Goten, whats so lol?
I think that you dont even know what trolling means, if i say something like *That doesn look good* or *Thats kinda sucky* than its not cause im trolling, its cause i think that way.
Please no nerdraging here, and guys, i dont mind them insulting/annoying me cause i know that i cud anytime beat all of em up in real life lol, so just leave em alone, they prolly need it to boost theyr ego abit :p

Also its like this ~ Neon is the *Alphadog* and the others are like sheep, when they see that neon *attacks* someone r they also attackng him, easy as that :rolleyes:

Ima go shave and brush my teeth now and than im going out, if u guys have any ideas for that place than please tell me them, il read em when im back, thanks ~

I'm not a 'sheep' in any way 'cause I'm not with Neon, but there's one thing for sure..
Check Neon's maps and then blame ppl who know his work to tell you that your maps are just noobish.
I wont say I'm better but really, Neon his maps are 100x better..
I'm not a 'sheep' in any way 'cause I'm not with Neon, but there's one thing for sure..
Good to hear :D

Check Neon's maps and then blame ppl who know his work to tell you that your maps are just noobish.
So my maps are newbish?
Never seen a newb map smthing like i do, if u wanna say that my maps are noobish >compared< to neons than yes, than i totally agree.

I wont say I'm better but really, Neon his maps are 100x better..
And neither did i say that my maps r better than his but u need to understand one thing, u cant compare me to neon since neon is mapping for how long, several years and im mapping for like 4 months in total.


So heres the update so u people know what im going to do [Dont judge it now its just to explain what im doing~], so the dwarven kingdom is old and everything starts to rot away and sink into lava, there r gonna be different creatures living there like fire devils, fire elementals and Imps at the throne room (Maybe even minishabaal in the throneroom)


So for u guys, wich details wud fit and are there any kind of broken pillars or smthing that i cud use in here, im really in need of some details that i cud actually use here.
some kind of "lavafall"? You could made something with ground, it gives many ways to make something interesting. Some gravel? It's on mountain, so it can be
I acctualy like the story behind the kingdom and how its slowly sinking into the molten pit/sea of lava, cant wait to see how this turns out.

Great stuff!
It wont turn out to anything since the map got deleted along with all my other maps :p
Stupid RME :|