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Duplicated Items & Deletions


Staff member
Global Moderator
Premium User
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
United States
Let me make this very clear to my players.

I am a very lenient, understanding, and overall nice server owner, until you do something to make me feel otherwise.

When it comes to the point, that a player's bot makes me have to alter a feature in the server, that is crossing the line. Many players think Real Tibia was ruined by CIP.
CIP sucks! Update sucks!
WHY do these updates suck? - Because Players can't play by the rules! If bots hadn't ever been invented, CIPsoft would have never had to add the hotkey system. CIPsoft wouldn't have ever had to many of the things they were doing.


I changed the potion system to balance out PvP features. A level 600 can carry nearly 6-12 potions. 20k mana on top of what their equipment and runes can heal, making PvP a bit more unique than other OTs.

There was an obvious bug with the emerald bangle. You put it on, and a player receives full hp/mana. At the cost of 25 crystal coins. This hasn't been a problem until (as players know them as) The bruhs came out with an Elfbot icon to place the ring on and off quickly, to substitute the potion effect. Allowing them an unfair advantage over any average player.

This being said, I removed the emerald bangle, and Renuzit had a problem with that. I told them straight up.
I own this server. I pay for the hosting, I manage it, I control what happens. They have no power.

I suppose they didn't enjoy the truth. Duplicated donation items were thrown out in the middle of the depot. Needless to say, any character with these donation items were cleared. Something I wish I didn't have to do, but had to be done, ultimately.

The owners didn't ruin the game. The players ruined the game.

Do not underestimate the effort it takes to destroy a server's history. Give me 2 minutes, press the button, every player that doesn't speak English disappears from Cyntara. Give me 20 seconds, every Bruh and every alt of a Bruh gets deleted. Give me 2 seconds, the server doesn't start up again.

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u got a point but.
sabotage ftw? jk, well everything is fucked up. even in rl
I never botted my char and I didnt get any of those duplicated donation items
I bought one for my topazes. So why is my char delete ? ; /
Well its happened again Red I'm not sure what is going on anymore but.

Tyler Bruh [525]: bye bye all, come try our server.... censored

What is this all about It certainly cant be what you have said to them is it? For me I figured they where hacked but just 20 minutes ago I watched as nearly over 300$ if not more donation items where tossed right next to the depot.

Is it the Bruhs or where they hacked?
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lol? i bought all from gift shop because my mom give me a pocket money.
i never hear about duplicat items so... its my mistake? no.
i very want my character back because im honest player and never using "duplicated items" to play.

and you write that the players destroy tibia, haha good ...
if you didn't banish all the players for the fact that the store bought items would not be any complaints and so now you have to ...
i think that you dont give us back so there is every quarrel, we are lost money by someone who duplicated something, and as usual lose honest...

phi i remember how you help me with other hacked char...
you nothing to do...

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Well its happened again Red I'm not sure what is going on anymore but.

Tyler Bruh [525]: bye bye all, come try our server.... censored

What is this all about It certainly cant be what you have said to them is it? For me I figured they where hacked but just 20 minutes ago I watched as nearly over 300$ if not more donation items where tossed right next to the depot.

Is it the Bruhs or where they hacked?

They're just angry that they can't have an unfair advantage above everybody else.

Tyler Bruh has been deleted.
You bot up you're character in real tibia, so dont bitch. The ring was fair, because Bedento's team had it aswell.

Speaking of fair play, you didnt think that was oh so important when you and you're rl's had god items when they fought us.
Thanks for ignored.
Maybe you try get something to us?
Red, I like you, because you are one of best Gods, what I ever seen, but I no like, when somebody is wrong, but hes insisting, that he has.
I know that I'm nobody, but I know something about this.

Please for reply, the best of my character that I lost.
Bedento & his team combo bot
Please remove triple overtime.

Connection between combo bot & triple overtime = ?
Don't complain about combo bot. You guys use it as well. "Josh, you're combo leader." - Enough said.

You bot up you're character in real tibia, so dont bitch.


The ring was fair, because Bedento's team had it aswell.

It's not fair if either team has it, or both teams have it. Fairness is toward every single player.

Speaking of fair play, you didnt think that was oh so important when you and you're rl's had god items when they fought us.

I don't think you understand.
I own this server. I pay for the hosting, I manage it, I control what happens. They have no power.

Any further questions?
Connection between combo bot & triple overtime = ?
Don't complain about combo bot. You guys use it as well. "Josh, you're combo leader." - Enough said.


It's not fair if either team has it, or both teams have it. Fairness is toward every single player.

I don't think you understand.

Any further questions?

Like up... I still wait.
Connection between combo bot & triple overtime = ?
Don't complain about combo bot. You guys use it as well. "Josh, you're combo leader." - Enough said.


It's not fair if either team has it, or both teams have it. Fairness is toward every single player.

I don't think you understand.

Any further questions?

Sonless, that name alone should be proof enough for you botting.

we dont use combo bot, its called ventrilo "Guys attack Zips" "Switch to Zork in 3 2 1" ect

what DIDN'T I understand Red?
Aff, I go sleep.
I think that, when I get up, I saw my Susiek char with my eq.
Sonless, that name alone should be proof enough for you botting.

You must not know who I am ;)

we dont use combo bot, its called ventrilo "Guys attack Zips" "Switch to Zork in 3 2 1" ect

what DIDN'T I understand Red?

You didn't understand the fact that, Exarion, has many times been told "You're combo leader" by your members. What have you failed to understand?
You must not know who I am ;)

You didn't understand the fact that, Exarion, has many times been told "You're combo leader" by your members. What have you failed to understand?

Chan, I know who you are.
Wreckx -- we all know.
That never happend.

"I'll give 50 points to the one who buys me Elfbot"

That was you said sometime in cyntara Red

Firstly was 40 points, then you raise it up to 50
