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[Fix] Unsupported Client Version (8)

Peroxides Cat

Sleepy Member
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I had a few issues with this and after viewing every thread on the forums regarding the
topic I couldn't seem to fix it, after a bit of messing around I figured it out, and it's actually right in front of your eyes.


Step One

Open Remeres, make sure you have both the desired client version, as well as a newer version installed.
For example, the map I'm having issue is "9.60" so I'll need both "9.60" as well was "9.81"

Step Two

Import the map you're having issues opening.


Step Three

Open the map's properties tab and change the client of the map you're trying to fix (for example, I'm changing from 9.60 to 9.81)



Step Four

Save your map and close down remeres, re-open it and load the map in the version you changed it to (9.81 for me) and repeat step three, however go backwards
to the prior client you used (9.60 for me)

That should fix the issue, I tried it on 4 corrupt maps and it worked on all.

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Doncha feel like a badass? You spelled a word wrong, I'm not going to tell you, but you have to figure it out (: and it'll haunt you hahahahahaha
4 years later...

I'll need both "9.60" as well {[was] --HERE "as"} "9.81"

Save your map and close down {[remeres] --HERE "Remere's"]