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For GM or OWNER == Over players capacity

explain please. IMO 1500 people is fun since you just have to fix your exp. Doesnt matter how you get the exp. Everybody got the same problem so face it.

Explain what? That a new server is coming? I know just as little as you do but I'm hating this request coming daily, MAKE NEW SERVER, WHERE IS NEW SERVER, I CANT EXP ON OT!!!!
If u want empty serv jus go on other like impresiaot, this server will have few ppl, You would have all resps for u.
Its weird, i dont have a problem finding a free hunting spot. Maybe if you're hunting darashia dls its hard to find a spot. About that transfer idea. I dont think it will work. You can always level 60 mages with 4+ people and hunt the guy. + If this server is going to be exp x5 all the way then no one will play it apart from the transfered chars, because it will take weeks to get a level 200 when here it takes days.

Maybe the transfer idea for the "hunted" purpose don't work. You may be right. But let them care about it.

lol you stop crying fucking retard. You always have something to change. If there would bn 2nd server u will cry cuz there is only 200 players botting 24/7. Servers will go down cuz ppl will stop playing here. Therd won't be any war, ppl can't fight when is 1,3k online, so what about 500?

Make npvp serv to kick all charlovers from shadowcores.

I will not answer you. First be respectful, then I answer.

If u want empty serv jus go on other like impresiaot, this server will have few ppl, You would have all resps for u.

Empty? Do you think 700 players online playing at same time, is EMPTY? For me, this is empty:
Arcania 183 Europe Open PvP

The second OPEN TIBIA SERVER, in otservlist.org has 700 players online.

Just keep it as it is.

Thanks for replying.
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Maybe the transfer idea for the "hunted" purpose don't work. You may be right. But let them care about it.

Empty? Do you think 700 players online playing at same time, is EMPTY? For me, this is empty:
Arcania 183 Europe Open PvP.

Learn how to read 1st
Learn how to read 1st

Now our discussion is about English? FOR GOD SAKE
Then learn how to write.

You said: "If you want an empty server [...]"
Then I answer you: "Why 700 players would be an empty server? 700 online players is more than 90% of global world's."

I don't want play there - impresiaot. Understood?

polacu filhadaputa
omg end this discussion and try to undrarstand what i said. Just find where I said that 700ppl is empty server and where i wrote that our discussion is about english? LOL!

PS. don't answer me here
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No no no i no agreed now..

If you want to play with 10 people online go to other server..

Its fun hunt with 9kk people, you need to find free exp or make it "CLEAN" if you know what i mean..

I just to play tibia when there was like top 300 level, there was loads of people on exp, facc, pacc <_<
Leave how is it.
No no no i no agreed now..

If you want to play with 10 people online go to other server..

Its fun hunt with 9kk people, you need to find free exp or make it "CLEAN" if you know what i mean..

I just to play tibia when there was like top 300 level, there was loads of people on exp, facc, pacc <_<
Leave how is it.

If a new world is created, that server will be around 1000~ players everytime, and 500~ with the other.
I said.

Always people doing that 1500/2=750 on each server hmm fucking logic no?
NO. First mind on new players will come when they have noticed that a new world is implemented, and they can go with her team to rule it, be the highscore, etc...
And the biggest amount of players will continue playing that server, but please, create the new world fast, or you will loose new players that can't exp a shit.
Today I went to WALLS and oh! surprise, like 9 teams of 2 or more chars hunting there.
You go to any war and you see bunchs of noobchars fucking the fun...
This is the biggest OT ever and you said that will loose 1490~ players for creating a new opportunity to new players?
Talaturen already anwered in like 30 or 40 threads ABOUT THE SAME TOPIC


"in fact, we're working on a second server but we're not close enough to the launch date that we're ready to announce it yet."
