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[Germany] MediumRate - OriginalTibia FULL 7.72 - ONLINEEEE!

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so fribben can you reconsider these p roses.. come up with something else. 3 euro for p rose what you think, you are tibianic wtf?:/ no offence but the reputations of your server aint inviting to pay 3 euro for prem
ye you nerfed paladin like shit i can now hit for 120 dmg
Jan 5 2014, 18:25:32 CETKilled at Level 60 by a hero.
i lost 420% (4 lvls) nice ots quiting gg
siema ale noob z ciebie padles od hero ja padlem od dsa hero i fe
siema ja padlem od dwoch hero priesta shamana i 4 snejkow i spadlo mi tylko 450% liczylem na to ze spadnie mi 15 lvli no ale cusz
well its not that bad rates etc what i would change is:
1. gfbs 4x buying/making
2. higher dmg of paladins again it should stay as it was at begining
3. remove fucking premium time as donation, change it to djin vases, remove frag etc
4. fix that death looses bug
5. change back to creating 20 bolts instead of 10 bolts
Character Information
Name:Koval The Legend
Profession:Royal Paladin
Last login:5 January 2014, 6:25 pm
Account Status:premium Account

Jan 5 2014, 18:25:32 CETKilled at Level 60 by a hero.
well its not that bad rates etc what i would change is:
1. gfbs 4x buying/making
2. higher dmg of paladins again it should stay as it was at begining
3. remove fucking premium time as donation, change it to djin vases, remove frag etc
4. fix that death looses bug
5. change back to creating 20 bolts instead of 10 bolts

you want that damage cause 90% of your team is paladin. fuck that won't fight against paladins wich hit with 60-70 dist 100s pvp.
for the rest i agree with it.
well its not that bad rates etc what i would change is:
1. gfbs 4x buying/making
2. higher dmg of paladins again it should stay as it was at begining
3. remove fucking premium time as donation, change it to djin vases, remove frag etc
4. fix that death looses bug
5. change back to creating 20 bolts instead of 10 bolts

Paladins was hitting so fucking hard, so forget about it, on the rest i agree with u as the guy up to me
That bad then xD but it should be something mid, not too strong and not too weak, so GM should change formula and check it, idk if it's hard to do or not
haracter Information
Profession:Master Sorcerer
Last login:5 January 2014, 10:18 pm
Account Status:premium Account

Jan 5 2014, 22:18:28 CETKilled at Level 60 by Zaitsev and Niujir.
fuck this ots haha we are quitting fucking bug losing almost 5 lvls GG and gm claeron without any knowledge
Ye Koval this is all true, but he took care of it directly when we told him about it, shit happends... and GM on original are one if this people who wants to actually help players, which is not easy.
ye he took care he give me lvl 59 and 100% to 60 but i was like 15% to lvl 61 and at lvl 60 i should lost 40-50% max cuz its 1x exp, now he ignoring me so i ignoring this bullshit ots BB
I am having deep issues in real life, but after I see all these comments. I am wondering how you can treat me like this when all I have done is nothing but to be kind, honest and non-corruptive with you all. You talk about reputation Assasshino; please enlighten me what my reputation is, so I know. Arrogant? Greedy? Please, mudthrow me and the server more, so you will end up having hosters who love to abuse you, greedy and corruptive, so you know what kind of a hoster you are actually dealing with.

It's like controlling babies here, I do my BEST to maintain the server, I put MANY hours into this and yet I get flamed over such things, this is a medium rated server and I have told you for a very long time that I want this server to success and stay for a longer period of time, but with all your comments, I guess the end is near since you are the ones dooming it.

I will hopefully be able to become active in 1-2 days and try to deal with all the issues.

I sincerely on the behalf of everything that I have done, kind of regret what I have put into this project when I see how the community is treating me.

Those who remain loyal to me and the server - I want to give you a special thanks, you are my stamina, without you I would never host my passion(OriginalTibia).

just stop trying to be tibianic and be original tibia man
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