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Demona is nice
or Orc Foretress
or senjaand folda snow
can be nice too
Tures Tos
yes put my map gm, iam idiot and my map very good all of you are bot
Nice troll Zaowan?

Look my map maybe you put this?
<<< http://www19.speedy*****malware.localhost/H27UK/download/senja-by-tampon.JPG
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Nice troll Zaowan?

Very nice tampon
I like map, its really good maybe with isle of kings?
Make a tunnel under and go to isle of kings for good map
This senja is good fro trap and open battle
But maybe need some exap that GM can add a Quest?
Nice map
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i dno what these polaks have been smoking on thinking thats a good map lmao
Tampon do not listen to haters, i love your maps. Keep posting more
Respect for Tampon.

Respect for Tampon? Seeing Tampon and Stone Skin Amulet trying to communicate on this forum while masturbating to google translate makes me want to fucking kill my self.
Tampon is a legend on oldschool war ots, stop being dick to him. Let him enjoy his mapping
Gm i make new Rookgard map maybe you put this look screens:
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Hello I am real tampon and my map is a big shit you use bot because im a moviemaker
Gm i make new Rookgard map maybe you put this look screens:
Warloria Roogkard mapa.bmp - Speedy Share - upload your files here
Warloria 2 screen map.bmp - Speedy Share - upload your files here

ehh them maps aren't too bad just make it more realistic on the second map on the one way thing
Gm i make new Rookgard map maybe you put this look screens:
Warloria Roogkard mapa.bmp - Speedy Share - upload your files here
Warloria 2 screen map.bmp - Speedy Share - upload your files here

just love it! especially that +1 huge ass bridge, so u can do hur up whenever u want to get back full mana so u can gfb+ue again, and again
Some people like this map.
Maybe you add my new map rather than Thais map.
Gm i send you on private msg this map.
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This server wont sucess in players because everyone is playing with manashield, and as its no exhaust on manas and they give to much manahp it makes a totally boring gameplay which it shouldnt be the point on a war OT.
No, i like the server and i want it to sucees. Just gave u a tip as its mostly 0 players online all time
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