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Complaint I got banned, Reason: *tsk* we have a badass over here *tsk*/ Hm?

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Banned User
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
Egypt and proud of it!
I guess it's a joke.
Liano got banned for a kiddin reason?
You have been banned for the following reason:
 *tsk* we have a badass over here *tsk*
Your banishment will be lifted at: Never.

Kidding me somehow?
You've just been TROLLED on TROLLTV smile at the camera!!
Maybe it has something to do with you blackmailing polat_alemdar and threatening him?
I don't know the reason as I wasnt the one that made the ban, but if that wasn't it, then you should get banned either way
Still saying it wasnt you?


That seems pretty threatening to me and in the reason(which I blacked out) he's saying that you are blackmailing him for 20€ or they'll ddos your server
I don't see how is that against the rules.

As RushCrush said, It's not aganist the rules.
and check Vendeliko, he is having 'Vendeliko + Vendeliko. + Vendeliko.. + Vendelikoo'
None banned him?
I want to get unbanned now!

Got me thinking of this.
(Not actual quotes from the South Park episode)
Deserves a ban. Blackmailing of anykind is actually taken as seriously as crimes in the same bracket as attempted murder. Since it can lead to suicide, conspiracy to commit a serious crime i.e blackmail someone else to kill someone.

This may not be the case here but blackmail is a severe classed crime. So a ban is fitting since no one would goto the police about that.
1. Not illegal
2. Those are only for when Im banned on this :)
Defies point of being banned though :p and there is summit in rules stating 1 account per person/email meh cheat da system u evil mastermind
Defies point of being banned though :p and there is summit in rules stating 1 account per person/email meh cheat da system u evil mastermind

Oh, I remember when Panda banned all my 7 accounts xD
Well yeah, I was banned for some other reasons xD
Defies point of being banned though :p and there is summit in rules stating 1 account per person/email meh cheat da system u evil mastermind

Otland Rules said:
Although the administrators and moderators of OtLand will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author. The owners of OtLand will not be held responsible for the content of any message.

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3. Trolling:
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4. Advertising:
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5. Sensitive data:
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6. Offensive language:
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Thank you Scarlet!!

Now im happy ye they told me that when i replyed back to no they started to ddos so you are telling me its joke??

No i didnt take it like a joke and i reported it to Police!

End of Story!
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