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[Netherlands] RealOTS 7.7 100MB/s, Dedicated!

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i know cash is important but it is so easy to make a event like that (almost immature) i just wanna say there are more funny events to make then this one
like i said before they inplented lots of stupid "custom weapons" (so they got more options to donate = more cash for owner = everything is going about cashXD)
like i said before they inplented lots of stupid "custom weapons" (so they got more options to donate = more cash for owner = everything is going about cashXD)

I don't get why you and Danny are complaining about every single thing on this server, you quit cause the exp rate was too LOW and Danny is mad cause he got banned for breaking the rules but he didnt mind playing RealOTS for 3 years.

i know cash is important but it is so easy to make a event like that (almost immature) i just wanna say there are more funny events to make then this one

Give us some examples instead of saying
"This sucks."

:huh:lol wtf is that sword, isnt this an oldschool server? maybe im wrong

The Sword is a donator sword, for 10 coins you can purchase different Donation items or buy Skill Training etc

Incase you're interested
http://www.realots.net/?page=shop for more info
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and you can enjoy me drinking beer all day and talking shit in game chat if you play!
lol without the donation items and if the exp rate was like 5 id prolly play

Yes, we get it, you've been saying that for 3 pages.

If you don't want to play don't, there's no need to write the same thing over and over because the exp rate will most likely not be raised and without the donation items there'd be even less of an incentive to donate.
hahahahahahahahahah ye really oldschool hahahahahahahahaha donator sword ahahahahahaha

We have no gay pvp system, no soul points and no cipbot

How much more oldschool can you get? And to everyone, this is a commercial server, live with it.

And I realize it's hard for you to answer the question I asked you 2 pages ago, since there is no good answer to it.
You played RealOTS for 3 years and I didn't hear many complaints from you, now you get banned and you start saying all sorts of things about the server. I'm guessing you're just pissed, and it must suck even more now that Classic Tibia is down cause I know you played there.
This server was nice, but I don't like all new added items, and also I would like a reset after the messed up time with 5x.. there's lots of mages that is rich as hell because of those times.
Also I dislike having lvl 200+ running around and power abuse on everything that moves..
I would play for now, but I would really start again if there was an reset so everyone have to start over.. it would be more fair

Fair is a relative term, maybe it seems fair to you to do a reset cause you don't feel like you have a chance, but it won't be fair to those that started after the 5x period.

Power abusing isn't as much of a problem now as it used to be thanks to efforts from the Staff and from an organized group of high levels that are working against it. Usually it's enough to make a thread on the forums and say you've been power abused in Game-Chat and it will be taken care of.
Send a PM to Oedipus if you have problems with Power Abusing, he's one of those players that have been organized by the staff to battle power abusing.
not many ppl asked for my help yet
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pr0 oldschool server man with lvl 400's, just like 7.7 on real tibia :D!

not -.-
pr0 oldschool server man with lvl 400's, just like 7.7 on real tibia :D!

not -.-

1 Level 400, got it through donations.
The 2nd and 3rd places on the highscores are Staff characters.

Please can you haters come up with something new to say, Kingdanny and assassinho have been complaining about that ever since page 1 and it got one of them banned.
1 Level 400, got it through donations.
The 2nd and 3rd places on the highscores are Staff characters.

Please can you haters come up with something new to say, Kingdanny and assassinho have been complaining about that ever since page 1 and it got one of them banned.

huh Who?

@server sooo corrupptttt:)? btw report buttom in the left corner gogo!
staff = free high level chars ... nice ot -.-

Yeah, Staff gets privileges in return for being Staff and helping the community, live with it or don't play. Oh, and they're also the owner's RL Friends and that explains why the owner gave them chars.
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