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[Netherlands] RealOTS 7.7 100MB/s, Dedicated!

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hahaha spyke are you really that dumb. what is corruption then in your eyes? if the gm is allowed (in your eyes) to give everyone cash items and account because he is the gm?
hahaha spyke are you really that dumb. what is corruption then in your eyes? if the gm is allowed (in your eyes) to give everyone cash items and account because he is the gm?

No, he's the owner and he's not giving out free items to everyone and everything he sees.

Corruption for me, is if for example someone out of the Staff abuses his position by using his Staff character for his own personal gain.

Let's take an example, say you're 15 and you have a twin brother, if he helps out more then you do around the house and your Dad gives him a present or gives him a privilege like staying out later then you do, would you say your Dad is corrupted?

Same thing here, his RL's have CM's on the server and help out the community, they also set up their own djinn shop and buy items from people that can't/haven't done the quest and in return, the owner does something nice for them for helping out the community. Dennis(the owner) does the same for people that help him out with the server, if you're really good at coding and help by making something he's had trouble with, you'll be rewarded for your effort by getting some cash or a special item. CipSoft does pretty much the same thing and I don't see people claiming they are corrupted, why? Because it's their game.

If however all they did was use their CM Characters to ban people or teleport their own characters around and the owner gave them privileges and items in return, that would be corruption.

Would you call CipSoft corrupted cause they gave the guy that first bought premium a Blessed Shield?
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The thing is, even if people got levels for nothing, they are NEVER participating in any fight/war.
LOL u admitted you were corrupt. fail plx??

I don't think you read my post so here you go

No, he's the owner and he's not giving out free items to everyone and everything he sees.

Corruption for me, is if for example someone out of the Staff abuses his position by using his Staff character for his own personal gain.

Let's take an example, say you're 15 and you have a twin brother, if he helps out more then you do around the house and your Dad gives him a present or gives him a privilege like staying out later then you do, would you say your Dad is corrupted?

Same thing here, his RL's have CM's on the server and help out the community, they also set up their own djinn shop and buy items from people that can't/haven't done the quest and in return, the owner does something nice for them for helping out the community. Dennis(the owner) does the same for people that help him out with the server, if you're really good at coding and help by making something he's had trouble with, you'll be rewarded for your effort by getting some cash or a special item. CipSoft does pretty much the same thing and I don't see people claiming they are corrupted, why? Because it's their game.

If however all they did was use their CM Characters to ban people or teleport their own characters around and the owner gave them privileges and items in return, that would be corruption.

Would you call CipSoft corrupted cause they gave the guy that first bought premium a Blessed Shield?
Spyke is right. Dennis don't corrupt his position and if he did. Why would you care? He's the owner of the server and he can do whatever he wants to. I would allow CM's to give their own chars to get some items none usually gets cause they works with the server which i dont (INGAME) Thats why some chars mabey got some unusually items which you never seen someone have. It's just to live with it nothing else.

Spyke, seriously.. how fun is it for players to know they will NEVER be able to get 1-3 spot in highscores UNLESS they're part of the RealOTs staff (or donate 10 000 Euro and waste 3 weeks in front of a donation npc)... very funny.....

Anyhow, how can it be funny play a server there you're a gm and most likley bann everyone says "fuck you" to you.
also.. How can it be fun play in lvl 300-400 in a 7.7 real tibia server? Demons to a lvl 300 sorcerer is like a rat to a lvl 15...

you can't have fun with hunting with them, no risks.. the most risk you are taking is enter Dhq with 2x spawns and no mana shield with a 300 sorcerer...

and if you aren't using them to hunt for fun, you are around bragning "Omg look at me, I'm 4x high lvl than you, stupid noob! what? ded? me ded you?"

I'm not flaming, I'm telling facts mixed with my opinion..
Spyke, seriously.. how fun is it for players to know they will NEVER be able to get 1-3 spot in highscores UNLESS they're part of the RealOTs staff (or donate 10 000 Euro and waste 3 weeks in front of a donation npc)... very funny.....

Anyhow, how can it be funny play a server there you're a gm and most likley bann everyone says "fuck you" to you.
also.. How can it be fun play in lvl 300-400 in a 7.7 real tibia server? Demons to a lvl 300 sorcerer is like a rat to a lvl 15...

you can't have fun with hunting with them, no risks.. the most risk you are taking is enter Dhq with 2x spawns and no mana shield with a 300 sorcerer...

and if you aren't using them to hunt for fun, you are around bragning "Omg look at me, I'm 4x high lvl than you, stupid noob! what? ded? me ded you?"

I'm not flaming, I'm telling facts mixed with my opinion..

I know you're still playing on RealOTS so I find it funny how you want to paint a false image of the server, Power abusing isn't as much of a problem nowadays as it used to be so there aren't any level 300's ue'ing everyone.

If the only fun thing in RealOTS is highscores for you then you should quit.
open some lexicon plx

Spoof = modify a status file to show something else than the actual numbers of players online..

It's not spoof if it's MC characters, because the characters are actually online.

please sort out your feelings, I said I didn't mean to hurt you, please calm down =(

Spoof = anything that highers the online numbers without getting more players.

Even when the server owner customize the server but let the players do the actual work. For example legalize mc, put unlimited afk time or make trainers.
@Spyke -

Tip: Hold in alt when printscreening the tibia window, and it will printscreen ONLY the tibia window, instead of your entire screen.
never spoofed, the players was online ;)
and you know I've proven it.. or right... you don't listen when it comes to proofs says the other way then your things... you only listen if you get right... :D

well.. again I'm sorry I hurted you

rofl you never proven anything weird kid.
Spyke, seriously.. how fun is it for players to know they will NEVER be able to get 1-3 spot in highscores UNLESS they're part of the RealOTs staff (or donate 10 000 Euro and waste 3 weeks in front of a donation npc)... very funny.....

Anyhow, how can it be funny play a server there you're a gm and most likley bann everyone says "fuck you" to you.
also.. How can it be fun play in lvl 300-400 in a 7.7 real tibia server? Demons to a lvl 300 sorcerer is like a rat to a lvl 15...

you can't have fun with hunting with them, no risks.. the most risk you are taking is enter Dhq with 2x spawns and no mana shield with a 300 sorcerer...

and if you aren't using them to hunt for fun, you are around bragning "Omg look at me, I'm 4x high lvl than you, stupid noob! what? ded? me ded you?"

I'm not flaming, I'm telling facts mixed with my opinion..

Comparing to your servers... Oh well you know the rest ^_^
Could people please stop going offtopic?

This thread is about RealOTS, not about RealSoft spoofing or assassinho cheating.
says the botter that got caught middle of the action and still denies it. now that's pathetic.

You didn't gave any prove, you simple said - because of it being a fast combo it must be a bot.
There are other communication programs then ventrilo you must know.
we talk about realots here, not about any1 botting, not about how realsoft sucks(even though he does).. so please stop changing the topic and talk about the lovely server "REALOTS"
I quitted my char 1-2 years ago and then I tried to get back the account a while ago but the char was banned. Anyone know how to fix this? I thought it was some kind of bug since I didnt play the acc for a very long time but I never got in contact with Dennis and then I dropped it :p
I quitted my char 1-2 years ago and then I tried to get back the account a while ago but the char was banned. Anyone know how to fix this? I thought it was some kind of bug since I didnt play the acc for a very long time but I never got in contact with Dennis and then I dropped it :p

Try making a thread on the Forum or talk to the Staff
email: [email protected]
ICQ: #257188595
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