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Pokémon Online!

it's r0x server?

  • Yeszsz! ;)

    Votes: 422 65.8%
  • Nooooo! ;(

    Votes: 219 34.2%

  • Total voters
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I bought 20 new poke balls and now I got 7. Wasted 13 for nothing and now I lost my total but its around 40 i guess >: 40 poke balls without any pokemons. FAIL OT 1% poke ball success rate ?
Yeah, I just realised. I got kicked from like 12th in line. Now I'm back at 245, though I just re-connected and I'm 75th now :)
ehm.. me too place 100 and i afk 5min then i see it's not trying to connect -.-
I bought 20 new poke balls and now I got 7. Wasted 13 for nothing and now I lost my total but its around 40 i guess >: 40 poke balls without any pokemons. FAIL OT 1% poke ball success rate ?

agree total, should be higher chance... a bit higher

1st place, cant connect again, server is fucked up or what? 5 times in line -.-

im getting online for 10 seconds then kick -.- d'oh

masskicks.. again? ;x
I like the server how it is now.. It's so low rates that I can play this server for a year and still have some goals left, if the catch rate was higher then everyone would have good pokémons. It just needs a better dedicated or one for each server.
I do not see why most of you are in such a hurry tho, most pokemons requires levels to use the good moves. You could easily take level 13 with just ratatas that's what I did then get bellsprout and whatever you want.
agree total, should be higher chance... a bit higher

1st place, cant connect again, server is fucked up or what? 5 times in line -.-

im getting online for 10 seconds then kick -.- d'oh


indeed, for some non-rare pokemon's like rattata's and pidgey's, and some others the change should be higher ;o, and for the rare one's lowerrr change
indeed, for some non-rare pokemon's like rattata's and pidgey's, and some others the change should be higher ;o, and for the rare one's lowerrr change

The starter pokémons is really easy to catch. Each pokémon got a % to get catched, it's probably unique for all of 'em.
H ok didn't knew that, well im online soon, ill speak to ya then :D

nvm, you are not online xD
on my 40~~ poke balls i tryed to catch like 30 poke balls on B-sprout, 3 on nikodan and the rest on a Zubat. and no succes.
Waiting list AGAIN.
This is so shit, I get kicked, then I have to wait in the list over, and over, and over again.
I remember when I was a little kid and playing Pokemon om my GameBoy xD

I was such a geek :O
I remember when I was a little kid and playing Pokemon om my GameBoy xD

I was such a geek :O

Trust me. Your not the only one playing pokemon when you was a kid.
A friend just said "you cant catch bellsprout if ur lvl 1-11 and im lvl 11 omg i will blow this motherfucker game up ! I wasted atleast 3 hours on trying to get one fucking bellsprout and now i got this? What the fuck is it with this fucking wanking retarded fucking hoe ot?
I remember when I was a little kid and playing Pokemon om my GameBoy xD

I was such a geek :O

Trust me. Your not the only one playing pokemon when you was a kid.

I played it too.. I wasn't a geek xD..
Everyone in my school played it, though, this is something new so I'm trying it.. :p
A friend just said "you cant catch bellsprout if ur lvl 1-11 and im lvl 11 omg i will blow this motherfucker game up ! I wasted atleast 3 hours on trying to get one fucking bellsprout and now i got this? What the fuck is it with this fucking wanking retarded fucking hoe ot?

i have to be 11+ to catch it?
Hello! The Pokemon Online server has finally been opened. Here i'll share my and other OTLanders screenshots of the server.
There's around 20 or even more from OTFans playing this server and you're free to join! :D
I'm playing in golden server and most of the peoples from OTFans plays there also. It's usually 900 players online and it have just been online for one week!
This server is very unique and I doubt you have been playing any server like this before. It's a must-try.

random ss

Pokémon Online

And i do what? click it?
I'm fed up with the constant kicks. I might join again once the server has had an upgrade or something.
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