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Pokémon Online!

it's r0x server?

  • Yeszsz! ;)

    Votes: 422 65.8%
  • Nooooo! ;(

    Votes: 219 34.2%

  • Total voters
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Yeah thought so, but I wonder how to get there.. maybe a long way through mt moon :/

Almost died while exploring whole mt moon, got onix on me and had to go a long way back lol xD


About the balls, they made them so expensive so people would rather hunt with normal balls :p

if you wanna go to pewter easy you can always go down the rattata cave in cinnabar and go north till you get to viridian then you just keep going to pewter :D
if you wanna go to pewter easy you can always go down the rattata cave in cinnabar and go north till you get to viridian then you just keep going to pewter :D

You misunderstood me, what I meant was how to get to Jesse and James ;p

I know the way to pewter lol -.- :p
You misunderstood me, what I meant was how to get to Jesse and James ;p

I know the way to pewter lol -.- :p

mm but its easy as hell just go in the city and go there you go for pot of moss bug then you go like < and up on a bridge

took me 5 minutes to get to center with these lags but finally 20:10 Server is shutting down in 4 minutes. Go to a safe zone.
20:11 Server is shutting down in 3 minutes. Go to a safe zone.

Be rdy guys in waiting list
mm but its easy as hell just go in the city and go there you go for pot of moss bug then you go like < and up on a bridge

took me 5 minutes to get to center with these lags but finally 20:10 Server is shutting down in 4 minutes. Go to a safe zone.

Alright thx, that was the next spot I was gonn check lol..
I'm always thinking too difficult -.-
Been surfing around the mountain, killing every fearow etc lol xD
20:13 Server is shutting down in 1 minute. Go to a safe zone.
Btw anyone tried duping items/poke's yet?
It should be possible according to the information I have got together.
Like at these server saves (not every one of them) if you just don't logout and keep running or smth.. After the save you would be kicked back an X amount of tiles.

Which practically means that if you, in that time, gave ur pokemon to a friend (or cash for that matter) and told him to log while you kept running. You would login X amount of sqm back WITH your money (since it didnt save that u gave them away) and since ur friend logged out it saved = money doubled.
Btw anyone tried duping items/poke's yet?
It should be possible according to the information I have got together.
Like at these server saves (not every one of them) if you just don't logout and keep running or smth.. After the save you would be kicked back an X amount of tiles.

Which practically means that if you, in that time, gave ur pokemon to a friend (or cash for that matter) and told him to log while you kept running. You would login X amount of sqm back WITH your money (since it didnt save that u gave them away) and since ur friend logged out it saved = money doubled.

lol bug abuser
Btw anyone tried duping items/poke's yet?
It should be possible according to the information I have got together.
Like at these server saves (not every one of them) if you just don't logout and keep running or smth.. After the save you would be kicked back an X amount of tiles.

Which practically means that if you, in that time, gave ur pokemon to a friend (or cash for that matter) and told him to log while you kept running. You would login X amount of sqm back WITH your money (since it didnt save that u gave them away) and since ur friend logged out it saved = money doubled.

o_O so i can make a clone of my pokemon in that way too?:p
What's wrong with it? They should fix a server before throwing it online with people being able to donate etc.
They are 100% complete morons (BR if you wish).

They don't care about the community or whatever.
And all those BRs are pissing me off.

So what are you trying to say?
20:25 Mark: We have, Poke Ball($8), Great Ball($25), Super Ball($50), Ultra Ball($100), Medicine($10), Revive($150), Small Potion($4), Great Potion($10), Ultra Potion($22), Hyper Potion($50), Poke Bag($10). And I buy feather($5), Apple bite ($6,50), pot of moss bug ($5), leaves ($5,50), bat wing ($5,35),[[[[[[[[[[[ rat tail ($7,00),[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ tooth ($7,00), water pendant ($7,55), bottle of poison (15c), screw (8c), seed (4c), essence of fire (8c), water gem (15c), straw (8c), small stone (4c) and remains of magikarp (35c).

anyone looted a rat tail?
Btw anyone tried duping items/poke's yet?
It should be possible according to the information I have got together.
Like at these server saves (not every one of them) if you just don't logout and keep running or smth.. After the save you would be kicked back an X amount of tiles.

Which practically means that if you, in that time, gave ur pokemon to a friend (or cash for that matter) and told him to log while you kept running. You would login X amount of sqm back WITH your money (since it didnt save that u gave them away) and since ur friend logged out it saved = money doubled.

Not possible, it saves right before the server goes down.
What's wrong with it? They should fix a server before throwing it online with people being able to donate etc.
They are 100% complete morons (BR if you wish).

They don't care about the community or whatever.
And all those BRs are pissing me off.

So what are you trying to say?

I agree with you, there are BR tutors that don't understand 1 single fucking thing in English. It pisses me off.
Actually this is why I said sometimes.
It doesn't always save right before it goes down, I've been getting freeze-kicks before it went down and got kicked back 10 sqm which means it didn't save ;)

Maybe it saves 3-5 seconds before closing down, but whatever, it's still a very very short amount of time to do the duping technique.
Maybe it saves 3-5 seconds before closing down, but whatever, it's still a very very short amount of time to do the duping technique.

True, but doesn't change the fact that it is possible ;]
If you'd sell all your pokémon and it works 1x with ur cash, u'd be richass mofo.

No more fucking around without cash for poké balls :[
True, but doesn't change the fact that it is possible ;]
If you'd sell all your pokémon and it works 1x with ur cash, u'd be richass mofo.

No more fucking around without cash for poké balls :[

I would try and test it out, but unfortunately PayPal for diamond account is broken.
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